She was beautiful.

Everything about her.

She was poise, elegant, gorgeous, and perfect.

He loved her.

He watched her as she gracefully bended the water around her. He imagined what it would be like once he had expressed his deep feelings for Katara.Aang thought about what her feelings were towards him. And suddenly he heard a faint sound. He shook his head trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

"Aang? Aang?!? You ok? You seem so distracted. Do you want to take a break?" Katara said.

"Uh what?? No no I'm sorry, you were showing me a new move?" Aang said rubbing the back of his head slightly blushing.

Katara smiled, "Yeah, here, the idea is to push and pull the water and then once you have a nice rythym going create a big wave to knock down your opponent."

She looked up at Aang only to find that he wasn't there. She frantically looked around when suddenly someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind her. She gasped, it was Aang.

"You mean like this?"

Aang giggled as he knocked Katara down with a huge wave. She spat water out of her mouth and began to laugh. Aang loved their moments together. Even if they weren't quite romantic, it was still just him and Katara. Katara stood up and began to chase after Aang all around. He yelled and laughed as he ran all across the soft grass along the river. He tripped over a tree root. He stumbled and fell tripping Katara over him as they began to roll down a small hill. They laughed as they rolled until they stopped. Aang on top of Katara. They both took a deep breath.

He held himself up with his hands and Katara held on to his arms. What had just been good times of goofing off and playing around turned into a moment of passion and romance. Katara found herself looking deeply into the magnificent grey eyes right in front of her. She had been so oblivious before, how could she neglect all of the special moments Aang and her had shared. She hesitated but then moved her hand to his dark hair, running her fingers through it not once shifting her eyes from his. Aang looked at her hand and then into exquisite midnight blue eyes to see that she was looking at him too. His heart began to race at this intimate moment. Aang's feelings took over his own body as he closed his eyes and began to lean in. He stopped just a centimeter or two away from her lips. Katara could feel his warm breath on her face. He was alittle unsure of himself but he could not take it anymore. He placed his soft lips on hers lightly and gently. Katara felt like she was melting in his arms. This was something she had never experienced before with aang. This feeling, it was so new. But Katara was afraid to admit to herself she loved this feeling, this kiss, Aang. She began to sit up kind of pulling away from him, breaking the kiss.

They stared at each other. Aang's face was completely blank he was waiting for her to say something. Katara was speechless. Aang thought for a second and quickly stood up. He began to think that he had just made a huge mistake. Aang thought to himself What were you thinking?!? She doesn't like you that way! Look at her she won't even look at you! You've ruined everything you idiot. Just go." He slowly backed away from her. Katara tried, she tried so hard to say something but nothing was coming out. His eyes began to tear but he tried to hold them back. Aang saw his glider on the grass, he grabbed it, shaking. Still Katara sat there. Blank expression. Nothing to say. He turned around with his head hanging and tears streaming down his face. He opened his glider and disapeared into the dark gray and cloudy sky.