A Thief's Plight

A Thief's Plight

Chapter One

"You there!" shouted the rotund stall guard "Git yer grubby paws offa that!" I squeaked and quickly ran, ducking behind one of the tapestries being sold in another stall and through the hole behind it. I was glad now that I had chosen to scout the area, posing as one of the many servants out to do their master's shopping… 'oh I'm sorry I mean employers'. I sneered at the thought; just because the stupid pansies had a roof over their heads and a table to eat at, never mind that they actually had food… I shook myself; 'Don't think about that; no use moaning about what you don't have' I told myself sharply. 'But still, they don't have to be so smug about it!' I absent-mindedly climbed up the wall to hide in the little niche beside an arch. I listened to the guard grumble on the other side of the wall. "Damn little rat! Stealin' what us hard workers deserve…" I almost snorted from my hiding spot- hard workers indeed. I was suddenly reminded of some rich scholar I had once heard telling all who would listen about a cave and light and both being blinding, or something like that…. Eh, I was more interested in any jewels he might have had at the time, so I didn't really listen. I listened some more as Fatty finally found the hole and let out a great "AHA!" I stood stock still as I waited for him to pass, and pass he did; I almost fell over laughing from watching the Fat Lug waddle faster than his great bulk should allow. Thinking back I wondered if Fatty and I were both blind to each other's reality; after all, I supposed he really does think that he works hard and when he looks at me it must seem like I have an easy life, not paying for things.

"Mitsu!" I heard a bright voice chirp from below "d'ya have any food? The guard is gone now and 'm hungry." I jumped down from my perch, briefly lamenting the passing of a serious thought and casually remarked, "Well I did, but I don't think I have any for you…" I slyly pulled the loaf of bread from behind my back. Birdy's eyes grew large and she exclaimed, "Wow that's humongous! Mommy'll be able t' make that last a week at least! Oh yeah, speakin' of Mommy, she give me this!" I accepted the package she proffered, regarded the bread and estimated that it would last the girls family maybe two days, then smiled at the exuberant girl's sincerity. "Well Thank your Mom for me 'kay?" I replied this time regarding the package carefully, I knew that it contained some dried meat, probably from one of the cows that the family owned, most likely one of the ones that was getting old… I once again turned my thoughts towards the meat I held in my hands, choosing to not worry about where it came from, and decided that if I rationed it carefully, it would last me about a week. I remembered a time when such a meal would have never entered my sight, while the other, English, children would have more than enough; but I had long since escaped that hellhole. "Hey kiddo, I'm glad that your family is finally doing so well" I remarked. It was true- for the family to have been able to give this much to me; their farm must be doing well. I saw a flash of sorrow pass through those young eyes and regretted reminding her that I lived on the streets, and somehow I knew that she knew that I had never before had something like this living at the orphanage. The look disappeared and she grabbed my hand to drag me to the market so that she could help me get to my lair without arousing suspicion. I smiled and we began our game. I jumped at her, exclaiming that I would "get you for that you little brat!" We both giggled as we darted back into the Market place and I attempted to keep an 'angry' face.

We wove in and out of the crowd as we headed towards our goal: an alleyway with a hidden entrance in the back leading towards a forgotten basement underneath the guards' barracks. When they rebuilt on top of the store houses the Mason's decided that it was too much trouble to fill in the area (not to mention that it was cheaper). Oh well, it benefits me now. As I became lost in thought, I stopped focusing on our game and became more rambunctious, until a shopkeeper startled me out of my contemplation with a sharp yell, "Hey Girlie watch where yer goin'!". I suddenly became aware that I had come very close to running into a horse, and I darted to the side just in time to miss it… and ran directly into the Royal Guard beside the carriage being pulled by the horses. 'Aw, crap' I thought to myself, 'the day I let my guard down just so happens to be the very same day royalty decides to visit the town and I just happen to run into the guard…' "What is going on out there, Killian?" a harsh, crow-like voice called out from within the carriage. "Just a child, Milady, nothing to worry about", the man's deep voice called out. "Are you well, little one? You look pale," He queried. At this moment Birdy noticed that I was no longer chasing her, she took in my pale face and the guard holding me and came running over and began to beat her tiny fists against his leg screaming "Don' make Mitsu go back there, I won' let ya make 'er go back t' tha' place!".

At this point the guard got a peculiar look on his face and seconds afterwards the carriage door opened, revealing the Queen Aeronwen and her son, Prince Alvar. The Prince knelt down and asked Birdy, "Little One, what upsets you so?" Birdy blinked up at him and mumbled through her tears, "You're gonna take 'er back t' th' orph'nage!" The poor girl, I wanted to kneel down and comfort her, but I was just as terrified that that was indeed what they were going to do. The Prince looked startled and looked up at me, and the slightly hysterical thought hit me that the Prince was actually kneeling before me popped out of nowhere. He then spoke, "Is this true? You fear being taken to an orphanage?" for a moment I was tempted not to answer, but the Queen was right there and I could acutely feel the guard's presence behind me. "Yes, your Majesty; no offense to you and your family, your Majesty." I took a deep breath, "I don't mean to be disrespectful, your Majesty, but the orphanage is not a pleasant place, not that I am disapproving of Her Majesty's choice for overseer; they constantly tell me that I am far too picky and I know that I should be grateful for the kindness Her Majesty shows orphans such as myself and it is very kind of her and…" The Prince cut me off. Good thing too, for I had begun to babble. "Mother" he spoke to the Queen, "Perhaps you should continue on with your trip without me; this is intriguing."

The Queen raised one cruel eyebrow and spoke with her crows' voice, making it clear that the Prince must have gotten his smooth rumble from his father. "Very well, my Son, but know that such frivolous behavior will not be tolerated when you take the throne." He smiled and replied easily, "Yes Mother, I know". Before he had even finished his sentence, the Queen had closed the carriage door and ordered the coach to drive off, the guard on the other side moving with her. As soon as the Queen's carriage was out of sight, the guard, Killian, I reminded myself, released me, saying, "Sorry 'bout tha' miss, I didn' mean to be so rough wit ya." Unfortunately, the minute he let go of me the instincts that I had honed for years kicked in and I ran away as quickly as I could… until I remembered that Birdy was still with them and I ran back past them, grabbing Birdy on the way. I ran as fast as I could until I reached the stall that Birdy's Mother was minding. I dropped her off then scampered away again as I heard the Prince shout for me to "wait!" I reached one of my favored escape holes and darted through it, only to be stopped. I struggled for minutes as Killian attempted to subdue me gently, silently damning myself for forgetting about Birdy that first time. The prince caught up quickly and darted through the hole to where I was being restrained.

He approached as if I were both a rabid dog and a small child; "It is all right, we do not wish to harm you and we promise you that we will not return you to any orphanage. We simply wish to speak with you." I looked at him warily and slowly nodded my head, "But no tricks right? And you will leave Birdy alone?" He smiled gently, "We promise; now why don't you take us somewhere peaceful to talk." I nodded again, this time more eagerly, "Follow me, I know the perfect place." I led him through the nicest parts of the city that I knew to my secret place. It was on the roof of a building I had long known about; there was a garden there and in return for being allowed to come here, I always did some gardening for the owner. "Here," I said "this is the perfect place to talk" I watched and noticed that he did not even ask if we were allowed to be up here, 'Hmph, stupid royalty, so accustomed to luxury that they do not even worry about invading someone else's garden…' "Wonderful. So how is it that you seem so much more cultured than most peasants? Your speech is much smoother than that of most people who live in the city." For a moment I bristled, then relaxed; it was true after all. "I taught myself, your Majesty, I had dreams of a better life when I was younger and so I prepared myself…" I blushed; not even Nobles needed to speak well, which would mean that…. Uhoh… "I did not mean to seem presumptuous your Majesty; I was just a child at the time and did not know any better!" He held up his hand and silenced me, "It is fine … Mitsu is it? And no need for such formalities, please, you should not call me 'Majesty'; I would much prefer that you just call me Alvar." I gaped at him, "It would not be proper for me to be so disrespectful!"

He sighed deeply, "Would you at least say my name, I do not wish to be nameless". He glanced at the sun and sighed again, "But that must be for next time we meet. I must meet Mother at the city gates… Would you be so kind as to escort me to my destination?" As he asked, he held out his arm in invitation. Nervously, I accepted. "Very well… Prince Alvar, it would be my pleasure." Time had never passed so quickly and before I knew it we were at the gate marking the city limits, just as the Queen arrived. "Ah, my Son, I see that you are prepared to return home. But what is that riff raff doing with you!?", "Nothing Mother, just being a good subject and not leaving my presence without permission", he replied smoothly. I nearly gasped in outrage but the look he sent me warned against it. And with that, he left without so much as a glance back, though Killian did stop and say good-bye, and that he knew the Prince wished he could do the same; and then he too, left, leaving me alone, just as I had always been.