
Chapter 20: New Discoveries


After Ed's ranting session the previous night, hardly any of the Gryffindors would even look at him. Ed took it all in stride, as he really didn't care too much for many of them anyway. He'd had worse from people who hated the military. The only Gryffindors that even talked to him anymore were Zaneh, Hermione, sometimes Neville, and surprisingly Harry. Though Ed didn't exactly treasure his time spent with the "Boy Who Lived", he was glad that someone else knew what it was like to be alone for something totally stupid.

Once, after yet another self absorbed Gryffindor walked away from him with their nose turned up, Hermione wondered aloud, "How do you deal with all this? It's worse than when people go on Harry-hating rampages."

Ed smiled grimly. "When you've been a 'dog of the military' for almost four years, this stuff doesn't really faze you. At least before, the people had a good reason for their hatred. Compared to that, this massive sulk session is just lame."

Hermione was about to ask what he meant before being cut off when Ed gave her his trademark sarcastic grin.

"Besides," he continued, "All those losers that ran away aren't going to be able to cheat off me anymore."

Hermione grinned. "I guess every cloud has some sort of colorful lining."

Ed stared at her for a second, then laughed. Hermione joined in and they laughed together at her pathetic excuse for a joke. When they got over their stress-induced hysteria, Ed grabbed her arm, and half ran/half pulled her down to breakfast.

Besides the occasional bright patch such as the exchange of laughter, Ed's days grew darker, little by little. People hated him again, he missed Amestris, and he wasn't learning anything about how to help Al.

After another afternoon of fruitless research, Ed was getting desperate.

I've been here for months, but still nothing on human transmutation, OR blood seals. This really sucks. The most I've managed to find out is that Harry destroyed a Philosopher's Stone five years ago, and that the Sorting Hat has a blood seal…Wait.

Ed's mind processed what he'd just been reviewing. He promptly hit himself on the head with the book he was holding.

"Idiot!" he cried, and dropping his book, he raced off to find Harry.

The Golden Trio had hit one of their monthly internal wars a few days before they'd tried to interrogate Ed, and their brief "bonding together" moment had crashed and died once Ron had asked about the boggart. Separated into sides again, Ed wasn't sure he would be able to get the questions he wanted answered out of sheer spite (mostly from Ron).

Harry happened to be in one of his free periods at the moment, and was sitting alone in the Common Room eating Chocolate Frogs, when Ed raced in, stuff flying behind him.

"Harryharryharryharryharry!" yelled Ed, frantic in his quest for answers and thankful that Ron was not present.

Harry whirled around and was face to face with a panting Ed.

"Ed, what's wrong? You okay?" asked Harry, slightly concerned for his friend. Ed shook his head, and stretched up to face Harry, eyes filled with excitement.

"No time to talk! Harry, in your first year, you destroyed the Philosopher's Stone right?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. Voldemort was going to use it to grant him immortality and-"

"Don't care," Ed interrupted. "What I need to know is, who made it, how did they do it, and where did you find this stuff out?"

Harry blinked. He wasn't expecting the sudden interest in the Philosopher's Stone. "It was made by a man named Nicholas Flamel, Dumbledore worked closely with him on developing it, and the rest you should ask Hermione. She's the one who found all this stuff out in a boo-hey, where're you going?" yelled Harry, as Ed took off running.

"Thanks a lot Harry, but I need to find Hermione now!"

The library, she'll be at the library. Hermione's almost as big of a nerd as me, so she'll obviously be there doing her work while everyone else rests and hangs out.

Ed charged into the library, ignoring Madam Pince's reproaches. Scanning the aisles, he saw the one that contained the person he wanted, and collapsed next to her. Hermione instantly whirled around.

"Ed! You startled me!" Hermione exclaimed. Ed was sitting in front of her, panting and sweaty. Hermione took advantage of the time Ed spent catching his breath to stare at him. Just as she was starting to get all tingly, Ed made direct eye contact with her, and captured her. She would've drowned in his gaze if not for the fact that the excited look in his eyes had obviously had nothing to do with her.

"Hermione… pant…I…I need…to find out… pant …where…the book…about the…Philosopher's Stone is. Where did you find out information about it and Nicholas Flamel…pants some more …your first year? Please show me," Ed got out weakly, gasping for air.

Hermione, very pink faced, stood and started to lead him down the aisles until she came to an aisle commonly exercised for research purposes. Examining the titles along the shelves, Hermione pulled out an old, rather large volume with a thin layer of dust on it. Wiping the dust off, Hermione opened the book to the part where she'd found information on the mysterious "Nicholas Flamel", all those years ago.

Ed took the tome with reverence, and without so much as a slight wave, or a nod of thanks, he began to read. Hermione stayed for a while, but then recognized that he just needed to read and would thank her later, so she left.

Meanwhile Ed read on and on about Flamel, how he created his stone, and where to find him. After 2 hours worth of reading, Ed slammed the book shut with a name, an address, and not much else.

I doubt that he actually just used a tricky enchantment and some rare substances and created a Philosopher's Stone just based on that. If he did, I'm going to find out the exact method he used, and create one. Otherwise, he either made a fake, or he killed people. Now onto information gathering round two. Guess I'll just have to skip Herbology today.

Ed hurried along the halls to the Headmaster's office. Vaulting over the gargoyle in a tricky martial arts movement, Ed raced up the stairs by foot, knowing that the escalator mode wouldn't come on unless he gave a password. When he reached the office, Ed checked to see if there was anyone inside. The only living thing in there was Fawkes, and as he was just a phoenix, Ed walked inside.

There was the Sorting Hat, lying on a shelf innocently. Grabbing the Hat, Ed jammed it onto his head, and demanded, All right, where's your blood seal?

My what?

Don't play dumb, I know what you are, and I know how to destroy you. Hell, you admitted it when we met, so don't try lying to me.

Fine, so I AM a soul trapped within a hat. But I am an enchanted soul and-

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I do eventually want to know who you are, but right now I just need to know if they made you the same way I made my brother.

Well, how did you make your brother, Edward?

Haha, you know how. Even if you don't, I'm flash backing it right now, so hurry up and tell me if you're made the same way.

Hmm…well you're right Edward. I am made the exact same way as your brother. By the way, I am the soul of the world's greatest Legillimens, so don't bother blocking off your mind. Not only am I that soul, I also have enchantments on me to strengthen that power, so just open up. It'll make this easier.

Well if you know all this stuff, then you can answer my questions, yes?

Yes I can. Are you sure you want to know the answers though? Because you may not like them

Yes, I'm sure. Tell me!

Well about the Philosopher's Stone, it in fact WAS made the way that is so dreaded by you. But instead of live humans, Flamel used his own energy and blood, as well as blood drained from patients at St. Mungo's. As the defective blood was pulled from a person's body to be replenished with new blood, Flamel felt no guilt. Now, this blood had to be removed because it was tainted with many magical diseases, enhancing it's magical quality. This make the Stone work as if several humans had been sacrificed.

Ed nodded from inside the Hat, processing this. He'd known Flamel was already dead from his previous library scouring.

What about my brother?

There was a long pause. Finally the Hat began again.

Edward, your brother can be restored, but for most wizards the enchantment takes several decades to learn how to do. This is because the enchantment allows the caster and the soul to enter the Gate, and take back what was lost. However, most casters normally die in the attempt, as they have not provided a large enough passage fee. The enchantment allows the bound soul to enter without a fee, but the caster still has to pay one. I told you, you wouldn't like it.

Ed thought for a moment, then yelled into the Hat's interior (with both voice and mind)

"What's the enchantment and how long will I take to learn it?"

The book containing it is called "True Knowledge" and is in the Restricted Section. You're going to have to find a good excuse for getting the book. Also the title is actually the formula for opening the Gate, so most people just pass it by. The book should tell you how long the enchantment would take you to learn, by the level of understanding you have of what the book is telling you. You might want to make yourself scarce soon, the Headmaster is coming up the stairs, ended the Hat, obviously amused. Ed yanked the Hat off his head and put it back on the shelf that he'd found it on. Finding no good corner to hide in, Ed leaned into a hollow in the wall, and transmuted a wall in front to find himself.

Dumbledore opened the door of the office, walked through, and straight into a smaller room that opened up onto the upper tier. Ed took advantage of the small window of time to leave the office and flee to the Gryffindor Common Room.





Hurray for finally having some crap make sense!! Plot structure joy!!


Okay, um, I'm having a bit of a dilemma, as I have a huge gap in this story. A hole, an unused space of time that you will notice when I pass over it in later chapters. I am talking, my readers, about All Hallows Eve, more commonly known as, Halloween.

I don't have anything planned for it!! I have stuff for the winter break, some notes for exams, but nothing for Halloween!!
(well technically I had a storyline but it was craptastic and not going anywhere, so it's dead, buried, forgotten, and off limits for questioning)

Anyways, long story short, I need help. Ideas are welcome, and my favorites shall be warped and convoluted to suit my own ends. Please help me


"If at first you don't succeed, start obsessing over someone who has."