Welcome to Shards of a Gem

I am certain I am not the only one that has ever wondered what

would happen if Kaito ever accomplished his goal

So here are my thoughts laid out in a series of one-shots

For the record, I do not own MK or DC

Please don't sue


A sigh escaped Kaito's lips as he casually dropped his top hat and monocle onto the table before plopping into a nearby chair. The action held none of the thief's usual grace. Clever fingers moved up to massage his forehead, another day, another heist.

It had been more than five years since the young man had taken up his Father's mantle. Although Kaito knew it wasn't true, sometimes he felt that he was no closer to his goal than when he had started. If not for the fact his job involve a) running from the police b) getting shot at or c) both, the magician could have described his nights as routine.

Kaito glowered slightly when he noticed the faint stain on his sleeve. Now how had that happened? That meant he would have to wash his suit. What a pain.

With the ease of long practice, the Kaitou Kid removed his various gadgets from the outfit's many hidden pockets. He was thorough in his work. It would not be good if a flash bomb, or something similar, went off in his washing machine.

The slender figure paused before leaving the room. Blue-violet eyes strayed to the piece of jewelry he had removed along with his thieving equipment. Why not? Kaito dropped the tux and moved to pick up the necklace. A single button opened the small skylight he had built to allow the light from the moon to filter into his lair.

It took the thief a moment to register what he was seeing. The brunette shook his head sharply and looked again. He wasn't hallucinating. The large opal that made up the focal point of the piece was glowing a deep red. "Pandora," the breathed word barely qualified as a whisper.

If not for the presence of his neighbors, the thief would have let out a shout of triumph. Instead, a maniac grin split across his face. A bounce lightened his steps as he moved over to his workbench.

Kaito Kuroba was good at what he did, very good. It was almost as if he had been born with the knowledge. The only difference between one of his forgeries and the real thing was just that. It wasn't real. If the thief did use real materials, well I am sure you can imagine. This was why Kaito intended to acquire the necessary equipment, as soon as possible. For him, that was before the sun rose.

A large part of Kaito was tempted to smash the stone on the spot. Fortunately, the more logical section of his mind intervened. Snake and his erstwhile associates would surely be suspicious of a change in his habits at this point of the game.

The thief didn't feel guilty about what he was about to do. The necklace he was going to return to the owners would look exactly the same. The chain would be 24-caret gold with a perfectly cut opal pendant in the center. A few black diamonds would tastefully frame it.

It would cost him quite a bit, but it would be worth it. Kaito made a mental note to pick up some strong coffee. He would have to go without sleep if he wanted to get the necklace back to Nakamori before the police inspector started to wonder.

Besides, the magician rationalized. Once the switch had served its purpose the value of his reproduction would skyrocket. It wasn't like he went around making authentic jewelry; and the rarer something was, the more it was worth.


Well, here is the first one

Hope you like