Disclaimer: Thou shalt knowest that I say sooth; I DO NOT OWN!!!!

Oh, btw, at the end, I will show you my inspirational music… :D


Important A/N at the bottom…

1/20- Well, shit. I started this on 1-15, and got it done, only to hate it and use the last one as a guideline to make this better. Here I am, trying to finish this, and I can't help but hate my writing… but seriously, the last one was BAD… Anyways, ON WITH THE CHAPTER(again….') !!!!!!

Unknown POV

"I knew, my dear, that you would be ever so helpful, and I was right! Simply wonderful!" It clapped its hands together like a schoolgirl. But, what could I have done to have helped this voice? It was so beautiful, like a church bell, calling everyone to mass. The voice was fit for kings, yet he was thanking little unimportant me. What had brought this on? Had I cracked and spilled information I didn't know I had? I know I was tortured for three days(obvious much?), by that little girl who had some sort of mechanism that was triggered by a smile, the smile that caused me immense pain. She would smile, and I would scream. I took to calling it the Angelic Smile of Hell after a while. I could move freely, but she was the fetters that bound me, bound me to this prison. She was the same age as me, perhaps a bit younger. She was still scary. But scary in the beautiful yet deadly way, the one that draws you in and never lets you out.

"But, Mr. Voice Sir, I didn't do anything! Where am I? I can't see!" I was frantic right now. Maybe this was hell. Maybe I had died at the stake, like I should have. I could never lose anything. I always knew what would happen in advance, and how to counter it. I was the pride of my village, but had the most secrets. Ulisse- no. I won't think of him.

"Ah, my dear, it was not bad, it was very, very good. I can keep you now. What do you think of that? You will be safe here." The voice sounded gleeful, yet soothing. Maybe I had done something useful, and had just forgotten.

"S-s-so you won't kill me? I can stay with you? For real?" I couldn't help it, hope crept into my heart. To be loved, no, to be cared for, that was all I could ever hope for. No, stop. No one cares. I slowly crushed the warm glow that would only bring me deeper into the dark. This person, of all people, wouldn't care for me. I was just another tool to him.

"Dearest, of course you can stay. I would be delighted!" He sounded genuinely happy I would stay here. Church bells rang at that moment, and I knew that was God's way of telling me that I had finally found a heaven of my own(irony, neh?). The church bells calling everyone to mass as I was accepted into a home of my own. Wait, mass. I wonder-? No, not even my new mysterious benefactor would be kind enough as to let me go to St. Marcus' Cathedral. But, what do I have to lose? My life? As if that is worth anything. Then, tentatively, he spoke those unexpected words, the words I had been dreaming of.

"Would you like to go to Sunday mass?"


Everything was going according to plan. The girl, Arianna, readily accepted me, and after taking her to mass, I excused myself to 'talk to the bishop.' She was so naïve, and she had not a clue of what was going on around her. I intended to slowly gain her trust, and then slowly reintroduce her to the world as my right hand on the Court of the Volturi.

I breezed by Gianna, not even acknowledging her presence. The world seemed to be in the same mood I am, the sun was out, the birds were singing, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I enjoyed being out in the sun, the warmth beating down on me, and I looked at my hand, always enthused by my sparkling skin (Geez, gay or what?).

I slowed down even further as I reached the Court of the Volturi. I knew I would have to explain a lot. I organized my thoughts until they were in a single file line, ready for me to present, the rest stored away for later use. I walked up the stairs, into the courtroom, and took my place as King Volturi. The room was silent as they watched me stroll down the carpet to the throne. I quickly sat down, and, even though I had anticipated it would be bad, it was worse.

Immediately, the silence broke as the din of vampires trying to have their questions heard over another. I motioned, and the room fell silent once again. One lone voice stood up and asked its question,"Why can't we abolish the court, and give everyone fair chance to speak?" I nodded politely, and looked at Felix. As head of the guard, he knew what that meant. He took Jane and escorted the speaker out. Screams of pain were heard, but were soon silenced. The smell of burning vampire, a strong yet sweet smell, pervaded the air. Everyone breathed deeply and looked on, hoping they weren't next.

"Now, down to business. First up, I would like to make my apologies for being late. I am sincerely sorry for making you wait, but I had business to attend to." I bowed deeply, so they could see my shame, and sat again.

"First up." They gathered in a line, looking like sheep gathered for execution, knowing one wrong word will cause a 'meeting' with the guard. I struggled to contain my laughter, as they were more subdued than usual, obviously due to the death they had just scented.

The court drug on, each coven making their complaints, and I grew increasingly more bored, wishing they would just go away. Finally, an hour later, the complaints slowly stopped, and the royal family and the guard were left alone in the large echoing room.

"Caius, Marcus, guard, let us move to a more… private room. I have matters of importance that must be kept secret." I emphasized the word private, hoping the eavesdroppers outside would get the hint. Most did, and they slowly shuffled away. I could still smell a few, and so we took matters into the 'king's suite.' We let go of the tension caused by the weekly Court of Complaints.

"Now, first. The girl I discovered, Arianna, she is what I had hoped for, and more. She is truly a seer." I stopped, letting everyone take this in. Caius raised his eyebrows, while the guard simply looked at each other. Marcus, however, had something to say.

"Aro, what do you mean by more than you had 'hoped for?' Surely she cannot be that great. She is just another seer." Ah, Marcus, that is where you are wrong.

"Ah, but Marcus, brother, she is not just a seer, she is the seer. She is the thing to make our timing, and our dealing with situations, impeccable. We will appear to be all-knowing, and dear Arianna will be the tool." Caius' eyes widened just a bit, Marcus appeared taken aback, and the guard grinned almost simultaneously.

"You see, she is a seer, but that isn't all. She goes into a trance, and she sees what will happen in clear detail. She also sees every possible outcome of the situation, and can tell you how a certain situation will come to be. The power she holds… It is amazing." I enjoyed watching the reactions on the faces of everyone. They all wore the same look of surprise.

"What she saw is of next importance. She saw a certain red-headed female with an army of newborns headed toward Forks. Normally I wouldn't care, but she is leaving an obvious trail, and soon it will get out of hand. We must take action now. Felix, choose your group to take with you. We must have you ready to go by dusk. Good luck, I will be working with Arianna on her powers. Report when you are done. Oh, and drop in on Bella Swan, we need to check on her status." I already knew, but they needed to see for themselves.

I headed back to pick up Arianna from the church. She was frozen, staring at nothing. I quickly picked up her hand, only to recoil at the thoughts I heard.

A brown-haired girl, sobbing on the floor, torn with immense pain in her heart. She looked up, and her scarlet eyes pierced through my body.

"Looks like I have joined the 'damned ones' now…"

Ok, looong A/N… I'll start with names. Arianna- Italian for pure. Ulisse- Italian for hate. I did me homework! Ok, I had a really perverted thought. Arianna is say… 15, 16, neh? Aro is like in his 20's, 30's… Yet they already have a relationship forming, whether I meant it to or not… D-: Should I have Aro x OC?

If you guys have an opinion, tell me… Next chapter will be a long A/n of the customs of the Court of the Volturi! Then back to Bella and Jacob:D! Also… I had little bold asterisks at random parts in my story…

- This is around May, June? I am not sure…

- hehe, didn't you just want to see glomped by an overenthusiastic werewolf? I was sooo tempted to put it in… but it isn't professional-like… plus it is a fanGIRL move! Mostly:D

Also… for the dense out there… 3 days of 'torture by the girl' were actually her transformation, she doesn't know anything about vampires…

Also… The trances kinda prevent her from going into bloodthirsty imam-kill-you-mode for around a day… Sorry, but I forgot… and it will be hard to put in there…

Also… I just finished rereading Ender's Game… so I have the temptation to put 'neh', or random battle slang in my writing… .'

Last also…

Also… I need you guys to tell me if my portrayal of Arianna was completely horrible, or if it was ok! Aro's too… I want to get better at writing, but I can't if you guys only say 'update soon!' While I enjoy that you love my story that much… I want some help, unless you think it is too amazing to need any help, then just say so! I will give 2 platefuls of cookies to anyone who tells me how to better my writing!

