Let's see, I last wrote this little fic here, *looks at last update date* …oh. Wow. Seven years ago.
Christ I'm getting old.

Okay so, firstly I apologize for not updating anymore. In the past seven years, I've been very busy with going to college, getting a job, moving countries three times and various other time consuming things. I've been back here very briefly since then, with, I believe, a short one shot but never really continued Divided Destiny. So I was quite surprised when I noticed I was still receiving messages telling me that my story was being followed or favorited.
So, being clobbered by the Nostalgia bat, I decided to reread this fic. I now regret that decision immensely. Seriously. People actually favorited this? Why?! It's terrible. So very terrible! I've seen worse on here, true, but holy tap-dancing zombies, Batman! I mean, what the hell was 17-year old me thinking?!
I physically cringed more than any person should cringe in a lifetime.

I never stopped writing in these past seven years. I didn't get to write as much as I'd have liked but I would like to think I got better. My style has definitely changed and looking back to this fic really highlights that.
I also never stopped thinking about Ashra. She remains one of my favourite Original Characters, but rereading this now, it hurts me to see how much of a Mary Sue she was set up to be. And already was.

So, with that said, I would like to announce that I am saving the world from further literary agony and won't be continuing this story. Rejoice!
However, this might be the perfect time start writing again (Procrastination and I have become very close these past few months. Seriously, we have matching tattoos. We're totes besties, guys.).
While I haven't been continuing Divided Destiny over the past few years, a Zelda story has been in the back of my head for a very, very long time now and I'd like to get it out there.
So Divided Destiny is over and done, but something new is definitely on the way. It'll still be starring Link and Ashra, it'll still be set in the OoT universe, but will blend in to the TP universe and possibly some others so I guess it'll be AU.

Hopefully, I haven't disappointed any of you (though I probably already have, judging by the previous drivel I posted…) and I hope to see you all when the new fic is posted. I have a Prologue and a rough draft of the first and Second Chapter, so keep an eye out for The Legend of Zelda: …Okay I don't have a title yet. I'm working on it.

Thanks for all your support and patience and I hope to see you all again!

Xoxo Jade