a/n- okay guys, yeah, i know, you're gonna hate me cuz this is the shortest chapter in the history of chapters. but it's more like an intro. are you following? PLEASE REVIEW! AND ENJOY!

Bella POV

There was only one thing I forgot to take up, when I entered in a bet against Alice. Alice Cullen, was in fact, a physcic.

"Okay, Alice, you're on. If I succeed in running once around the track not falling more than three times, than you can't take me on any shopping trips, or make me into a Bella Barbie for a whole month!" I was feeling smug, overly confident in my ability to not hit the ground.

"What?" she gasped. "That is totally not fair! A whole month?"

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Fine," she huffed glaring at me. I let out a giggle of delight. She held up a finger to shush me. "But, if You, Isabella Marie Cullen, fail in that task, I get control over you for a whole week. That basically means I can take you shopping whenever I want, play Bella Barbie whenever I want, make you play any games, etc. etc. I basically own you. Is that understood?"

My eyes widened in horror. I couldn't believe I was going this. I glared at her. "Fine," I pouted, shaking her hand.