Anonymous Saru: Hai Gais! Didja miss me?! XD I kid I kid...Welcome to the second chappie of QNW:3 I hope you liked the first chappie, and I hope I don't let you down in this chappie...But anyways, you know all the important stuff but I guess I'll remind you incase you took a nap and forgot stuff ;3
Rating:T; well coz they kissed? Who knows what will happen in the next two chapters? Oh, do mind what I said in the beginning chapter though, I only intend to take this story up to Edgey's enrollment to that other school kay:3
Disclaimer:I sadly still don't own Capcom D; but we'll see about that (smirks and walks off)
Oh, and the offer is still running on what song I used for the title of this ficclet :D

P.S. this widdle part is written in Edgey's P.O.V. this time :33

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Turnabout Nurse's Office

"Nighty Miles..." Was all I heard Phoenix say. But heck, I was pretty much stunned with what Phoenix had just done. Why had he kissed me?

"Edgey! I caught the nurse just in time! She said she'll digi—diginose—?"

"Diagnose?" I said simply, forgetting how little regular fourth grade students know.

"Yeah that!" Larry said happily as he paused. "Well anyway she said she was gunna diagnose him and...well, I started thinkin' about that Twinkie of Phoenix's...and then she sent me on my way to get him..."

I sighed. Larry can be so forgetful at times...either that or if the word Twinkie's mentioned, wonder how many time's he'd get sidetracked.

"Well, come me carry him." I said as I stood up. It was pretty miraculous that Phoenix didn't fall off my chest, which was where he rested his head after he had passed out.

I looked up when I heard Larry giggle.

"What's so amusing?" I snapped.

"Well—it's just that...heheh...well...haha...just look down!" Larry giggled.

Me, being the ever so intelligent kid, followed Larry Butz's advice and looked down. I winced thinking that the Butz kid was up to his usual tricks, but his hands were at his side. I did however see that Phoenix was clinging to my shirt. I opened my mouth to complain but then realized it would be wasted air seeing as he was passed out.

I sighed and realized that I would be the only one who would have to carry him—so sucking up whatever pride I had left, I gingerly picked the sleeping boy up and walked him to the nurse's office. With Larry Butz giggling behind us—or well, I should say me.

Walking into the nurse's office, the nurse scolded us by taking Phoenix away from her the first time, where she could've probably prevented this from happening.

"At least he wasn't at recess yet..." she muttered as she searched for her thermometer.

Hey it wasn't our fault lady...blame the jerk who snatched Phoenix out of the office. Not us... I thought darkly as I tried to carefully uncurl Phoenix's fingers off of my shirt.

Finally getting him off, Larry decided to help me sit him down on the little bed where all the sickly rested before going back to class or home.

I sat down in one of the chairs next to the bed and had just started beginning to wonder how the nurse would take Phoenix's temperature when she had just arrived in herself with the lost thermometer.

"Larry?" I asked looking at the Butz child, who sat across the room.

"Yeah?" he said, a little unsettled, it was probably by my tone—something like that.

"How come you and half the class call Phoenix Nick?" I asked, getting the lighter questions off of my swelling chest.

"Oh, well duh! God Edgey, thought you was the smarter one in the school!" He paused as he gestured a shrug. "It's coz of his name! Phoenix, but calling him Nix is stupid. So that's how Nick came!"

"Oh." I said rather dumbly. I couldn't believe I didn't guess that. "Alright...but..." I paused. How was I going to form 'How exactly is Phoenix expressing his feelings when he kisses you?' for someone of fourth grade status to understand completely?

"Oh my! My-my-my! He's burning up with a terrible fever!" The nurse finally replied. "He has a temperature of 103!"

I looked up. He didn't feel that hot when I was holding onto him. I wonder what Phoenix it that life threatening? I was just about to question the nurse until she realized she was there and shooed us out to lunch.

"Man, I sure hope Nick's gonna do alright." Larry said. He looked pretty downtrodden. It was probably that Phoenix was the only kind kid in our class that understood Larry.

I sighed. "Of course he's going to do okay. Phoenix has a strong will, or at least I believe he does when his friends believe in him—"

"Yeah..." Larry paused as it registered in his head faster then mind at what I had said. "Wait! Edgey's our friend now?! Nick will be so happy to hear!" Larry smiled. "I can't wait to tell him!" Larry smiled—and then frowned; he turned to look at me. "Edgey...Nickis gonna be alright, right?"

I looked at the nervousness in Larry's eyes and feigned a sigh. "O-only time can tell right now..." I thought nervously, my fingers lightly brushing their way across my lips, praying whatever Phoenix has isn't contagious.

"Well let's go tell the teacher..." Larry said.

I looked up in utter surprise that those words came out of his mouth. Well that he strung together the 'let's go tell the teacher' bit. I always thought Larry disliked teachers. Odd this Butz child.

As soon as we walked into the cafeteria we searched for the teacher.

"Don't you have class or something?" The cafeteria lady barked at us.

"Well, we're lookin' for our teacher." Larry responded, knowing not to test the cafeteria lady.

"What are you talkin' about? Fourth grade is at recess now." Another cafeteria lady responded.

"Really? Well thank you and sorry for the trouble..." I apologized as I quickly grabbed Larry's wrist and dragged him out of the cafeteria.

"Edgey! Would ya' let go of me?" I heard Larry whine from behind me.

"No. And besides you know stealing is against school rules?" I said with a grimace as I tugged him to one of the doors that led out to a small patch of grass and cement.

"Yeah—wait! HEEEEY how did you know I was going to steal something?!" Larry whined again.

I paused to look at him and sighed. "It was obvious, you had said something earlier about wanting Phoenix's Twinkie, but none of us had grabbed it when we departed to take Phoenix to the nurse's office. And besides, I saw that little gleam in your eyes when you glanced at the sweet rack."

"Oh..." Larry smiled embarrassedly. "Hey Edgey?"

I looked up. "Hmm?"

"Why don't ya call Phoenix Nick like everybody else does? I mean...youare his friend right?" Larry said softly.

Oh. Well... How exactly am I going to explain it to Larry? "I...Phoenix's first name is Phoenix, not Nick. It's just a bad habit I suppose."

"He kissed you didn't he?" Larry said softly again.

"What?!" I half squeaked and half yelled; causing Larry to look at me strangely.

"Edgey! Be quiet around the classrooms!" Larry whispered at me. No wonder he was talking in a low voice. "But, don't get Nick wrong, he just thinks that he's thanking you. He did it to me too—and then said that he saw his mom and dad do it so he thought it's not wrong to instead of hugging or shaking somebody's hand to say thanks. That's how Nick says thanks."

I blinked slowly. What Larry had said was confusing as hell—but understandable if you had saw against the ramble he had put into it. "Oh." I said.

"Yeah, Nick's a strange one—but he's generally means well. He doesn't watch that much TV though. He said that his parents don't want it rotting his brain or something on the fact that he said it'd be a closer step to becoming a homo." Larry said.

"Homo is the term for gay, Larry." I said in disbelief that he actually said that Phoenix's parents thought that he'd become a homo by just watching TV.

"REALLY!?" Larry gasped. "Then I owe that poor guy on the street an apology..."

"Let me guess, you called the hobo a homo?" I said as I rested my head in my hands.

"Well..." Larry smiled sheepishly.

I sighed. It was easy getting hobo and homo mixed up together, but I didn't assume that it would be Larry who did the confusing. I thought as I looked out the double doors.

"Larry?" I asked turning my head to the dirty blond.

"Hmm?" He answered simply.

"You—you were the one to steal my lunch money right?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"Yes... I did. But, please don't tell Nicky okay? I-I did it for his sake." Larry said softly, his head down.

"Alright, if you say so. I'll keep it quiet but, only because you said please." I frowned. I wonder what Larry had cooking in that tiny, small brain of his. It was a wonder to us all when he actually said the right answers. But you hardly got those from Larry. It was only a small incident, once in a blue moon probably.

"Well, let's go tell the teacher that Nicky's in the nurse's office, and—well is probably home now." Larry smiled at me as he opened and held the door open for me.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." I said, my mouth twisting into a small smile.

Anonymous Saru: Sorry this chapter is so short (sweatdrop) I just wanted to end it there.

Chibi Phoenix: I have a temp of 103?!

Anonymous Saru: Yeah...sorry about that, but it's needed for the next chapter (sweatdrops)

Chibi Edgeworth: Yeah, this is just a, 'what happened to Phoenix after the small class trial', really, what Kanae means about this story being taken through my enrollment is at the very end.

Chibi Larry: Yup! AND the next chapter! Will be in my POV! SO BEHOLD THE GRAMMATICULAR ERRORS:3

Anonymous Saru: Yeah, I really did try writing the way a fourth grader would think and talk in the first chapter, for Phoenix's POV, thankfully this chapter was in Edgey's POV, so I was slightly saved coz he reads all them smart lawyer books :D Oh, thank you for all the kind reviews too! I really hope I didn't keep you waiting!