The morning Remus was woken by an insistent bird carrying a life changing issue Daily Prophet, he cried so much he thought he would never cry again. He cried more than the day after his first transformation when he was covered with painful cuts and bruises. He cried more than when, at the age of 8, he lost his mother. He cried more than the when he had realised he was irreversibly in love with Sirius and he also realised that Sirius would neverlove him back. He cried more than the night after he had walked in on Sirius having sex with a 6th year girl. He cried more than when Sirius had broken his heart and trust by revealing his most treasured secret to Snape. He even cried more than when he and Sirius had had a massive fight, and Sirius had walked out and not come back for a month.

Remus thought he would never cry again after he lost Sirius for the first time, until he lost him for the second.

A/N I know this is extremely short but the idea just popped into my head. Please review, it will make my day!