General Wicked Disclaimer: I do not own Wicked or any of its characters.

Gelphie Disclaimer: This story contains Gelphie. If you don't like this kind of stuff then don't read.

Rating is T: For violence and mild language.

Author's note: Not too long after finishing my other story "Beauty and The Witch." that is based off of "Beauty and the Beast." I thought I could try another story based off of another Disney classic.

So... this story, "A Different Kind of Magic," is a AU, that is somewhat based off of the movie, "Aladdin." Feedback is always welcome and enjoy!

A Different Kind Of Magic

"Elphaba! Elphaba!" An old woman shouted loudly in her store. "Elphaba! Damn it, where is that girl?"

"I hear you, Yackle, I hear you." A young green skinned woman around twenty years old answered, as she ran from around the corner.

"Elphaba, I got another message for you too deliver." Yackle said, as she handed a scroll to the girl. "This message needs to be given to Boq the Tin Woodsman rather quickly."

"I'll get it to him in no time at all." Elphaba answered, as she took the scroll and put it in her pocket.

"That a girl. Now off with you now." Yackle replied, with a smile. Elphaba nodded her head and took off as fast as she could.

Now Elphaba lived in the city where the great Emerald City was. She worked a job as a message delivering scrolls when need be. It was a terrible paid job, but she was lucky to have it. You see Elphaba was an orphan who lived in a run down shack with her sister, Nessarose, and their pet flying monkey Chistery. Elphaba worked hard to take care of Nessa who was crippled. Ever since Elphaba's and Nessarose's parents died when they were just kids they had been living in extremely poverty. But Elphaba was just happy they were together, and with every gold coin she made was one step closer to hopefully getting a better life.

The streets of Oz were extremely busy at this time, but Elphaba had delivered so many messages she knew what ways were the fastest so she could beat the crowds. In the afternoon was the prime time for the market place. The Ozians were busy buying and selling until the sun started to sink away.

On her way to give the message to Boq she ran passed her sister Nessarose. Since Nessa was crippled, she couldn't help her sister in delivering messages around. However she played the flute beautifully, so she would sit in the marketplace and play. Hoping to make some coins from Ozians passing by.

"Hi Nessa!" Elphaba greeted her, as she ran by. "Bye Nessa." Nessarose nodded her head as her green sister passed in acknowledgment but continued to play her flute to the crowds.

As Elphaba rounded the last corner and she soon came to Boq's tin shop. She pushed some of her raven hair out from her eyes before entering the shop.

When Boq saw her he put down a his work and greeted her, "So what can I do for you?" Everyone knew Yackle's green message girl, Elphaba.

"I have a message here for you." Elphaba said, as she handed him the scroll and went to leave.

"Hold on there." Boq called to her as he handed Elphaba a pear for her trouble.

"Thank you!" Elphaba said, as she placed the pear into her coat pocket. She was very grateful. It wasn't often that she got tips. After the pear was safely put away she headed off back to Yackle.

"That was fast." Yackle said, when she saw Elphaba run back through the door. "But I'm sorry to say you don't get paid this week. Remember, Elphaba, you get paid for how many scrolls you deliver not how many days you work."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Elphaba replied with a sigh. "I get paid after I deliver ten scrolls."

"That's right and sadly I don't have anymore more scrolls for you to deliver today." Yackle answered, as she patted the green girl on the back. "But for you're quick work with Boq's scroll you can have this." With that Yackle handed Elphaba an piece of candy. "I know Chistery loves this stuff."

"Thanks, Yackle, I'll see you tomorrow." Elphaba said, as she headed off back towards her sister.

It wasn't long before met up with Nessa who was just finishing her last song of the day. Elphaba gave a smile to her sister before helping her up.

"How was work today?" Elphaba asked, as she handed Nessarose her crutches.

"Slow picking today." Nessa answered, as she showed her green sister the two silver coins she had made for her flute playing. "Not even enough to buy some bread."

"Don't worry about dinner. I got a tipped a pear today." Elphaba said, as she began to lead Nessa away. "Now let's go home."

After a few minutes of walking the two sisters came across a steep stairwell. Elphaba then picked up Nessarose into her arms and began to carry her up. It wasn't long before they came to a broken down stone loft. The loft was filled with mostly broken or tattered items, but Elphaba didn't really care. This place had been their home since their parents died. Not to mention it kept them out of the rain which was especially important to Elphaba since she was allergic to water. She had such an intolerance for water that it burned her skin like acid. The only thing of value they had was a pair of ruby slippers that Nessarose always wore. They were a gift from her parents when saw was just a little girl.

"Chistery isn't back yet." Nessa pointed out, as Elphaba gently laid her on a flat ripped mattress on the floor.

"I wouldn't worry. He should be back any minute now." Elphaba said, as she took out the pear and cut it into three pieces. She gave the biggest of the three to Nessa and took the smallest for herself. Leaving the last piece of the pear for Chistery.

Just then a winged monkey flew into the loft clapping his hands when he saw Elphaba and Nessarose were there as well.

"Well speak of the devil." Elphaba replied with a chuckle. "And how was your day, Chsitery? Any luck finding anything?" The winged monkey nodded his head twice before dropping three gold coins into Elphaba's hand. "Good job, you did the best out of all three of us today." Elphaba added, as she handed him the pear piece and the piece of candy Yackle had given to her. The flying monkey wasted not time eating the food given to them. Elphaba then put the coins away under a secret floorboard before taking the only unripped blanket and laying it on top of Nessa.

"Goodnight Elphaba." Nessarose said, as she smiled at her sister.

"Goodnight." The green girl whispered before standing up and getting into her hammock. It saddened Elphaba when she tucked in her younger sister at night to know this place was where they called home. 'I wish I could do better for us. But I guess this is the best it's going to least for now.'


Elphaba awoke to feel someone poking her in the shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes to see Chsitery looking at her.

"Elphie, go-going to work." Chistery said, as he poked her again.

"All right, all right, I'm up." Elphaba answered, as she rolled out of her hammock. Her attention was then brought back to Chistery when she saw he was going to wake Nessa up next. "You can let her sleep, Chistery. She can have a day off."

"Okay." Chistery replied, as he fixed his hat.

"Good luck today." Elphaba said, as the winged monkey gave her a wave before flying out the window. The green girl then left a note for her sister before heading off to Yackle's building.


"You're late." Yackle said, once she saw the green girl enter the shop.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." Elphaba replied with a sigh. "But I'm here and ready to deliver some scrolls."

"Here you go." Yackle answered, as she placed one in Elphaba's hand. "This goes to Doctor Dillamond."

"Oh, boy, I love seeing Doctor Dillamond. It's been awhile since I delivered a message to him." Elphaba said, as she placed the scroll safely in her pocket.

"Well don't spend a long time talking with though. I got other scrolls that need to be delivered today." Yackle replied, but the green girl was all ready out the door by the time she was ended her sentence.

Elphaba raced as fast as her legs could carry her towards's Doctor Dillamond's shop. She couldn't wait to see what new things he had this time. After taking a short cut through an ally Elphaba made it to the shop in record time. She then pulled out the scroll before entering the shop.

"Doctor Dillamond? Doctor Dillamond?" Elphaba called, as she walked deeper into the room.

"Elphaba? Elphaba Thropp is that you?" A voice came out. Elphaba then looked over passed a few items to see none other than the goat Doctor Dillamond. "My, my, Elphaba I haven't seen you in weeks!" He exclaimed as he walked up to her.

"Good morning, Doctor Dillamond, I have a message for you." Elphaba said, her voice beaming.

"Thank you, child, it's wonderful to see you. How's your sister Nessa?" The Goat asked, as he took the scroll from Elphaba's hand.

"She's all right." Elphaba answered. "How are things here? Got any new items?"

"I'm afraid there are no new items. Things have been a bit slow around here." Doctor Dilllamond said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "People just haven't brought anything of true value in a while to trade. I guess they are saving their valuable heirlooms, so they have something to give to the royal family."

"What's going on with the royal Upland family?" Elphaba asked, as she began to look over some books.

"You mean you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"The King and Queen are trying to find a suitor for their daughter, Princess Galinda. They are hoping she will pick one and a wedding can be planned by the month's end." Doctor Dillamond replied.

"Thanks for the update...well I better go. Yackle will be mad if I don't get back soon." Elphaba said, as she went to leave, but the Goat stopped her.

"One moment, Elphaba, here you are." Doctor Dillamond replied, as he placed five golden coins into her hand before giving her a loaf a bread.

"Doctor Dillamond I can't take this. It''s too much." Elphaba said, as she tried to give him back the bread and the money.

"No, you take it. You deserve it. Now off with you now." The Goat answered, with a kind smile. "Now go! Hurry now!"

"Thank you, so much!" Elphaba shouted, before exiting the store and running off back to Yackle's store.

As Elphaba was making her way back when she rounded the corner to see a huge crowd blocking her way. She could also hear whispering throughout the group of people as a great carriage was being pulled towards the palace of the Upland.

"Another suitor has come to seek the Princess Galinda's hand in marriage. I heard he's a Winkie Prince." One Ozian replied to another.

"I wonder if Princess Galinda will pick him?" Another retorted.

"Suitors are coming from all lands to attend this ball for Galinda's hand." A woman whispered to another.

Elphaba's gazed over the jewel filled carriage. It was being pulled by two white horses wearing the finest cloths themselves. With a shake of her head she began to walk around the crowd to get a better look.

"One jewel on that carriage could pay for dinner for a week." Elphaba whispered to herself. She thought briefly to try to steal one, but thought better of it and took off back to Yackle's.

"Did you see that huge carriage going by?" Elphaba asked Yackle once she was inside. "I've never seen a carriage that big."

"That carriage held Prince Fiyero. He's trying to win the Princess' heart. Like all the other suitors coming. " Yackle replied, as she handed Elphaba another scroll.

"Who's this scroll for?"

"This message is for Avaric." Yackle answered.

"Avaric? Er, I hate that guy." Elphaba grumbled. Avaric was a snotty and not to mention very arrogant young man from a rich family. Avaric's family were very well off, but were mean to others. Especially people who were poorer then them.

"Yeah, yeah, I know he's not the nicest person. But once you finish this message I can pay you." Yackle said, as she patted the green girl on the back.

"That's great news. The Unnamed God knows my sister and I need the money." Elphaba said, as she tucked the message into her pocket.

"Well the sooner you deliver the scroll the sooner you will be paid. So off with you now." Yackle said, as she shooed Elphaba out the door.

Elphaba ran off at top speed, for Avaric's giant home was a bit of a ways to get to. After a few minutes she grew tired so turned her pace into a walk. When Elphaba was almost to her destination she took out the scroll and looked at it. The scroll was tied with a golden tread and had the Upland seal on it.

"This is probably an invitation for Avaric to come to the Upland's ball." Elphaba whispered. A little while later Elphaba got to the Avaric's house. She knocked on the door and waited. Within seconds the door was flung open and Avaric stood there as a displeased look played across his face.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"A message for you." Elphaba answered, as she held out the scroll to him. Avaric snatched the scroll from the green girl's hand before promptly slamming the door in her face. Elphaba just gave a sigh before hurrying back to Yackle.


"Well done, Elphaba, here's what you've been waiting for." Yackle said, as she handed the green girl her pouch of gold coins.

"Thanks so much." Elphaba replied, as she placed the pouch into her pocket. "Am I all done for today?"

"Yup, so go home and relax and I'll see you tomorrow." Yackle answered, with a smile.

Elphaba returned the smile before leaving with great haste. Once out the door Elphaba headed towards the market place, so she could pick up some items.

After an hour or so Elphaba returned home to see Nessarose reading a book.

"Elphaba you're home!" Nessa exclaimed, as she placed the book down. Elphaba could see Nessa's flute was safely still in her case, so she knew Nessarose didn't go out and play in the marketplace.

"Good you stayed home today." Elphaba said, as she placed down her sack of things she bought from the marketplace. "I got paid today, and I got a special surprise for you." With that Elphaba reached in her sack and pulled out a red and white scarf.

"Oh, Elphaba, it's so pretty and so soft!" Nessa said, she wrapped it around her neck. "Thank you so much!"

"I thought it would be a good buy since your old one is all torn." Elphaba replied. "I also bought Chistery a vest."

"Anything for dinner?" Nessa questioned.

"I got a loaf of bread and some apples." Elphaba answered, as she placed the bread off to the side, handed her sister an apple, and placed the two golden coins she had left in the sack under the floor boards. Elphaba then looked back at her sister. "Nessa, are you feeling all right? You look a bit pale."

"When I woke up this morning my throat was a bit sore, but it's a bit better now." Nessarose answered, as she fixed her new scarf.

"Well...just be sure I want you to stay home again tomorrow." Elphaba said, as she leaned over and felt her sister's head. 'She feels a bit warm.'

"Oh, Elphaba, I can't. We need the money." Nessa argued.

"Don't think about that." Elphaba said. "You need your rest. You are no good sick. You're staying home tomorrow and that's that." Just then Chistery flew into the window. He had a sad look upon his face.

"Didn't...f-find...any-yything." The winged monkey replied, as she showed his empty hands.

"That's okay, Chistery, I got paid today so no worries. Here you are." Elphaba said, as she handed him the vest and a apple.

"Woo, pretty." Chistery answered, as he looked over the vest before giving the green girl a tight hug.

After the three of them had finished their apples they played a quick game of cards before setting down to got to bed. Chistery took his usual spot on his favorite pillow as Elphaba tucked Nessarose in before climbing into her hammock. It wasn't long before Nessa and Chistery fell asleep, but Elphaba couldn't sleep though. She just gazed out into the night at the palace of the royal Upland family. She let out a deep sigh before whispering, "I wonder what's it like in palace."