"Okay so this is how it works." Alice handed Rosalie a jar of Vaseline.

"What's this for?" she turned the jar in her hands.

"Put some up your nose." Alice explained joyfully like that wasn't an incredible weird answer.

"Put some up my where?" Rose's eyebrows lifted so it made creases in her forehead.

Alice shook her head and smiled. I looked up at Edward. His face was stuck like Rose's.

"If we are going to play hide and seek, it wouldn't be fair to Bella if we could just sniff her out so-o easily." She looked at me and smiled.

I don't know how my face looked probably something like horror. I couldn't speak that was just uh weird.

"Alice, you know that its not just her smell that attracts us to her, its her…" he hesitated. "being." Jasper spoke, for probably the fourth time during the trip.

Edward's grip around my waist grew tighter.

"Oh trust me I know that. You are just delicious, Bella. But it's better than nothing and it puts just a little challenge to it." She smiled the whole time she spoke. She was not going to let anyone ruin the fun.

I looked at everyone's face, it was unreadable. Alice nodded her head at Rosalie. Rosalie opened the jar and scooped up a handful of the gunk. She sniffed it and shivered. Then, unwillingly, she shoved it up her nose. Her face was stuck in pure terror. I couldn't help but chuckle. Emmett, of course, was laughing hysterically. She shot him an angry look. That only made him laugh harder. I feel Edward holding in a laugh. When she was done, she handed the jar to Emmett and smiled viciously. Rosalie walked toward me and sniffed me.

"Wow, covers the smell mildly. Enough that if I was far away, I might not recognize it." She walked away.

"Oh goodie, I'm glad. Is everyone vaselined up?" she scanned the room. Everyone's face was in discomfort. I felt bad that everyone had to do this all for me.

"This does feel a bit weird doesn't it? Alice wrinkled her nose.

Luckily, you couldn't see any of the stuff or I could have felt nausea. They all laughed. Jasper walked over and turned off the lights. A flashlight came on and turned towards Alice's face.

"Boys vs. Girls. No rules. Find and touch someone and then they become on your side. Girls hide first. Boys count in that corner for one minute. You can move your position, run and scream, whatever you want just don't get caught. All supernatural senses off too." She smiled and turned off the light.

It was dark. I was a little scared. I felt Edward kiss me on the cheek and then his grip slipped away from my waist. Then, I heard a voice from the darkness.

"Ready, set…" a hand grabbed my wrist. "Go!"

I was pulled in some direction by the hand. "Come on, Bella" Alice whispered.

"One, one thousand, two, two thousand…" the boys were counting.

I was running with Alice or more being pulled. My eyes were adjusting. I was shoved into a cold place and heard a door shut. I was having fun, surprisingly. I moved back to hide more in the room which, I had no idea was. I felt long and tube like fall on my head. I think it was a broom. I thought in my head. Thanks, Alice for shoving me in a closet. So, original. I couldn't help but have a smile on my face, though. I heard footsteps. I floated back behind some old coats and closed my eyes. I couldn't hear anything. I was lost in my thoughts of Edward. Time passed. When would he find me? I couldn't wait forever! My eyes opened. I couldn't help but look for Edward. I walked out of the closet. I stuck my hands out in front of me so I wouldn't fall. I tumbled around the log. I could hear the scream of Rosalie when I assumed Emmett found her. I continued to tumble around for a moment before I fell. I didn't hit the floor and I didn't expect to. I found myself mildly hurt from hitting the marble arms of a vampire.

"Bella, I'm supposed to find you." Edward.

I smiled. "I couldn't wait".

I heard him sigh then laugh. "Of course not. I knew where you were I just wanted you to feel like it was difficult for me."

"A little too difficult, you think." He laughed again.

He lifted me onto my feet. I was assuming he could see because his hands were holding my face. I looked up to where I thought his eyes should have been. I could feel him pulling me closer to his body. I knew it was his body because I felt the radiation of cold. Then, I felt his lips against mine moving. I was startled because I couldn't see but I moved mine along with his. He was getting passionate.. He slid his arm up my back. He spoke between breaths. "Bella". Kiss. "You know." Kiss. "I'll always come find you." Another kiss. "I know" I was breathless. I broke away only for a second to catch my breath. He kissed my neck while I inhaled. Then the lights came on. We both looked over to where the switch was. Alice.

"Great game. I think Bella was actually last to get caught!" she pointed to me.

"Who wants to play again?" Alice asked. I looked around. No one looked ready for another round.

"Fine!" she pleaded.

"We can just go to the Jacuzzi!".

"Jacuzzi!" We all said at once.