School was finally over and not soon enough as far as Natsuki was concerned. Since she missed lunch with her fiancé, she was just itching to see her as soon as possible. And so, our lovable puppy made her way over to the student counsel room hoping she'd be able to make up for the quality time that was lost.

"Shizuru said the meeting starts at 5 so that'll give us about at least 30 minutes… No one else better be there or I might do something drastic. I haven't had a chance to spend any time with her ALL DAY because of all these crazies!"

Good thing her brooding came to an end. Otherwise, she would've walked right into the door. Natsuki carefully slid open the door and poked her head in. She saw Shizuru sitting behind a desk at the front of the class. It appeared she was writing some very important notes judging by the serious expression on her face.

"Ara… Natsuki~~~"

Not knowing why Natsuki suddenly felt bashful. She shyly walked in closing the door behind her. She kept her head down a bit hoping Shizuru won't notice the blushing... Again. But how can one not notice such a cute display? Certainly not Shizuru. If she didn't have the self control she did, the next moments would have X rated all over.

"Hi Shizuru…"

"I was worried when you did not come to have lunch. Did Natsuki find another pretty girl to replace me with already?"

Yes, Shizuru had discipline. However, she was still only human. And all humans have at least one craving they can't deny. For Shizuru, it was teasing Natsuki. The girls reaction was like a drug so as far as Shizuru's concerned, it's Natsuki's fault her for addiction.


Suddenly, events that occurred on her way to meet Shizuru for lunch flashed in her mind. Particularly, the weird ninja girl.

"She means nothing to me! I swear!"

Why... did that sound so wrong?

Natsuki pondered. There's just something not right about what was said so abruptly.

It's a very rare for Shizuru to be surprised by anything. She's always prided herself for being able to adapt to any situation no matter how unexpected it might be. However, this is no ordinary circumstance. This had to do with Natsuki and another female that was not her. Oh the hell's gate was about to be opened with a fury.

"She?... You were with another girl during lunch and that is the reason for your absence?"

It took Natsuki few seconds to piece together just why what she blurted indeed sound so wrong. Hoping to remedy the misunderstanding, she quickly went into what actually happened. It was bad enough there were rumors about her being a player. It's another for your fiancé to be thinking it.

Luckily, it seemed to do the trick as Shizuru dangerous aura started dissipating.

"Rainee-chan you say... Ara... She is turning out to be quite proactive."

"You know her?"

Natsuki asked in surprise.

"Not quite. I have never actually met her. However her name was on the list that I received yesterday."

Shizuru replied calmly as she walked closer to Natsuki.

"List? What list? You have list of loonies that comes to this school? Can I see it? Then maybe I can avoid them!"

Shizuru couldn't help but chuckled knowing that Natsuki was serious. And she couldn't blame the girl aware of all the events she's gone through the past few days.

"No puppy. It is not a list of 'loonies' as you put it. Her name was on one of the school club's members list. I believe the name of this club is Midnight Wolf?"

Natsuki's brow furrowed as her face morphed into an expression of deep thought.

Okay… so what's more disturbing. The fact that someone actually named a school club Midnight Wolf? Although wolves are really cool. Or the fact that the school would approve such a name? This school is seriously so weird! Wait… if Midnight Wolf really exist… then…

"Is there a club called Amethyst?"

"Why yes, there is. I assume you have... come across a member?"

Shizuru replied with a just a slight hint of uneasiness.

"That's one way of putting it. Wait... that weirdo said something about you being their 'ruler'. You're not... really their ruler or anything like that are you? Please PLEASE say you're not. There's a limit to the weirdness I can handle and I think I've already exceeded my limit for the day... "

She sat down on a chair nearby with her head hanging down, shoulders slumped. It was such a pitiful sight. Hoping to comfort her, Shizuru sat down on her lap and pulled Natsuki into a gentle hug. And again, she began to explain in little more detail regarding these so called clubs.

"No. I am not their 'ruler'. Nor am I involved with their club."

Shizuru stroking her hair so tenderly was already pacifying Natsuki's weary mind. Hearing that Shizuru's not mixed up in all that craziness was just a plus. So why would Rainee-chan say such thing? Natsuki didn't know the girl too well either but she didn't seem like someone that would lie about such thing.

"Then why did she say you are?"

Shizuru unconsciously sighed. It's not as if she didn't expect something like this. But she didn't think her fans would be so quick to act.

"I am sorry for not telling you sooner about them. I did not think they would try to oppose to the situation this quickly."

"Oppose? Oppose what?"

"You... Us... This will most likely sound 'weird' to you but, the Amethyst club... They are my fan club. I suppose some of them are having a hard time accepting that we are together. While others, like Rainee chan have embraced the fact. They find you to be quite charismatic."

Hearing how Shizuru has her own fan club actually didn't surprise Natsuki. Somehow, it felt like it'd be more strange if she didn't have one. Nonetheless, this situation itself is still just bizarre.

"You're right. That does sound weird to me. Then why is that girl trying to protect me? Is Amethyst and Midnight Wolf in some sort of turf war? Is that why that Rainee girl was protecting me?"

"I suppose you could say that. Rainee was actually a member of the Amethyst. But as I have said earlier, she is one many others that have embraced our relationship. Which is why the Midnight Wolf club was created. As I said earlier, they find Natsuki to be very charming. In a way, they are your fan club."

Shizuru having her own fan club is understandable. She's been attending this school for how many ever years. She's pretty, smart, sophisticated, and much more. But why her? Okay, so many she had good looks to go by but what else was there for her to have fans in such short time?

"I don't understand. This is what... my 3rd day here? They don't know anything about me other than that I'm a transfer student who just happens to be your fiancé?"

Shizuru pulled away slightly to look deep into those soft green eyes. It astonished her that Natsuki didn't realize how alluring she really is.

"Natsuki... You... are... fascinating..."

As each one of those words were coming out, Shizuru felt her lips getting closer and closer to the other. And just when their lips are about to meet, the door suddenly opens wide open.




Umm... I'm sorry? *holds up puppy #1* No? How about this? *holds up puppy #1 AND #2*

Yes, I am alive and somewhat kicking. I can't believe it's been 3 years since the last update. If you want to see what kept me so occupied, part of the reason can be found on YouTube! Do a search for "Yorkies Version on Tug of WAR!" or "Yorkie: Buring snack!"

I know the style/writing is sloppy. Again... Sorry. I'll try to be better on the next chapter. Hopefully, it won't be another 3 years. ROFL o_O

Special thanks to:

Silverice90 - Sent me a pm not too long ago and guilted... I mean reminded me that I still had some unfinished business here. :p

dsaANON - I know you're lurking somewhere! Where are the stories?

LittleDemonInside - Where are the updates? (I know... total hypocrite, right? LOL)

DezoPenguin - Always love your SHORT but wonderful omake theater! Please update soon... (Again... hypocrite... *sigh*)