
Elphaba mumbled back, whilst reading her book, which by now Galinda knew was a silent way for her to continue.

''The dance is next week do you plan on attending?''

Elphaba mumbled back and flipped to the next page.

''I hear they're planning on using a bubble machine.'' She smiled to herself at the very idea and fixed her eyes back on her roommate again.

''Elphie?'' Elphaba rolled her eyes and stared back.


''Do you plan on going to the first dance of this school year?'' She received a shrug in response and was bothered by the fact that she wasn't.

''But you have to come.''

''Why's that?'' Elphaba focused on her book again, whilst listening to Galinda.

''Because it's a social gathering, you now when people talk and dance and have fun.'' Elphaba laughed at this.

''And who would do all those things with me hmm?'' Galinda stared at her hands and fiddled with them.

''I'll talk to you.'' Elphaba looked up from her book at the blonde.

''Galinda you'll be whizzed away by the nearest boy there, I won't see you at all.''

''Well I'll have to learn to say no and pay more attention to my friend won't I?'' Galinda smiled and was happy to see a very faint one appear on her roommates face.

''So you'll come?'' Galinda bounced on her bed.

''If it shuts you up yes.'' Galinda skipped over to her bed and jumped on the foot of it, causing Elphaba to jump into the air slightly.

''Oh you won't regret, I'll prim you all up and you'll have the best time.'' She hugged her tightly and giggled girlishly. Elphaba froze against her, not knowing how to respond and so as soon as Galinda broke her grip from her she gestured she was sleepy, smiled sheepishly and said goodnight to her. Galinda let blushed afterwards embarrassed she behaved the way she did and sunk into her own bed. Why could she never control her own actions when she was around Elphaba? Why did she feel that tingling feeling in her stomach whenever thy touched? Shaking these ideas out of her mind, she nestled down against her fluffy pillow and drifted into a dream she had dreamt so many times lately.

When Galinda woke the next morning she instantly smiled, the sun was shining brightly through the window and breakfast was prepared for her on a tray. Elphaba crawled to her side of the bed and wrapped her arms around her slender waist.

''Morning beautiful.'' Elphaba kissed her nose lightly and begun stroking her hair. Galinda smiled and leaned in even closer to her.

''Morning.'' Galinda closed her eyes as the two of them leant in and gave each other a good morning kiss on the lips.

''Galinda! Wake up!'' Galinda groaned and rubbed her eyes, knowing it was a dream once again. She was always waked up just when it started to get good.

''Galinda you're going to be late for class, if you don't get up now.'' Galinda hugged her pillow and kept her eyes closed ignoring her. Elphaba took the pillow from beneath her and hit her body with it.

''Hey! What are-''

''Up now!''

''Where's breakfast?''

''In the fridge where else?'' Galinda sulked and reluctantly got ready for class.

''Could you pass me my hairbrush please?'' Elphaba placed her hands on her hips.

''Anything else your goodness?''

''Oh whilst you're there could you fetch my-'' Galinda joked and ducked as she threw her pillow at her.

''There we go.'' Elphaba handed her the brush.


''Good dream?'' Galinda stopped combing her hair.

''What do you mean?''

''It sounded like a good dream that's all.'' Elphaba smirked, grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

''See you in class.'' Galinda felt her cheeks go red once again. Had she been talking in her sleep and Elphaba overheard?

''Oh my gosh, oh my gosh-'' Galinda checked herself in the mirror and tried to rid it from her mind as she got ready.