Disclaimer: FFXII is owned by the great and wonderful Square Enix. As if you didn't know


First Kiss

When he first kissed her, it was only to evoke a rise in Vaan.

He hadn't been around the two young orphans for very long, but it was blatantly obvious that she cared for Vaan. Not the sisterly type of affection she swore to have, but a much deeper and maturer love than the thief seemed to have for her.

It was painfully clear in the way Penelo's eyes would trace after Vaan's form and how her hands would linger longer on his skin after she healed him. But it was most noticeable to Balthier when Penelo flushed adorably red whenever Vaan paid her any attention, hope radiating from her smile and bright eyes.

Which was why Balthier felt the need to intercede. He couldn't continue to stand by and watch the young girl's heart chip away under Vaan's negligence. Perhaps the mangy thief was too blinded by his dreams of becoming a famous sky pirate scouring for riches, Balthier mused. It almost reminded him of his own carefree youth. He too never noticed what he had until he was forced to leave it all behind. Sometimes on rare lonely nights he wondered what happened to Giselle, his childhood sweetheart; ...and Beatrice...and Estella... Anyhow, that wasn't the issue at hand here. He just wanted Vaan to see the great treasure that lay within his grasp.

So when he noticed Vaan's gaze observing them closely as Penelo shyly returned his handkerchief to him, he knew he had to seize the opportunity. Flirt with the girl a bit. Give her his trademark smirk, speak warm words to her. Not only would it make the girl feel special and appreciated, but it would hopefully knock some sense into Vaan's clueless head.

"I shall wear it close to my heart," he replied smoothly, like any leading man would and bowed low to Penelo. Behind her, he could see Vaan cock his head to the side, looking a bit dumbfounded and cross at the same time as Penelo giggled girlishly at his attention. Upping his game a bit, he swiftly reached out and took hold of Penelo's hand, bringing it up to his lips.

Yet when he kissed Penelo's hand, he didn't expect it to evoke a feeling in him, let alone garner a slight 'rise' as he watched Penelo's pink lips form a surprised 'o,' while a breathy sigh escaped her pretty mouth. Eyes locked with Penelo's longer than he originally intended, Balthier toyed with thoughts of capturing this new treasure. He was a sky pirate himself after all.

Author's Notes

Two updates in a week. Yay me! I know my writing still isn't up to par yet, but I've been toying with this idea for so long that I had to finally write it even though I'm not completely satisfied with it. I'll probably still revise this over and over again, but I just wanted to share it with my fellow Banelo fans out there.

Special thanks to the Priestess of Groove and squishumms! I know there is a major lack of Banelos out there, so I'll try to fill the void. Sorry again if it's not quite as well written as it should be.

Until next time!