I own nothing.

but I am eating Cereal :D



So i haven't updated in an LONGGG WHILE,

but I am backk ( after more than year) and i think I am ready to keep going on this story so please enjoy :)

PS I need to drink more water D;

As the bell rung at the end class, Mikan dejectedly made her way out of the classroom towards the benches near the Lunch area. She layed sprawled onto the bench as she lifted her hands up to her forehead as she gazed at that blue blue sky.

she blinked frequently pondering what was wrong with her ever since the day she saw Natsume smile.

Every time, Natsume would be close to her her heart would beat as if she had ran 1000 miles, it would be at full blast. Her cheeks would turn into red apples, her breath would shorten into small gasps and when he had that STUPID smirk on his face, he looked....cute no no Natsume was NOT cute what if.....

" OH MY.. What if I have Cancer!?! C:" she panicked as she quickly sprang out of her position and wailed in the air " uwaaaaaaaaaa " she shook her head and took out the possibility, no way she could have had cancer.

" Baka, I can't get any decent sleeping with your voice" a voice too familiar said as he jumped out of the Sakura Tree

" N-Natsume" Ironic she thought. Her face began to redden, and soon her heart was beginning to thump as Natsume silhouette came closer and closer

" That's my name, polka" he said as he sat next to her, his eyes caught hers and he couldn't help but smirk cute as always he thought, because he would NEVER admit that to anyone. He stared at her and studied the way her cheeks had that pink tint, and those lips that puffed up in a..nice way, and how her curls would sway in the wind.

She looked at him, and quickly took notice of the dark circles around his eyes, and how even as HANDSOME as he was, you could see the little lines of tiredness.

"Pervert" Natsume said as he flicked her forehead, " I don't want to be mentally raped by youu"


(listen to Kim Bum Soo- Regrets to Forget)

she was about to give him a run for his money when she was stopped by strong fits of coughing. Her eyes opened wide as she stared at Natsume, he was brought down onto his knees and her heart almost shattered when she saw his hand coil into a fish as he grabbed his chest.

" Natsume!" she said in genuine worried tone, " Are you okay" she kneeled next to him and felt the jolt of electricity when she touched his hand, but ignored the thought and grabbed his arm ti keep him balanced.

" Don't worry Natsume, I am here, I am here" she said as she felt the tears spill onto her cheeks

" Don't cry for something so insignificant, I am okay, I just....came back from a mission that's all". his lids half awake

" Natsume" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around him and enveloped him into a hug " I am soo glad, you are okayy" she tightened her hold on him, she held him closer afraid that if she were to let go he would break. Her stomach coiled in a tight knot " Natsume, are you sure you are okay?"

" Mhmm, let me just stay like this for a while longer" he said so lowly it took a second for Mikan to fully comprehend what he said, " Hai" she said tenderly and gently placed his frame right next to hers as she reclined on the bench along with him. She felt his head fall into her shoulder, and smiled as she saw his face sleeping, in a more calm manner and her soul was able to relinquish any bad thoughts, as she knew he was resting peacefully. She stared at him and with his head pressed onto her shoulder, and the wind slowly waving his hair she thought he looked adorable.

"Rest nicely Natsume" Mikan said as she placed her fingers lightly on his forehead and moved a piece of hair that blocked his face.

She sighed and looked at the sky, today was a nice day and even though she wasn't suppose to, she couldn't fight the urge to go to sleep as her lids felt heavier by the minute, and without noticing, her head had fallen on top of Natsume's- both drifting into the world of dreams.

Of course none of them would ever know, the giggles the stares and smiles people would do as they passed by them with Her head in his chest, his hands on her head and waist the and that teeny tiny smile that was spread across his face none of them would know....that is except everyone that passed by them, and that little hidden camera slowly taking pictures at the two. (a/n $$$)

Short Chapter but at least i updated wooooooo after more than a yeaar! XD

hehehehe (X

I have a BIG plot twister that is going to come up in a few chapter :D

so ahah, be patient for that, and have you Ironic slipper on :D

Review please, it would make me ubber happy T^T

thankss (:
