Rating: PG.

Pairings/Characters: Is Kyrou heavy towards the end. Mostly Kyo and Tohru, with an honorable mention for Yuki and Kazuma.

Genre/Summary: Mix of everything. It's impossible to describe someone with only a few words.

Word Count: 570ish

AN: Credit for the following prompts go to: HarryPotter'sgirl117 for Stay, Victorious, and Yes; Mimi for Unconditional; and Kyki The Late Night Writer for Xanadu

A is also for The Aristocats and though Kyo thinks Disney has it all wrong, he finds it adorable (yet predictable) that it's one of Tohru's favorite movies.

B is also for boar, one of his least favorite animals, second to rats.

C is also for collars; he hates anything tight around his neck.

D is also for damn, a personal favorite curse word of his.

E is also for Egypt, a magical land that used to worship cats; he wishes he had been born there.

F is also for fight, the only thing he can do to keep moving forwards.

G is also for ghosts; they're the damn reason why he hates Halloween.

H is also for heights and the never ending sense of peace he finds when up far away from his problems.

I is also for instinct, that weird way of knowing of how to mouse hunt when he really shouldn't.

J is also for jailers; there are so many forces dictating his future he doesn't know if he'll ever be free.

K is also for Kazuma-one of the best things that happened to him.

L is also for leeks; those stupid things really make him sick. When will Tohru remember to stop fixing them?!

M is also for martial arts, his one passion that he won't let that Rat take away.

N is also for nine lives, but he may need more than that to survive Kagura's wrath.

O is also for obligation, though Kyo wishes the Cat House was one duty he could shirk.

P is also for pity; he wants everyone would stop looking at him that way. He doesn't need pity from anyone.

Q is also for quarrel the only thing he'd willingly talk to Yuki for.

R is also for rain which he wants to go away 'cause Kyo hates feeling so damn weak.

S is also for stay, the only thing he ever asked his mother to do for him.

T is also for his temper which is as volatile and explosive as a volcano.

U is also for unconditional; the only way Tohru can describe her love for him.

V is also for victorious; it's the greatest feeling in the world when he hugs her.

W is also for wary; he learned to not trust anyone at first glance the hard way.

X is also for Xanadu and how no matter where he is any place with Tohru in it seems to be the most beautiful on earth (Kami he's become so damn soft).

Y is also for yes, the best word to ever come out of Tohru's mouth. Maybe…

Z is also for Zodiac; he never wants to hear about it again if the curse is ever broken.

~I don't think there's any way to fully described Sohma Kyo. He is many things; he has been formed from so many different experiences, circumstances, likes, dislikes, motives, and emotions. I suppose cat is an obvious choice. But there is so much more to him than his curse! The Kyo-kun I know is much more than a cat. After all, it's impossible to describe someone with only a few words! He's-

"Oy Tohru let's go!" Kyo hollered from downstairs. A little flustered from the sudden interruption, Tohru hurriedly scribbled a finish to her journal entry, grabbed her sun hat, and rushed downstairs (almost breaking her neck in the process).

Simply put Kyo-kun is Kyo-kun, and I wouldn't have him any other way.

The End

AN: Holy smuckers it is done! I mean like, wow is the only word I can say right now. It's hard to believe I started this almost a year ago. The list form above, that was the very original plan for this fic. I'm glad I took the drabble...-ish route though. The list is basically a way for me to squeeze in a few more ideas, and give you guys more solid ending (hopefully). Dolphingirl32173 asked if I could continue this in reverse, my answer: I considered it for the longest time but I'm afraid this is it. Maybe in the very distant future I'll pick this up again but for now I think it's time to move on a bit. Plus, I don't have much time to write these days and it's only going to get worse as the year goes on. I mean come on, it took me about a month to get this posted! (blame Q! I couldn't think of anything!). I'm sad this is ending but there are other Fruba fics in the works! (yayness).

A giant THANK YOU to everyone who has stuck with me on this-reviews (153!), story alerts, favorites, you guys effiing rock. Special thanks to those who threw out ideas/reviewed for about every chapter goes to: Vikertee (where have you been by the way?), Dolphingirl32173, silver-sunshine-girl, Aniasin, Princess Gillybean, Kyonkichi-san, and 9xDance Water Dancex9. Of course you're all amazing and your reviews have done wonders for my confidence in my writing. Thank you so much!!!

One final time: Please review!