They spent the rest of the dinner, happily discussing various things, new investigative techniques, the standard of the film, their best memories, both happy just to be in each others company, eventually, near the end of their desert of their desert, the topic turned to their hopes and dreams for the future. Grissom was the one who started the discussion.

''So go on then, I now know some of your memories, all the good parts of your past. But I don't know yet about your future, what do you want for your future? What are your hopes?, What are your dreams?''

''Well, I'd like to be able to buy y own house at some point, move up in work at some point and find something to occupy me really, something to take up my time when I'm outside of work. Don't get me wrong I'm not after marriage or children or anything right now. I just need something to take up my time out of work. I thought about taking up dancing, maybe ballroom. But what about you? What are your hopes and dream?''

''I want to find a job where I can just work on the actual CSI part instead of the paperwork section, I want to ride on a roller-coaster in every continent where it's possible, re-read Moby Dick, go back to the rainforest, ''he paused and looked her directly in the eye, ''and be the something for you to spend your time out of work with, be the something that distracts you from work. And I'd like you to be the one who I spend every moment thinking about, the one I take my time trying to please and the one who take up all MY time out of work... If you'll let me''

He saw the slightly overwhelmed look in her eye and started trying to find his way out of the hole he thought he had dug himself into. ''I mean only if you want to, and I don't mean right now, obviously I mean, we'll take things at your pace, and I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do, and'' He was interrupted by Sara reaching her hand across the table and taking his hand in hers. ''Yes, I will, if things work out well I mean, but yes, I'll let you be my distraction and I'll be yours, if thats still OK?''

''Always'', he replied, taking her hand up to his face and kissing her palm.

''You wanna get out of here?'' She asked after they had finished their pudding and payed the cheque in silence, just staring at each other. ''Yeah, go on then.''

He took her hand as he walked her to his car. They drove the rest, still not talking, Sara watching Grissom, with her hand on his knee. Just to maintain contact more than anything else. He pulled up outside, went to open the car door and escort her to her apartment door. He kissed her on the cheek and turned to walk away, back to his SUV. ''Do you want to come in for a coffee or anything?'' He turned and headed back to her door and let that be his answer as he walked in and settled himself on the sofa. She came and sat next to him, both of them completely forgetting about the coffee she had promised him.

He reached out and twirled his fingers around a lock of hair, trailing over her face and locked eyes with her as he tucked the piece of hair behind her ear. He leant forward, and placed a hand palm-down on her cheek and slowly rubbed his thumb over her cheek bone. She slowly closed her eyes, relishing in his touch. He carried on leaning in and slowly started to kiss her, she almost pulled back for a second, shocked by the tenderness of his kiss. She slowly returned his kiss, pulling him up from the couch as she did so. Still not breaking the kiss, she took both hi hands and pulled him towards her bedroom.

The End

Even though we know that stories like this never truly end, but just to finish it off better in your minds, they both became the people who took up the others life outside of work, eventually did get married, and who knows about the kids? We will just have to wait and see, they may make an appearance later and they may not. And yes, Catherine did get the truth out of him, long before anyone else, but it still took her just over 2 full weeks. Brass then cracked it about a month later, but they managed to keep it from the rest until about a week before their engagement, when they wanted to gage their reactions before the official engagement. But yes, Catherine was the first to find out. Sara also learnt ASL (sign language) and currently gets on very well with Grissom's mother.

Hope you enjoyed it, my first proper fic, as in longer one

please R&R if you haven't already and thanks to the ones who already have, your comments mean a lot, especially all the encouragement you have given me, it means a lot to me both personally and as an aspiring writer. You might want to be careful though, too much encouragement and it might persuade me to write another and inflict that upon you as well.

Also just to clear things up, yes the restaurant was real - no advertisement intended - it can be found at both main outfits of Sara's which were described were not done justice by my explanation and as I lack imagination when it comes to clothing I took inspiration from these images (btw the dress is gorgeous so would suggest checking out at least that image.