A/N: I am so sorry that it has been so long

A/N: I am so sorry that it has been so long. Please don't hate me for it. I am now finished with school. I have 3 months before I start college so I will write as much as I possibly can.

I realized that in a previous chapter I forgot to put that Kasey and Jonathan are half vampires. I'm sorry for any confusion.

I own nothing (though I would do anything to have Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale all to my self). Enjoy.

Chapter 6

"There you are. I was starting to think that you might of already headed back to the hotel room." I heard Jonathan say behind me. I turned around to see him standing there with an all-knowing smile on his face.

"Nope. I have been here the whole time. So did you find anything?" I asked him.

"Yea. So are you ready to head back to the hotel?" he asked.

"Yea. Give me a second. I will catch up to you." I told him and he began to the walk back to the hotel.

"So what do you have planned for tomorrow?" Hayden asked me.

"Nothing really. Jonathan and I haven't really decided on what to do while we are here." I told him

"How about having lunch with me?" He asked.

"Sure. That sounds great. Here's my cell phone number. Just call me and tell me when and where." I told him as I wrote down my number and handed it to him.

He took it and said, "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

I told him goodnight and ran to catch up with Jonathan. He was leaning against the side of a building waiting for me. As I reached him he began walking with me. He didn't say anything and as I searched his thoughts I didn't find anything. We continued to walk to the hotel in a comfortable silence.

Jonathan is not your ordinary brother. He doesn't freak out when his sister talks to a guy. He trusts me and knows that with being half vampire, I can handle my self. My father on the other hand would be freaking out right now. Thank goodness Jonathan wont tell him about this.

I'm not too sure how I feel about this imprinting. It is so weird to feel so much for a person that you barely know. I guess I will just have to deal with it one day at a time and when it comes time to tell my parents I will tell my mother first. She will help when my father flips out.

While I was lost in thought I didn't realize we made it back to the hotel until I saw the doorman. While in the elevator on the way up to our room Jonathan said, "You are being pretty quiet."

"Oh sorry. I have just been lost in thought." I told him. He just nodded. Jonathan's not the kind of person to press matters and I was thankful for that. He is always there to listen when I need.

We got to our rooms and Jonathan went to take a shower and I decided to call my parents to check in.

"Hello?" answered my grandma Esme.

"Hey Grandma. Its me Kasey." I said.

"Kasey. Hey honey, how are you and your brother doing? How was the flight?" she asked.

"We are good. The flight was long. I was so happy when we finally got off of the airplane. You should see the hotel. It is gorgeous. Jonathan and I just got back from eating. He is taking a shower and I figured I should call and check in." I said. "Are mom and dad home?"

"Of course they are. Your dad has been sitting on the edge of his chair waiting for you guys to call and your mom has been with Alice all day. Edward has been freaking out. He is so worried." Grandma Esme said.

"I'm surprised he isn't already on his way out here." I told her.

"He did try." She laughed, "It took Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle to hold him back."

"Why does that not surprise me? Is he around?" I asked.

"Yea. Hold on for just a second and I'll get him." She said. I then heard her calling my dad. Barely seconds later he picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He said sounding out of breath.

"Hey dad. Just calling to tell you that we are still alive." I told him.

"Well that's good to hear. So is everything ok? How is the Hotel room? Is it ok? Do you need anything? I can be…" he said as I cut him off.

"Calm down dad. Everything is fine. We are doing good and the hotel room is perfect. I was just calling to check in before we go to sleep. Jonathan is in the shower and I'm flipping through the channels on the tv." I told him. "Is mom around?"

"No. Alice dragged her off to go shopping so I haven't seen her all day."

"You probably wont see her for awhile with the way Aunt Alice is." I told him while trying to suppress a laugh.

"Well, I will get off and let you get to bed. Call tomorrow morning. Sleep well. I love you and tell Jonathan I love him to." He told me.

"Ok dad. I love you to. Good night." I told him and hung up the phone. Being a vampire he doesn't need to sleep. He will probably be up all night worrying about Jonathan and I.

A few minutes Jonathan was out of the shower and on his way to bed. I told him goodnight then went to take my own shower. I stood in the shower for a long time just letting the hot water run down my body. I was lost in thought about Hayden and the imprinting that seemed to be happening between us. After what felt like hours I got out and got dressed for bed.

That night was full of dreams.

A/N: Yay!! I got another chapter done. I hope you all will forgive me for taking so long. I am going to try my hardest to get more chapters out.

Review if you want to tell me what you think.