A Passion for Fire

Chapter 10: Resolution

Satani wasn't dead., He wasn't destroyed…but this one attack had been fought off, with Kirishima Kanna at the head of the game. The black Koubu that Satani created were destroyed entirely, and the Imperial Flower Combat Troop returned to the Imperial Theatre.

Sakura, Sumire, and Kohran suffered minor concussions and were up and moving within a day. The Vice Commander and Deputy Captain were both victim to severe concussions, and Ayame took several days to recover her former strength. Despite suggestions for more rest, Maria was up two days after their return, demanding that Sumire and Kohran help her return to her full capabilities with both weapons and Koubu. Iris was shaken, but otherwise fine, and Kayama seemed to be uninjured (with the exception of a slight burn mark at the center of his chest). Even Ohgami's fever had slipped away. He, the three members of the Wind Division, and Iris took care of the other troop members. Commander Yoneda trusted care of Ayame to no one but Kayama, who accepted the task as cheerfully as ever. Kanna watched over Maria, and took up a regime much like Sakura's, never leaving the Russian woman's room.

The day after the Combat Troop's return to the Imperial Theatre, Maria was still confined to her room, with only Kanna for constant company. That was how she liked it.

Kanna sat in Maria's desk chair, marvelling at the ship-in-a-bottle that sat on the small shelf of the desk. "How the heck did they get that in there?" she kept muttering to herself. "That's ridiculous, they cheated…"

"Kanna," Maria said with a quiet chuckle, "-they did not cheat. It simply requires more patience than you have ever displayed."

"No arguments there," agreed the Okinawan, pushing the bottle aside and returning her attention to her companion. They didn't say anything, at first, but that was okay. Kanna didn't mind silence if it was with Maria.

"I never did tell you what I thought of that battle, did I?" Maria asked thoughtfully. Kanna shook her head. "Nope."

Maria sighed. "I was very impressed by your actions, Kanna. Without you, the Flower Division would have fallen to the Kuronosu Council without question."

Silence stretched between them again. Kanna knew she couldn't agree without sounding more arrogant than she wanted to be, and she couldn't disagree without being completely wrong. What did one say in a situation like this?

"I wish I had done as well as you."

Wait, what was that?

"Maria, you did great, you were amazing- !"

The Russian drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. "No, Kanna, I was not. I shared the blame with you for letting Iris be kidnapped, and I did nothing to stop Satani. I would like to think that I would have done more, given another chance."

Kanna shrugged, and searched for words.

"You were…you were just busy, you were lookin' out for Iris, it was no big deal. Anyone else would've done the same thing, except maybe Sumire."

Maria's gaze was trained on her bed sheets, not on Kanna's face. Her thoughts seemed distant.

"Perhaps my actions were justified…still, I feel as though there is something missing, something I became careless and overlooked," Maria worried solemnly.

Kanna stood up, looking down at her friend.

"Hey Maria?"


"You were great. Now shut up, Deputy Captain."

With a laugh, Kanna threw open the door and called, "Hey Kasumi! Can we get some food in here?"

Kasumi grinned as she heard Maria's dark laughter echoing Kanna's out the door.

This was what the Imperial Flower Combat Troop really was.