Alright guys! This is my first fanfic ever. So if it absolutely sucks. I'll got fix it. Swear to god I will. Till then Enjoy

Oh and another thing! This is yaoi, Boy love, Mustang x Ed. Don't like the idea then I'm sorry. But be for warned.




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Chapter 1: The mission

Roy Mustang, age 29, Flame Alchemist.

Normal Colonel and lap dog of the military, sitting comfortably in his office and reading a newspaper at his

desk in Central. Occasionally his onyx eyes would peer over the paper and at a folder lain on the desk. The

Flame alchemist's temptation to burn it. Er... Hawkeye would kill him! The temptation in percent to burn it,

0, the desire to, 50. Wanting to but not wanting to die, 100.For fear of death he dares not even light a

match. Setting his newspaper aside, Mustang lifted the folder and opened it.

This was his mission:

He and one other would go to, a one Raymond Lancet's manor and stay with him and his young wife. The

pair would then befriend each ( female befriend female and male, male ) This was an intel. mission, lasting a

week a least. Roy's choice for a female partner, to befriend Sarah Lancet, was, however, not a female at all.

Edward Elric, age 18, Fullmetal Alchemist.

Fullmetal was no female, but the reason Mustang had picked the young alchemist was because of the age

similarity between Sarah and Edward. For this reason, Hawkeye didn't figure yet and was fussing about

Mustang's choice.

Riza Hawkeye, age 27, subordinate.

((Writer: I wanted her to be more girly for once... So if you are going to flame on me then w/e ))

"But Colonel! Edward is a boy!" Riza whined.

"I know Lt. Hawkeye" Roy stated, getting a bit agitated.

"Then why?" she questioned.

"Think about it! Fullmetal is 18, Sarah Lancet is 18! If we can get him to cooperate with me for awhile and

befriend her, Mrs. Lancet might sat a little more than small chat!" Mustang said loudly his temper flaring with

how annoying Hawkeye was when she whined.

"Oh! I see! Very smart, sir!" she smiled, playing the dumb Lt. he thought she might be.

Occasionally Riza proved him correct.

"By the way, did you pick up what I asked you to?" Mustang said looking at her.

"Yes, sir!" She replied and handed him a box.

"Good, now get Fullmetal in here ASAP. Oh and tell him to have Winry take care of Al while he's away, if

you don't mind." Mustang sighed and set the box next to him on the floor as his subordinate bounded off to

find Edward.

So that was it, Ed would have to dress up like a girl. As for what was in the box, let's just say they had to

cover that automail.

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As a very height-sensitive blonde stomped into Central and toward the Flame alchemists office, Mustang

had already read over the file again and set it down.

"What did I do this time!?" Ed yelled as he slammed the Colonel's office door open.

Mustang folded his hands, one over the other, then rested his chin on them.

"Shut the door and sit down, Fullmetal" Mustang said, " Or are you too short to reach the handle?"


Mustang waved a gloved hand in his face causing Edward to grumble and do as told. Taking a seat, Ed

glared at the Colonel and waited.

"Good, now Fullmetal, we have a mission..." Mustang said.

"Wait! 'We'? As in 'you and me'?" Edward gaped.

"Yes, 'we' "Mustang replied, "One mission you won't like me for, not that you like me to begin with..."

"Just tell me what the mission is, Colonel Bastard," The blonde said annoyed.

"First..." Mustang said, picking the box up and handing it to the younger alchemist, " Put these on."

Inside the box were three things that were custom made, 'Ed skin toned' arm, leg and fake tits. Ed figured

it was a cover for his automail when he looked at it, but the fake boobs in the bra? Ed stared at his Colonel


"Do I..." Ed blushed a bit for the face that Mustang wanted him to put them on now, " Here? In front of you?"

"Fullmetal, we are both guys, oh and the bra too..." Mustang smirked just to watch the blonde squirm.

"What is it for?" Ed asked poking at them before stripping off all his clothes, down to his boxers after going to lock the door.

"Well, for this mission, Fullmetal, You must pretend to..." Mustang blushed, " Pretend to... by my wife"

"WHAT?!" The blonde yelped.

"Calm down!" Mustang said waving his gloved hand in front of his face as a threat.

The blonde froze and calmed, a glare lingering on his face.

"We are gathering information from a couple who are believed to know more than they let on about Ishbalan

rebels. You will befriend Sarah Lancet as ' Eden Taylor' to gather as much information as you can while not

looking suspicious. I'll do the same as ' Roy Taylor.' We are staying at their estate and yes, we will share the

same room. This mission should take about a week. All they know as there is a young couple coming to stay

with them in transit to the capital. Think you can pull off being a girl for that long?"

Ed sighed and said in a rather good girl voice" Yes,sir."

Mustang smiled, "Very good, put those covers on and don't skip the bra."

Ed glared at his Colonel while pulling the flesh colored arm-glove over his automail. To his surprise it fit

perfectly and stayed on. Mustang watched as the blonde studied the material before pulling the leg on. and

up. Ed had a rather feminine body if he looked at him right. Mustang smirked and looked over the blonde's

figure then suddenly looked away as the 'gay beacon' reminded him how gay he was becoming around

Ed.He needed to stop staring at his subordinate or he might get a little to excited to see him almost

naked.This was wrong any ways. He was straight! Wasn't he?

"Bra too, Fullmetal" Mustang teased.

"You pervert don't look!" Ed cursed in his girl voice he had to get used to speaking in now.

After pulling his pants back on, Ed put the bra on reluctantly. Putting his shirt on then pulling the rest of his

clothes on, Mustang glanced at the blonde with breast. He damn near had a nose bleed and a hard on. The

elder man coughed and stood, strolling over to the blonde. Mustang leaned down, his face near to Ed's.

Edward blushed at the closeness as all Roy did was smirk and pull his braid out and ruffle his hair a bit.

"There... Let's go... 'Eden' " Mustang teased and unlocked and opened the office door.

"Yeah..." The blonde said blushing as he left the office after Mustang exited.

"Oh and practice talking and walking like a girl" Mustang reminded, " Oh and... 'Eden, my love' don't forget

to call me 'hunny' or 'dear' every now and then" Mustang just loved to tease his pretend blonde lover.

The walking and talking he picked up from imitating Winry but the lovey-dovey talk was going to make

him die as red as a tomato. As Roy and 'Eden' left the office, many a man stared at the female looking


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Roy took 'Eden' shopping for clothes. An evening gown, a few mini-skirts and tops, etc. A few things he

thought no girl could live without.

"Eden, come out dear and model for me" Roy snickered

"Not if you're going to be a pervert!" A girls voice called from behind a cream colored curtain.

"No being perverted, I promise Eden," he lied.

"Alright, R-roy" Ed blushed having just called his Colonel by his first name.

Stepping from behind the curtain of the dressing room, Edward stepped out blushingly in a mini-skirt and

tank top. Suddenly Roy's 'gay beacon' popped up and he immediately tried to hide his blush from seeing him

this way. Thin, blonde, amber eyes. He made a very sexy girl.

"Alright... We'll take the whole lot" Mustang said to the cashier.

The lady nodded and began ringing them up. Mustang paid for all that he had purchased and escorted

'Eden' to his home. Oddly this felt like when he was wining and dining a regular girl he found attractive.

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Carrying the bags up the front step and into Roy's house, Ed looked around in aw.

"Er.. Roy?" Ed called in his girl voice as he chased Roy upstairs, "When do we leave exactly?"

Roy smiled and looked at the blonde following him up to his bedroom, "When we are done here, Eden dear.

Why? Are your little legs tired from shopping?" Mustang teased.


SHOPPING!!!" Edward ranted as he followed Roy into his bedroom.

The raven haired man smirked. " Your luggage is on the couch over there," Mustang gestured, " Replace

some of you usual clothes and leave them here, then get dressed."

Mustang began to strip of his military uniform, his back to Edward. Ed glanced at him, noticing how well

built his Colonel was and how attractive also. The blonde blushed and looked away. What if he couldn't get

along with Roy during the mission? And what if this feeling Roy gave him, when they were near made him

say something inappropriate? Ed sighed and changed after replacing half his clothes with the ones that were

bought for him. He'd have to hold his tongue for this mission he knew.

After fixing his hair to the best of his ability and watching Mustang change and pack, Ed was ready to go.

Mustang's first look at Edward all dressed up like a girl and looking pretty damn hot sent a surge of blood to

a certain area of his body.

"Don't look at me like that Roy" Ed whined in his girl voice and blushed looking down.

"W-we should go now" Roy said rushing to pick both their luggage up like a real gentleman.

Edward as a girl nearly sent Roy over the edge into gay-ville, especially when he spoke and acted that

way.Roy swore secretly that if there truly were a girl version of Ed out there, that he'd fuck her and make

sure he'd never have to turn gay to get a piece of that ass. Sighing he took the luggage downstairs and

watched as Edward bounded down after him, the fake breast bouncing as if they were real. This was going

to be it. What if Roy let on what he felt for Ed already? Ed would never speak to him and Roy would,

surprisingly, miss the blonde alchemist. Mustang held his composure as he held the car door open for Ed, the

driver putting their luggage in the trunk. Ed crawled into the back seat accidentally giving Mustang a ass

shot. The older man stared the looked away as his partner finally sat down and got comfortable. Roy slid in

next to him, er 'her' as the trunk slammed and the driver got into the car.

"To the train station" Roy said to the driver.

The driver nodded and started up the vehicle then drove off. Ed glanced at his Colonel, his eyes staring at

his face. He admired the way the Colonel could keep a straight face after having even considered taking Ed

as his partner. But no, he was enjoying teasing him and, Ed, short tempered about his height, was ready to

quarrel with him. One day Ed would find Roy's flaw and he would immediately point it out. Until then he

could only suffer and rage on about how Roy teased him because he is vertically challenged.

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WEEE! That's it for chapter 1!

Next Chapter: Train Ride

What are they in for next?