Chapter 9

The doors opened and Zhann entered the corridor. John was leaning against a bulkhead while D'Argo and Aeryn stared at the still unconscious Minkara. Zhann got a good look at him.

"By the goddess," she whispered.

"It's a kick in the head," John agreed.

"Is that another human saying?" Aeryn glared at him.

"Yep," John smiled. "Come on, you can't say that this doesn't change things."

"Who are they Aeryn?" Zhann asked.

"That's what we're hoping you can tell us," Aeryn replied. "Of course bear in mind that Moya has given us an arn to figure out what they did to Pilot."

"An arn?" Zhann turned to John puzzled.
"She used the D.R.D.s to torture the Minkara," John explained.

Zhann frowned at that bit of information. "There is no time to lose," she nodded. "Bring him to my lab."

D'Argo hoisted the unconscious Minkara over his shoulder and they all followed Zhann to her lab. John stared at the assortment of trays in the lab as D'Argo dumped the Minkara on the table. Aeryn remained silent for the entire time, as did Rygel.

"This will certainly be interesting," D'Argo stared at the Minkara.

"I'll have my results quickly," Zhann said.

"There's no need," Aeryn spoke.

"What?" John turned to her.

"These Minkaras are obviously Sebecean," she continued.

"You thought I was Sebecean," John reminded her.

"Yes," Aeryn agreed. "However, they most likely are."

"Not all Sebeceans are Peace Keepers," Zhann mused.

"No," Aeryn grimaced. "There have been sects who have turned their back on the way our society is run. These must be one of them."
"Why destroy Leviathans?" John pressed.
"Because," D'Argo stared at Aeryn, "Leviathans are being used by the Peace Keepers as transport ships."

"Can you figure out what kind of poison they'd use?" John brightened.

"We don't acknowledge those who leave," Aeryn explained.

"But it stands to reason that the poisons that Peace Keepers would use would not be far from the ones that they would use," Zhann suggested.

"We don't have much time," Rygel interjected.

They all stared at Rygel and he huffed.

"Think Aeryn," John said. "We don't want Moya any more pissed off than she is at the moment."

A D.R.D. hovered in the doorway and John rubbed his eyes.

"I can't," Aeryn said. "If Peace Keepers wanted to kill Pilot they would have simply shot him."

"These are trying to be…" Zhann trailed off.

"What?" John's head snapped in her direction.

"I may just have it," she nodded.

"Zhann, the rest of the class would like to know," John told her.

Zhann moved swiftly to her shelves and began mixing herbs. John watched fascinated as she concocted a potion of some kind. She walked calmly past them.

"Zhann!" John followed her.

"There's no guarantee that this will work," she said.

John nodded.

They approached Pilot who was still passed out on the controls. Zhann removed the stopper from the vial and she waved it under his nose. Pilot's eyes opened and Zhann poured the contents down his throat. Pilot coughed.

"Pilot," John placed his hand on his head.

"Commander," he said weakly. "What happened?"

"We almost lost you," Zhann replied.

"It's good to have you back," D'Argo said.

"Agreed," Aeryn chimed in.

John smiled as he continued to rub Pilot's head.

"I feel," Pilot stopped.

"It's okay," Zhann said. "You need to rest a bit. Even Moya will be pleased that you are well."

The engines came alive and starburst was initiated. John stared at Aeryn who was also stunned.

"What?" D'Argo yelled.

"Rygel!" John yelled into the communications device.

"I didn't do anything," Rygel answered.

"What happened?" D'Argo demanded.

"Pilot is better I take it," Rygel responded.

"How did you know?" Aeryn wondered.

"Moya used the starburst," Rygel said cryptically.

"What?" John looked at the others.

"Perhaps we should go up there and find out," D'Argo placed his hand on John's shoulder.

"Pilot, feel better," John ordered.

"I shall try," Pilot assured him.

Aeryn walked ahead of both John and D'Argo. They quickly moved to Zhann's lab where they had left the unconscious Minkara, however he was not there. John frowned while D'Argo swore.

"Where is he?" Aeryn demanded.

"Rygel," D'Argo spat.

"I did nothing," Rygel appeared from behind the door.

"What happened?" John demanded.

"Ask Moya," Rygel replied.

"We're asking you," D'Argo snarled.

"A few microns ago the D.R.D.s administered something and woke him up. Then they led him down the corridor and out an open airlock," Rygel explained.

John leaned against the table while the others stared at Rygel.

"Then she initiated starburst," John finished.

"Yes," Rygel nodded. "I shall be in my chambers."

John watched as Rygel left.

"Well, that's that then," Aeryn nodded.

"It would appear so," D'Argo agreed.

They left John in Zhann's lab. John lowered his head and felt a D.R.D. nudge his foot. He looked down at it and saw that it was the one he called Blue.

"Give me time," he whispered.

The D.R.D. left the lab.

A few arns later John stood on the observation deck with his tape recorder in hand.

"Hey D.K.," John began. "It just gets crazier in this place. I really miss home and the good news is that we've made more new enemies. The bad news is that Moya can be dangerous when she's pissed," he stopped the tape and rested the tape recorder against his forehead.

"I thought you would be out here," Zhann's voice came from behind.

John turned and faced her. "Zhann," he smiled.

"Does that help?" she indicated the tape recorder.

"A little bit," John shrugged.

"Something disturbs you, John," she said quietly.

"The list is extensive," John chuckled.

"I'm listening," Zhann folded her hands.

"Doesn't it bother that Moya killed that Minkara?" John demanded.

"All beings are capable of violence, John," Zhann shrugged. "In this case I suspect that it was born out of fear."

"Fear?" John frowned.
"Why else is anyone violent?" Zhann replied.

"Crichton," Aeryn appeared on the deck. "Am I interrupting?"

"No," John shook his head. "What is it?"

"Pilot wants you," she said.

John arched an eyebrow.

"What?" Aeryn demanded.

"No anger at being messenger girl?" John taunted.

Aeryn rolled her eyes and stalked off. Zhann chuckled.

"What?" he asked.

"You're fortunate that she likes you," Zhann observed.

"Yeah," John grinned. "I've been told that."

He left Zhann on the observation deck and went down to see Pilot.

There were far more D.R.D.s than normal, but John realized that it was simply Moya's way of keeping track of Pilot.

"Hey," John called.

"Ah, Commander," Pilot greeted him.

"Feeling better?" John asked.

"Yes," Pilot nodded. "Moya has told me what you did."

"Did she say what she did?" John questioned.

Pilot appeared uncomfortable. "Yes, she told me."

"Pilot," John sighed.

"You have to understand Commander, that she was afraid," Pilot explained.

"Afraid?" John rested a hand on his hip.

"Leviathans always have people who live on them," Pilot sighed. "They are peaceful, but they are solitary. The people who live on them are a way of company. When a Leviathan gets old, everyone leaves and the Leviathan with his or her pilot will stay to die. It is acceptable and understandable."

"But Moya," John prodded.

"Moya is quite young," Pilot continued. "She was faced with the prospect of being left alone and it terrified her. So she acted accordingly."

"She's alive," John murmured.

"Yes," Pilot agreed. "She is very much alive and cares for everyone who stays on board. Even the Dominar."

John felt the smile tug at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, well, Sparky does have is uses."

"Will you be all right Commander?" Pilot asked.

"Of course," John nodded. "Thank you, Pilot."

"Don't thank me," Pilot said. "Moya wanted you to understand."

John nodded and walked away from Pilot. He headed to the Maintenance Bay where his things were located. He found D'Argo there.

"Is everything all right?" John asked.

"I find that it is not," D'Argo sighed.

"Well what are two more sets of people after us," John shrugged.

D'Argo chuckled. "Actually what's disturbing is what Moya did," he sobered.

"Yeah," John nodded. "You know, people where I come from always want to have excitement and adventure in their lives."

"Really?" D'Argo stared at him.

"Yeah," John shook his head. "Right now, I'd give anything to have an ordinary life."

"Perhaps it is not meant to be," D'Argo said.

"Perhaps," John agreed.

D'Argo walked away from John, leaving him to his thoughts. John picked up the tape recorder and pressed the button.

"Okay, D.K. it's like this, I miss being home. But here I am living a life that I would never have dreamed. I guess they were right, be careful about what you wish for. I miss you pal. I hope to see you soon," John ended the tape.

The End.