Well, this is the final chapter, and after this, it's all over. I'm thinking about doing a sequel, but I'm unsure so far.

A big thanks to everyone who's stuck with the story through it all, and this chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads it, and also to all of my friends, you're all fantastic! Enjoy!

Started With A Kiss

Chapter 30 – Oh, The Irony

The next morning, Elizabeth woke before Jack. Keeping her eyes closed, she smiled as she felt his bare body pressed against hers, his arm wrapped protectively around her, his head buried in the crook of her neck.

She rolled over from lying on her back to lying so she was facing him. She tried to move closer to him, but found that they were already as close as they could be, with no clothes acting as a barrier between them.

Elizabeth sighed contentedly, as it dawned on her that this was the kind of existence she'd longed for all her life. She wanted to be free; free to pursue adventure, free to be with the man she loved, free.

But, being a highly-esteemed woman of class and high expectations, she was never allowed those kinds of wishful thoughts.

Jack stirred beside her and she felt his eyes open against her neck. He lifted his head, and laid it back on the pillow, so that he was looking deep into Elizabeth's eyes, smiling happily as he did so. She smiled and saw the love radiating out of his deep brown eyes, which were so easy to get lost in.

No words were passed between them. The silence said everything. The gentle wind blowing outside the ship was enough to speak their words for them.

After a few more minutes of cuddling and snuggling close together, Elizabeth noticed that Jack had drifted back off to sleep. She carefully, so as not to wake him, removed his arm from around her waist, and climbed out of bed. She put on a loose shirt of Jack's, finding it hung loosely around her quite comfortably, she slipped on some slippers of sorts, and leaving her legs bare, she walked out onto the deck.


It was still early morning, so there were only two crew members out, and the mist still hung damply in the air. She wrapped her arms around herself, and ignoring the goose bumps rising on her legs, she walked quietly and slowly, to the very front of the ship, simply gazing out to the sea, something she hadn't done in too long.

The sound of the waves gently lapping at the side of the Black Pearl was soothing. It made her feel peaceful, and tranquil, a feeling that had been absent for too long recently.

Looking around, she saw Cotton up at the wheel, safely steering the ship through the fog, and she saw Gibbs checking the ropes. Both were faithful crew members and Elizabeth admired them greatly.

Turning her attention back to the ocean, she looked down and saw the salty spray rising off it. She closed her eyes as she breathed it in.

She rolled her head backwards happily, and was surprised when it came into contact with something. She was further surprised by her reaction; she did nothing. Panic should have spread through her body like wildfire, but for some reason, it didn't.

Two strong arms wound their way around her waist and she felt Jack lie his head on her shoulder.

"What are ye doin' out here all alone in the cold?" he asked. She giggled at the sensation of his jaw moving against her shoulder as he talked.

"Just enjoying the feeling," she answered vaguely, her eyes still shut.

"We're free now," Jack mused, "Gibbs says that as soon as word reached Beckett's men of Davy Jones' death, the entire fleet retreated."

"Miserable cowards," Elizabeth remarked.

"When you're dealin' with pirates as fierce as us, love," Jack went on, "they have every reason to be scared."

Elizabeth smiled when they were referred to as pirates.

She put her hands on Jack's arms around her, and whispered, "I love you, Jack."

She heard him whisper back to her, "And I you, Lizzie, and I you."


Approximately seven months later, all was well between the pirate Captain and his now heavily pregnant fiancée, who was looking ready to burst any day now.

Jack had forced her to be confined in their cabin, as he wanted no harm to come to either Elizabeth or the baby from working too hard out on deck. Still, it had taken a lot of persuading Elizabeth to get her to stay in there. But, of course, Jack had assured her that it was all for the best in the end.

Now, as Elizabeth lay on the bed, wearing one of Jack's shirts to attempt to disguise her hugely overgrown stomach, of course failing miserably, she gasped as she felt a sudden wetness in between her legs.

She groaned; Tia Dalma had warned her that this was how you knew it had begun. She was having the baby, now.

"Jack!" she cried out desperately, hoping that he wasn't too far away to hear her.

He was at her side within minutes, a worried expression on his face. "What is it?"

"I think the baby's coming," Elizabeth said, fear filling her wide eyes.

Jack only nodded, before saying hurriedly, "I'll get Tia Dalma."

"Jack!" Elizabeth gasped. He looked at her worriedly, and saw the tears swimming in her eyes.

"I'll be right back!" he said quickly, before hurrying out.

Elizabeth started crying out in pain. Jack returned in a few minutes, Tia Dalma at his heel. He immediately knelt down at Elizabeth's side and gasped in pain as Elizabeth grabbed his hand and squeezed immensely hard.

"Easy love," he gasped out.

But Elizabeth was too busy screaming out in agony to notice. Tia Dalma looked totally in control, as if she knew exactly what to do. Come to think of it, she did.

"Push, Elizabeth, push!" she urged. Elizabeth was clearly trying, but it was taking a hell of a lot out of her.

"Marry me, Jack!" she screamed out.

"What?" Jack asked, dumbfounded.

"Marry me!" she screamed again.

"Barbossa!" he called out. The man came rushing in.

"Marry us!" Jack demanded.

Knowing it was best not to argue, he started, "Do ye, Jack Sparrow, take ye, Elizabeth Swann, to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do!" Jack shouted happily over Elizabeth's ringing cries.

"And do ye, Elizabeth Swann, take ye, Jack Sparrow, to be your lawful wedded husband?" he went on.

"I do!" she screamed, eyes clenched shut it pain.

"By the power vested in me as a Captain, I pronounce you pirate and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Barbossa proclaimed.

Elizabeth snapped her head towards Jack and they leaned in for an extremely passionate kiss, considering the circumstances.

"Ow, it hurts!" Elizabeth cried out desperately, reluctantly tearing away from Jack's lips. She cried out again, pushing with all her might. Jack could only hold her hand and watch helplessly as she gave birth to his child.

This went on for another ten minutes, until finally, the sound of a baby's cries filled the room. Elizabeth gave one final gasp and collapsed back onto the bed, her eyes shut, panting for breath.

Tia Dalma moved to the foot of the bed, and picked up the baby. The baby girl.

Jack left the room, only to return shortly with a cloth and a bowl of warm water. From where, they didn't know, but now wasn't the time for questions. He watched with patience as Tia Dalma washed the baby. He was scared to hold her should he harm her.

But, he fetched a blanket and carefully wrapped his daughter in it, holding her safely. He moved back to Elizabeth's side, who was lying exhausted with a sweaty brow. Elizabeth's droopy eyes sleepily opened and she smiled faintly at the sight of Jack holding their baby.

He pulled a chair over, and sat in it, handing the baby girl to Elizabeth, who could only look down and smile at her.

"She's beautiful," she whispered happily.

Jack brushed a strand of wet hair from Elizabeth's face and whispered, "So are you. But, yes, she is."

He looked around the room and noticed that Tia Dalma had silently left. He leant over and captured Elizabeth's lips with his own gently.

They both smiled and looked at the baby girl, sweetly sleeping in her mother's arms.

"What should we name her?" Elizabeth asked softly.

Jack shrugged. "What do you like?"

"I like Evelyn," she replied fondly, not taking her eyes off her newborn daughter.

Jack considered and then said, "Me too."

Elizabeth turned and smiled at him.

"Evelyn Sparrow," Jack smiled. "Such a pretty name...like that of her mother's...Elizabeth Sparrow."

Elizabeth's smile only grew wider. "I love you, Jack."

"I love you, too, Lizzie," he replied.

They both looked down at Evelyn, who was gurgling and making little baby noises.

Jack felt a swelling pride inside him as he looked at his little family. He thought about the fact that he was now a father, and was surprised to find it didn't scare him in the slightest, instead, only making him that much happier.

He felt like laughing as he thought of the irony that all of this had been started with a kiss.


Well, I can't believe it! It's finally over! I thought the ending was rather fitting, with the birth of Evelyn...by the way, a big thanks to my good friend Robyn (Bob) for the suggestion of Evelyn as their daughter's name!

Review please!

QueenSerenity818 out.