We now see in Johnny's room, where Dukey was on the computer. Just then Johnny came in.

"Hey Dukey," said Johnny "I just got 'Smash Badger: Forget the Titans'. Wanna play?".

"In a minute." said Dukey, who didn't even look his way. Johnny moved in torge the computer to see what he was doing. It turns out that Dukey had been watching reruns of Road Rovers on Youtube.

"Hey, I remember this show." exclaimed Johnny "It's been cancelled for years, Why are you so into it now?" Just then, he notice Dukey's eyes when a scene with Colleen showed up. "You have a crush on Colleen!?"

"No, no I don't!" said Dukey "Okay, maybe a little. But I don't have a problem!"

"Okay. You do know she's only a cartoon character, right?"

"I don't care, it's not like I'm going to find a REAL girl."

"Every try the pond?"

"You just don't get it. Your human, their's lots of you all around. But me, I'm the only dog in Porkbelly and possibly the world who can talk. I don't fit in with humans, because I'm a dog. I don't fit in with other dogs, because I do human stuff. So the only place where I can find my own kind is on a retro cartoon." Johnny then started to take pitty, he never knew Dukey ever felt this way.

"Come on," said Johnny "I know how to fix this".


They are now in Susan's and Mary's lab, and had already ask them a favor.

"No!" Susan and Mary said in unison.

"What, why not?" asked Johnny.

"Because Dad made it perfectly clear that genetic expairiments are aren't aloud in the house." replyed Mary.

"And we can't obviously hide TWO talking dogs under his nose."

"Oh, come on!" said Johnny "Dukey just wants to be loved. You two of all people should know what's that like." With that, the two girls started to soften up.

"Well..." said Mary. But before she could finish, a huge sparkling robot busted threw the floor. The hatch of it's chest opened revealing it to be Bling-Bling Boy.

"Oh Susan," said Bling-Bling Boy "How do you like my new tunnelbot? It has set warmers."

"I don't have time for that Eugene." said Susan "Can't you see we're busy."

"The name is 'Bling-Bling Boy', and don't care! I'll make you mine right here, right now!"

"Oh no." said Johnny "We were in the middle of getting what I want, so go home."

"Out of the way Johnny." said Bling-Bling Boy as he knocked Johnny and Dukey into a large machine(it looks like the Fenton Portal, from Danny Phantom). When Johnny got up he unintentionally pressed a button, making it flash with huge sparks. It distracted Bling-Bling Boy, so much that he didn't notice Susan pulled a switch making laser guns appear from the cealing. The lasers fired on Bling-Bling Boy's robot, reducing it to rubble.

"Well that takes care of that." said Susan.

"What about Johnny?" asked Mary.

"Relax, we couldn't get the interdimensional portal to work. Remember? Johnny and Dukey are fine." replied Susan "Isn't that right Johnny?" She waited for her brother to reply, but no one answered. "Johnny? Dukey?" she called out, now starting to worry. They both looked where they were last standing, but they are gone.


Johnny Test and related characters(c) of Warner Brothers/Cookie Jar Entertainment