A/N: So here's a kind of drabble/one-shot to do with my favourite character's sister and my second favourite character. If it's bad, I blame it on my boredom. Enjoy: D

Pirika stared out of the window, waiting, thinking. She couldn't get to bed. And it was the fault of a certain short shaman.
Horohoro had told her all about Ren, and how much he annoyed him. He talked about how he would take out his Kwan Dao at the slightest comment, and all the random stupid things that they argued about. He also described in excruciating detail about how much pain he could dish out with a bit of furyoku. When Pirika didn't yell at him for not being stronger than him, he kept going.
For some reason, she wondered what Ren was like. Not that she hadn't already gotten a full description from her brother, but she felt a weird desire to meet this Ren her brother talked so much of. Or, ranted.
And that's why she couldn't get to sleep. Because of a boy she never met, she could not just climb into her bed and sleep. So she woke up her brother and told him to show her who Ren was, which he answered with a yes because of the threats she gave him.

"So which one is he?" Pirika asked when they were at the Asakura household. "I already know Yoh, and Anna. So who're the rest"
Horohoro sighed, and replied with a slight tone a impatience. "That's him right there, the one who's being a stuck-up, moody, little rich kid"
Ren ears perked up at what the Ainu had said and reached for his Kwan Dao. "What did you say, Baka Ainu"
"Yeah, that's definitely him." Horohoro yawned. Pirika had gotten him up early for this? Out of all things, this?
"Hi, I'm Pirika Usui!" She chirped. "I'm the Baka Ainu's sister." She didn't seem in the least bothered by the fact that she wanted to meet someone who hated her brother.
"So there's two of you?" Ren rolled his eyes. Pirika hardly noticed.
"Yes there is! And Onii-chan talks about you lots!" Pirika smiled Somehow, to Ren, that sentence sounded really weird. "What does he say?" His curiousity got the better of him.
Pirika thought long and hard, trying to find direct quotes from her source. "Well... he says lots of stuff about how you're really strong with just a little furyoku, and how you get on his nerves"
"That all?" Ren asked. There just had to be something bad he said.
"He mentioned how you're really short and height-challenged, and told me your hair could act like a second weapon!" Pirika smiled again, oblivious to Ren's reaction.
"You WHAT!?" Ren shouted, brandishing his Kwan Dao at her already cowering brother.
"I never said that!!!" He wimpered. "I swear, I never said that! That's just her making bad observations"
Ren rolled his eyes again. "Fine. But I don't believe you"
"He also said you dress like a girl." Pirika continued, still oblivious to what she was 'observing.
"Okay, that's it!" Ren shouted, his Tongari growing and shortening.
"Please don't hurt me!" Horohoro cried.

Awhile later, Ren had calmed down and Pirika got to talk to him properly. Well, what she called proper anyways.
She loved his eyes the best. The yellow shone brightly, like it was it's own lightbulb. And his hair, as much as it looked like a weapon, it's colour was intense. She loved how he talked and... and... everything!
And she only knew him from her brother's description.