Here are some review comments...

Sisters of Disconsolation: Thanks :D

Lil-Insanegel: Lol yea, I 3 OOC sasuke

KibaIsHOTT: lol yea the squishy thing made me laugh when i was in bed (I think my story plots while trying to fall asleep xD)

daydream14: Lol YAY FOR BI POLAR FREAKOS! -cough- i didn't say freakos! it was a typo yes that right!

shinee-pebbles: Yea i kinda rushed it that's why it's fast paced. But i wanted to get this stupid prologue or w/e you call it out of my way. Yes it was the beginning. Now it's going to have a breather and be slower lol.

And everyone else thanks for reviewing. I got too lazy and didn't feeling like commenting on others. Yes! Surrender to the laziness!!