Naruto Fanfiction

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author's Note: Ino and Hinata both have not been listed as Missing-nin, but it won't take long before the Council takes action.


"You must be insane…"

"I'm not." Jiraiya sternly responded. "I'll do whatever is necessary to get rid of any obstacle."

The blonde before him snorted. "Like I care. She'll see what it means to be Uzumaki Naruto…"

The Toad Hermit smirked. "Just like you will see what it means to be Yamanaka Ino…"

Naruto glared at Ino, who looked away. "Just… don't move. I'll try to get this over with as quickly as I can." The blonde female let out softly. She was clearly not looking forward to this.

The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki sighed. "Fine…"

Ino performed many seals only she could do. Anyone could see she was good at this, too. After almost a minute, she yelled out.

"Ninpou, Ishin Denshin no Jutsu!"


The Chastising Castigator

Chapter 4: Hello


Naruto felt like he received a massive blow to his head and then his surroundings slowly faded away. He only saw Ino in front of him as the others faded away along with the entire area he was standing in. "U…Urgh!" He held his hand on his head as a pain went through it.

"S-Stop!" Ino yelled, eyes widening as Chakra was slowly forming around Naruto. "… W-We're already in your mind. Somehow, I can tell by the amount of Chakra you possess, you can actually stop the connection." She quickly uttered. 'But that's amazing, really. Any normal Shinobi wouldn't be able to get out of here. And to top it off, they would be unconscious.' She thought as she stared at Naruto, who seemed to be perfectly fine in his own mind.

"So, what now?" He asked as he stared into the darkness around him.

"Well, normally you should be in a temporary coma, but now… you can guide me, I suppose."

Naruto glared. Ino shivered, because all of his emotions were that much stronger in his mind. "Just do what you normally do, already. I'm starting to get sick of this."

The Yamanaka sighed and made her mind do the working. "We'll start with- UNG!!" Naruto turned his head to see Ino squirm in pain and fell to her knees.

And then the darkness took form, taking them to a place very familiar to Naruto…

The blonde immediately bared his fangs at the blonde female. "You idiot! How can you take us here?!"

Ino raised her head as her ears were ringing and her entire body was trembling in fear because of this awesome presence. "Wh-What is THAT!?"

"Oh? You can see me? Forgive me for not sensing you earlier… Your presence is so little, after all." The voice snickered. "But this is surprising. Another human has come to this place?" The great being turned to Naruto. "What is going on outside, Namikaze?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and easily ignored the venom in the other's voice. "A Yamanaka."

"Oh? What is that? I've never heard of a Yamanaka? Are they cursed as the Uchiha?"

"What… are you?" Ino whispered, finally being able to stand, as the Chakra around them was pressuring her greatly. She saw an enormous gate with behind it a massive creature who seemed to be completely Chakra.

"Insolent being… I am the great Kyuubi no Kitsune! The feared Nine-Tailed Demon Fox!! Feel ashamed that you don't recognise such a great existence!" The Demon roared.

Ino's eyes widened. "But… How can that be? You've been destroyed! What are you doing in Naruto's mind? Are you… just a part of Naruto's imagination?"

The one in question just chuckled short and sadly. "Uh… Yeah right…"

The Kyuubi joined the chuckling. "Unfortunately for him, no… I was not killed or defeated! I CAN not be killed or be defeated! The Fourth Hokage used a cowardly move against me, he was afraid to face to full wrath of the Kyuubi! Therefore, he tricked me with this seal! He sealed me into this boy.."

Ino gasped. "So, Naruto…Naruto has been living with you since… ever since he was born?"

"They call people like me Jinchuuriki." Naruto spoke up. "Yugito, Houkou and Gaara are Jinchuuriki as well. They hold the Nekomata, the Shukaku and the Houkou, obviously."

"T-That's why people hated you? Because the Kyuubi was sealed inside of you?" The female Mind Walker asked nervously.

The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki glared at her. "That's why your entire family-"

"Stop!" Ino yelled, putting her hands on her ears. "I don't want to hear that, please! I don't ever want to hear it again…" She whimpered.

Naruto turned around. "… Whatever. Let's continue on already."

"What's wrong, human?" The Kyuubi asked as he gazed upon Naruto. "What are you two doing here?"

"Looking at memories." Naruto answered.

"Ah, I suppose those are her skills, then. The skills of a Yamanaka." The Kyuubi chuckled. "No wonder I haven't heard of the Yamanaka. They possess no skills that are threatening to us Bijuu…"

Ino sighed and nodded her head at Naruto's back. "Let's continue…"

The surroundings changed and they saw Naruto as a child. Naruto had his eyes closed as they were walking from memory to memory. Ino paid close attention and saw how Naruto was hated by everyone in the entire Village…

Without knowing why.

There was not a single memory where anyone was nice to him. Except for that one man…

The Third Hokage.

But other than him, there was no one. The Third Hokage was the leader of a Village, and thus, quite occupied. It left Naruto to be alone for most of his life.

Ino watched as a happy Naruto went to school, hoping to finally make friends, only to receive more hate and more insults. Ino looked guilty as she, too, joined in on the hating and insulting the blonde little kid…

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I will be the greatest Hokage Konoha has ever seen!"

Nothing but laughter at his bold statement, mocking laughter.

'Uzumaki? But, the Kyuubi… He called him Namikaze before, didn't he?'

Ino watched almost every classmate insult and glare at him with everything they had.

"Haha, A dumb kid like you! No way! You can't even perform a simple Bunshin!" Inuzuka Kiba yelled.

"Actually, just watching you already pisses me off." Shikamaru muttered as he went back to sleeping, while Chouji, who sitting next to the Nara, agreed with a nod and a laugh.

"Leave me alone, Naruto! Can't you see Sasuke-kun is waiting for me?" Sakura yelled, hitting Naruto in the face.

There were a few who didn't insult him or didn't pay attention to him.

"…" This was how Sasuke and Shino interacted with Naruto, and Ino sighed, realizing that was probably the nicest treatment the blonde ever received.

And then that day came…

Ino felt the incredible huge amount of happiness of the memory where she invited Naruto over for dinner.

And she felt the horror of that night as well…

Naruto watched as Ino fell to her knees, crying. He had faced this moment too many times so it didn't affect him anymore. He dreamed about this night every now and then.


It took a long while before Ino was able to continue. She had bowed to Naruto, sobbing wildly, while expressing true regret.

But Naruto, in his own mind, could feel only his own emotions, and he just didn't buy it. "Let's go on. I've grown tired of this one…"

Ino nodded her head and quickly jumped to the next memory. 'We'll have to face this memory again when we go into my mind...'

"Naruto-kun…" Ino watched how the Sandaime bowed before the blonde little kid. "You've been through too much. I do not wish for this to continue and I fear I have only one solution." He told Naruto as another man joined them in what Ino recognised as the Hokage's Office.

"Yo, little brat! The name's Jiraiya!"

"You will be travelling with this man from now on, away from Konoha." The Third continued, as his expression turned sad. "Everyone has been told differently as it is, but you will be sent away from Konoha and no longer be a civilian or a Shinobi to or from Konoha."

Ino nodded her head. 'Yeah… Everyone was told Naruto had passed away.'

Again, the scenery changed to the next memory that would be important.

"Yo, Naruto! You can stop practicing for a little bit and get a move on!" Jiraiya bellowed as they seemed to be hiking. Ino recognised they were travelling on a gigantic volcano. The duo stopped in front of… nothing, until Jiraiya performed a long string of handseals and magically made a hole appear in the wall in front of them. "This is the Toad's Den, Naruto."

Once inside, Ino saw how Jiraiya introduced Houkou to Naruto.

And then, the next memory.

"Naruto, these are two of my subordinates. They are Yugito Nii and Tayuya. Yugito's from the Lightning Country and Tayuya from Earth." Jiraiya explained as Naruto was being introduced to two young girls. "You'll be working with them occasionally. They are what you would call… spies."


"So… You've seen most of my life, except for the training I've received. I wouldn't want you to see those memories and devise some plan to defeat and kill me." Naruto pointed out as they were walking back to the cage of the Kyuubi.

Ino was shocked at the willpower Naruto owned. 'Normally, once I go inside someone with this technique, they go into a temporary coma. I was already surprised Naruto was conscious within his own mind, but to think he can restrict his own memories and not allow me to see them… I can also tell he can kick me out of here without any effort at all. He's strong… A Yamanaka's trump card is the opponent's mind. Naruto's mind might be a battlefield unfavourable for a Yamanaka…'

"So, I guess it's your turn now?"

The blonde Mind Manipulator nodded her head. "I will show you as much as possible from my life."

The blonde snorted. "No doubt you're keeping some memories away from me, so I won't be able to see through your masterplan. But I don't care, you won't succeed, Yamanaka."

The young Yamanaka winced at the way he said her last name, but continued on. "No, I promise, I will show you everything. And you will also feel the emotions I've felt throughout my entire life. Get ready."

Again, Naruto felt like he received a blow to his head, and his surroundings were fading away as well.

And then, he found himself in a mind quite similar to his own, surprisingly. It was dark, damp and grey. 'It feels… depressing.' The blonde thought to himself as he followed Ino, who had started walking.

"I have no excuse for treating you the way I did back at the Ninja Academy. I would like it… if we didn't go that way, I'm ashamed enough of it as it is."

Naruto sighed. "I don't care, just show me what you think is necessary to make Jiraiya happy."

He wasn't surprised to see his surroundings lighten up.

"Ino-chan! How did the graduation go?"

Naruto's eyes turned red immediately, as he would never forget the face of Ino's mother.

"I passed, obviously!! Actually, everyone passed, except for that idiot!" The young Ino quipped. "He's so stupid, he couldn't even manage one Bunshin!" She laughed out loud.

These insults were just too common, Naruto figured. They were like small leaves hitting his red, poisonous Chakra.

"So, he failed the test?" His mother made Ino confirm it.

"Yup! That's good, right?"

"Yes, honey. Perhaps you should invite him to dinner?"

Naruto felt how the young Ino felt. Confused and angry?

"But… Don't you hate him? I… I hate him too!!"

"I was young and naïve, Naruto…" But Naruto was only paying attention to the memory, as Ino tried to talk to him.

"Well… I just feel sorry for the boy." Ino's mother smiled warmly at her daughter. But the deception was easy to see…

Naruto's eyes couldn't turn more red than they were now. 'If only she were still alive… I would slice her into tiny pieces, ending with her face and heart…'

Ino winced, as she, being the Jutsu Caster, could still feel Naruto's emotions. 'Such… rage…' Naruto could only feel the emotions displayed in the memories.

"Oi, Naruto. Want to come over tonight for dinner?" A small Ino asked a lonely boy sitting on the swing. Even thought it was obvious Ino didn't want to ask that question at all, Naruto couldn't tell and displayed great cheerfulness and happiness at the invitation.

"Really, Ino-chan!?"

'Really, just this week I have thrown so many stones at his face and spat on his clothes, but he buys this? He's so stupid…' Ino thought. "Yeah, I mean it, you idiot. You didn't have to yell! Now, you coming tonight or not?!" She was getting impatient, and it hasn't even been half a minute yet.

"Of course, Ino-chan!! I'll be there! Believe it!!"

Ino's eyes softened at the young boy who seemed so happy. He was so innocent back then, so misunderstood… And her entire family turned him into this non-trusting, cold Shinobi, who was perfectly justified in being who he was right now.

"Ah, there he is! Right on time!" Ino's mother gleefully let out while she was performing a handseal at the same time she was opening the door for Naruto. The younger Ino was sitting on the stairs, not at all happy about Naruto coming over. "Shinranshin no Jutsu." Her mother let out softly as soon as she opened the door, effectively taking control of Naruto's body.

"I can't believe he's really here…" Ino thought with distaste, not even noticing her mother had control over Naruto's body now.

Naruto's eyes narrowed. 'If this is true… then she wasn't involved?' His eyes narrowed even further. 'Or is she controlling her own memories just so I will believe her?'

"No." Naruto's head whipped to Ino quick. "I'm not controlling my own memories. It is something that is not within the reach of our techniques. We can also not control your memories. The only use our Jutsus have is to use your own mental pain against you or to… Help you by making you see the good memories in your life. We can not create memories."

Naruto growled lowly in his throat. "You read my mind, Yamanaka… Who told you this was allowed?"

Ino's gaze held steady with Naruto's. "It can't be helped… This is my Jutsu, used on you. Everything you do, say or think… It all comes to me, immediately. I apologize, but… it's just the way the technique works."

Naruto turned back to the memory as he saw his younger self move, gritting his teeth.

"W-What's going on? Yamanaka-sama?"

Naruto glared at his own weak and emotional display, while Ino cringed at the uncertainty in the younger Naruto's voice.

"Nothing's wrong, Naruto-san. We're just directing you to the right way. Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

The blonde watched at the young Ino was surprised to see other people enter the house. Judging from their hair colour, Naruto assumed they were all family.

"Hello, Ino-chan! Stay here, honey, we have something to do." An older looking woman said with a grin on her face, followed by an older looking man. Soon, many other people, all Yamanaka, entered the house, walking in the direction her mother and Naruto had gone.

Curiosity beat her as she launched herself from the stairs and decided to take a look what was so important in the basement…

When she peeked through the almost-closed door, her blood went cold. Her eyes froze as she took in the sight of Naruto being crucified by her mother's Shinranshin no Jutsu. And what happened next was even worse. Her own father punched Naruto in the face as hard as he could, it actually sent a large amount of blood flying on the wall to Naruto's right.

"Mom!!" Ino screeched as she ran through the door. All the adults present didn't even bat an eye at her as they continued the torture.

Her mother looked at her once with a frown, before turning back to Naruto, a steal pipe in her hands. "Be quiet, dear! We're supposed to be doing this!"

Ino dropped to her knees as her mother slammed the steal pipe on Naruto's arm, breaking it with a loud snap. Her father walked up to Naruto started punching him in the face and stomach. "Dad!!"

"Silence!! Can't you see we're busy?!" He said in between his attacks.

Ino's eyes couldn't be more open as she watched her father grab his sword and aimed it for Naruto's neck. "Time to die, Demon Spawn!!"

She couldn't believe it as her mother cheered her father on, an insane look on her face. "Yes, do it, Inoshi!!" And then the younger version of Ino blacked out.

Naruto, the present one, looked on with a mean look in his eyes. "Your Clan… What happened to them?"

Ino swallowed as she tried to hold the tears back. "I was told they were executed, but… I don't know. They said you had died as well… So they might be lying about that, too." She sniffed.

Naruto sighed as the memory faded. "So, you didn't see how it ended, then?" He took her silence as confirmation. "My Chakra protected me from the blow from your father's sword. Not only that, it lashed out to everyone around me, and eventually, it rose to high levels, alerting the Hokage himself." Naruto chuckled. "I was still awake when he arrived, but I was just about to pass out. He… and a squad of ANBU arrested your entire Clan. I passed out when the Hokage started talking to me… I was so… I was so relieved to see him." He cursed himself for getting even slightly emotional.

Ino started crying.

"My arms, my legs, my back, my nose, my ribs… all broken. Most of my teeth were on the ground and there were things… missing on my body. Like my fingers, toes and… my left eye… But thanks to my tenant, I survived. Completely. Everything recovered and came back to me. The Yamanaka Clan had failed miserably in what they tried to do."

A long silence came… "If this is true… all of it. Then perhaps, you're not to blame…" But he paused. "However, I am not of the forgiving kind. You and I will never be friends. If Jiraiya wants you on the team, I'll have to accept it. Thanks to your technique, he has assured that we can at least work together, since… I believe this... But, it will never be more than that. We are… teammates, not comrades."

Ino nodded. "I understand."

Naruto hung his head. 'I can't think in here, she can hear all my thoughts…'


"I remember now."

Asuma looked up from the game as he saw Shikamaru staring intently at him. "Remember what, Shikamaru?"

The genius looked at the board and was waiting for Asuma to make a move. "When Ino returned to the Ninja Academy. She had changed dramatically. I remember how she bullied a lot of people in our class. She was not a person who was liked by the students, but… the teachers all seemed to have held a certain respect for her."

"Oh? Your memory's pretty good if you can remember little things like that." His Jounin Instructor responded. "Anything else?"

"It involved Naruto."

Asuma's eyes met Shikamaru's sharp ones. "Her two-year disappearance involved Naruto. I'm sure of it. Or maybe Naruto's disappearance involved Ino. I'm not sure yet about that…." Shikamaru sighed. "This is so troublesome, but… Somehow, I want to know more about this."


"Ino… She bullied everyone who… everyone who talked bad about Naruto. That's why no one in our class liked her, except… Hyuga Hinata."

The smoker nodded his head and allowed Shikamaru to continue. "Is it a coincidence that the both of them are on a Mission right now…" The Nara mused. "You told me it's a long-term mission, but-" he got cut off.

"You're speculations are correct, Shikamaru… It might take a long while, a really long while before we see her back again."

This time, Shikamaru's eyes narrowed dangerously. "IF she returns at all."

"You're smart, Shikamaru. But you're not there, yet."

Asuma's student snorted. "Says the one who takes more than five minutes before taking a move…" He then looked skywards, ignoring Asuma's response. "I wonder… What happened to them? Ino came back, but… What happened to Naruto, then?"


"Jiraiya-sama… It's interesting." Itachi mused as he and his partner were slowly walking between huge boulders over a mountain. "He has with him two Jinchuuriki and if I assume correctly, he will be one of the greater enemies of the Akatsuki…"

"Hoooo… This is rare, Itachi. You're talking. But then, why is it that when you talk, it's usually to yourself? I'm your partner, tell me what you're thinking." Kisame, his appearance closely resembling a shark, let out.

"It's none of your concern, Kisame. But, since you're listening, I might as well enlighten you. I am assuming those other people with Jiraiya… they are Jinchuuriki as well. We will have to inform Pein of this."

Kisame shook his head. "Tcheh, you should say Pein-sama. You know how he gets when he receives no respect."

"Tell me, Kisame. Who ever said he was actually the strongest in the Akatsuki? I only hold respect for people who have fought me and lived."

The shark-like man dropped his head. "You know that that means you respect literally no one, right?"


Naruto looked up from the book he was reading – Icha Icha Paradise – to see Hinata approaching him. He smiled shortly at her, remembering that she was one of few who had never spoken to him. Which meant she had never insulted him as well. "Hinata… I heard about your situation in Konoha from Jiraiya. I'm sorry it turned out the way it did."

Hinata almost shrugged as she sat across Naruto and watched as the blonde tucked the tiny book in one of his pockets. "Naruto-kun… I've grown used to it, but I'll still miss Konoha. It is a good place, once you know how to view upon it."

Naruto didn't buy it, she saw. But then, it was understandable. "I know what happened. Everything. I am Ino's best friend and she tells me everything. I just wanted to tell you that… she was never any part of it. Never. A Hyuga can tell when someone is lying and I know, Ino-san is not lying when she tells me about what happened to you. She is not lying when she expresses the regret and the helplessness. Give her… Give her a chance, Naruto-kun. She deserves it."

Naruto simply sighed. "Hinata-san… I appreciate your gesture, but… From where I stand, it's all completely pointless. We are a team, we will be a team and we will be a good team. Some are comrades, some aren't. It's the way of every team. Our team is no different. I will protect the Yamanaka on missions, because she's a teammate… I've never lost a teammate and that will be an eternal fact. More than that I can not promise you, or anyone else." He said as he stared at the chuckling Jiraiya and Hokkou, as they were drinking again.

"But…" He stared at Hinata again. "Welcome to the team, Hinata-san."

"Te-Tuh-Thank you…" Hinata's eyes inwardly widened. 'I… stuttered?'


"So… I think it's time you start knowing about our titles!" The perverted Hermit chuckled wildly. He was obviously drunk. "I am the legendary, great, terrific and said to be a handsome devil who's never too tired for something or anything!"

Everyone frowned. The sentence was just weird…

"Yes, I am Jiraiya-sama!!" He finished. "I am a one of a kind Shinobi who takes no no for my questions!!" Everyone dumbly nodded. "So then, next!!"

"Alright then!! I am Houkou! The legendary Genjutsu Specialist and one of few Shinobi who can actually wield all elements!! I am known as the HellHound! Hehe, pretty sweet for an old man, huh?" He got hit in the face by Jiraiya all of a sudden.

"You fool! I meant NEXT bottle of Sake! I wasn't done with my introduction!!" The Legendary Konoha Shinobi all but yelled. "Now then, I hold with me the greatest Summoning Contract of all times!! Next to that, I…. Hmmm…" Everyone watched as he fell asleep.

Turning their heads slightly, they saw Houkou had also fallen asleep. "Is it true? Is Hokkou-san really the HellHound?" Ino asked. "Because that's one bad guy in the Bingo Book… To think he's such a nice old man…"

"Yeah, well, you shouldn't take that Bingo Thing so seriously." Kankurou answered for her. "I mean, come on!! I am still ranked lower than Akasuna no Sasori! I've surpassed him by now, I'm sure of it! But, at least I have my own name out there! It's Kankurou!! Tell me who has a title that's actually his own name as well!?"

"You're such an idiot." Came an off-handed reply the brown-haired Shinobi's left. Kankurou growled at Tayuya, who simply frowned. "What, you want a piece of me, crazy puppet!? Cause I'll rip you apart!"

The Kugutsu Specialist rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Genjutsu Specialist number two." A bottle of sake hit his head and Kankurou was out cold.

"My name's the Red Witch. Why?" She grinned maliciously at Hinata and Ino. "Ask and I might show you…" Hinata double-checked if that was drool running down her chin.

Yugito coughed to get Tayuya out of her crazed state. "Don't you think it's about time you let go of that? It's silly, really." The blonde commented. "Anyway, you might have heard of me through the name The Reapster… I summon… things." She smirked. "It'll be explained when we're in battle sometime." She turned to the boy sitting next to her. "Gaara?"

"I am Sabaku no Gaara. The Living Desert."

Everyone waited for more, but nothing came…

"What about Naruto-kun?" The blue-haired Hinata asked, since the blonde was asleep.

"I'm surprised you don't know. Just like Tayuya, Naruto has some trouble keeping himself in check. When he loses control, he gains too much of it." Yugito explained. "And that's where we all have to run…"

Ino and Hinata looked dumbfounded.


To Be Continued

Ino and Hinata look just like in Naruto Shippuuden, only slightly older, of course. Houkou's the old man Kisame defeated in the manga.

So, whatcha think?