What HSM and HSM2 Didn't Show You

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything that is written here is pure fiction and should be taken that way

AN: This will be a collection of one shots that I wrote with some friends. This one is called "Hand in Hand Make Our Dreams Come True" I would like to thank Dalia and CG for their large input in this one shot and thanks JB for the editing!

I hope you enjoy!

Hand in Hand Make Our Dreams Come True

The day had been amazing. Troy and the wildcats had won the championship and Gabriella and her team had won the scholastic decathlon. They had sung beautifully for the call backs and everyone seemed to put their differences aside as they sung, "we're all in this together."Gabriella and Troy had exited the gym together that day and spent the past hours walking around school talking. After realizing what they had both been through over the past weeks the decided that it was time to come clean with their feelings for one another.Troy had forgotten the winning game ball so he and Gabriella decided to go back and retrieve it. They walked through the locker room in order to get to the gym, just as they were about to exit the locker room Troy saw that Gabriella was shivering. "Are you cold?" he asked noticing yet again how amazing she looked in her red spaghetti strap dress.Gabriella smiled, "a little"Troy grabbed an east high blanket out of the closet and wrapped it around her. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms to warm her up.He looked into her deep brown eyes, "better?""Yeah, much, thanks"Troy took her hand and lead them into the gym.

They walked into the empty gym, still feeling the immense excitement from the day.

"Where is the ball?" Gabrielle asked

"I'm not sure, Chad gave it to me just as we were about to..." Troy cleared his throat, "but, uh in the midst of all the excitement I set it down, on the bleachers, maybe." Troy responded as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, remembering how he was sooo close to kissing Gabriella. Damn Chad!

Gabriella lifted the blanket up so that it wouldn't rub the ground as she walked. As she was lifting the blanket she accidently lifted some of her dress with it, exposing a large portion of her toned thigh.

Troy stepped up onto the first bleacher and turned around to help Gabriella up, when he felt his mouth go dry. He stared at her nicely sculptured leg wishing that her dress would hike just a little higher so that he could get a peek of what was underneath that sexy dress.

Troy licked his lip and stuck out his hand trying to divert his attention away from her sexy legs.

They were six rows up when Troy yelled, "Found it!"

Gabriella smiled and took a seat.

Troy began to throw the ball in the air as he took a seat next to her.

Troy hadn't been paying attention when he threw the ball up. He went to catch it, but missed. It slipped from his hands and landed under the bleachers.

"Shit" he said

Troy got up to go get it and soon realized Gabriella was following.

Once they were under the bleachers he felt Gabriella grab a hold of his jacket.

"I can't see?"

Troy smiled and grabbed her hand, which sent sparks through both their bodies.

Just as Troy was about to take his next step he felt Gabriella fall. He lunged forward to catch her, which resulted in him falling as well, but to his excitement Gabriella fell on top of him.

Gabriella began to laugh and looked into his blue eyes, "I'm sorry,"

Troy moved his hands up her back till they were resting on her face. He pushed the stray hairs that had fallen behind her ear, "it's quite alright, you can fall on me anytime Montez"

She chuckled and then took a deep breath, "You know, I really like you Troy"

He smiled, "I really like you too Gabriella." He said as he closed the gap between them and kissed her lips gently.

Gabriella pulled away from him, "but, I don't want this to be just a fling, I couldn't stand that"

Troy smiled," Gabriella, it could never be a fling with you, you mean to much to me." He said and kissed her again.

"Really?" she questioned pulling away

"Yes really" he said and crashed his mouth onto hers. He licked her bottom lip, requesting entrance, she allowed. Their tongues danced till the heat became so intense that they had to pull away.

Gabriella raised her eyebrow at Troy and gave him a cute smirk. She slid her hands up under his t-shirt and felt his rock hard stomach. His muscles tensed at her touch.

Troy got up on his knees and took off his jacket. He was burning with desire. "God Gabriella was so beautiful." he thought to himself. "I want to feel her against me, so bad."He leaned down so that he could kiss her once more. He gently laid back down with her. Their tongues intertwined as their passion enveloped them.

Gabriella was feeling things that she had never felt before. Her body tingled all over and she was nervous to his touch, yet completely aroused. She wanted to explore him, so she reached down to his crotch area and noticed how large and hard he felt through his pants. She was amazed.

He opened his eyes, he was a little surprised by the location of her hand, but was totally agreeable to it. He then ventured a feel for himself and caressed her breast, noticing the erectness of her nipples through her dress.

He then lowered one strap and tugged it down so her breast peeked. He began to fondle them with his tongue. She willingly let him have his fun as she became extremely aroused by it.

Troy unzipped her dress and then began to pull it down as Gabriella eased it totally off. "It his turn now", she thought. She pulled his shirt up and stroked her hands across his rock hard abs, which made her feel a sensation between her legs she couldn't control. With that, she let out a little whimper. Troy heard it and then himself felt a zing through his body and groaned softly in her ear. His hot breath made her want more of him. She then tugged at his pants to reveal the curious bulge. She pushed them further down and stared at the erection that was being held captitve by his boxers. She ran her finger under the waist band and slow slid his boxers down revealing what she had been feeling. She gasped in shock.

Gabriela took in a deep breath. She still couldn't believe what was happening. She really should stop. But she just wanted more.

Gabriella responded next by lifting up Troy's shirt till it was completely removed. She stared at his exposed lightly tanned and smooth chest. "God, Troy. Your body is just, so...I mean I had thought you would look this good, but damn." Troy was amazed at her openness. Gabriella leaned in and began covering his chest with soft, sweet kisses.

Troy then felt brave and lowered his hands under Gabriella's panties and gently caressed her moist folds as he explored the unknown. Gabriella couldn't believe she was letting a boy touch her in that way, but could not move. She was so overwhelmed at how comfortable she felt with Troy and how wonderful his touch was.

She took a deep breath, she knew this was, kind of, the point of no return, but she was so ready for this. She looked up into Troy's sky blue eyes. She took a deep breath and managed to say his name, "Troy?"

"Yeah," he said trying to catch his breath

"Um, do you have anything?" Troy couldn't believe Gabriella had asked that question. He was totally there already, but he didn't want her to feel like he was making her move too quickly.

Troy was a bit embarrassed by his answer. "Yes, I have protection." He sensed Gabriella's slight surprise so he explained, "Chad convinced me when we came to high school that we should be prepared for the unexpected. I've had this in my wallet for the past two years." Gabriella, giggled and said, "Well, what are we waiting for then?"

He smiled and kissed her lips. Their kiss quickly turned into a fiery one. Gabriella reached down and touched his naked penis. She thought it felt extremely sexy and wondered how something so large had fit in his pants. She wrapped her fingers around it and began to stroke his shaft slowly. He took hold of her hand and showed her how to quicken the pace. She gladly obliged.

Troy, having not ever done anything like this with a girl before was a little unsure how to pleasure her. She took his hand and showed him how to rub her in the exact spot. She began to move her hips in response to his caressing fingers. She let out a few soft moans and Troy felt himself becoming harder by the second. This was all happening so fast but he was in heaven.

The intensity of their actions was becoming too much. They were breathing so hard it was impossible to kiss, so he nuzzled her neck and she gasped for air. He then seductively whispered in her ear "I want you Gabriella." "Right here, right now." She replied in an almost screaming voice " Yes!..Yes!.."

Troy fumbled with condom once he took it out the wrapper. He finally wrapped it around his hardness. He then took Gabriella's panties off and moved her legs apart. He gazed at her sexy body and couldn't believe what they were about to do

"Are you sure?' he asked

"Yes, Troy it's alright. I want to."

With that reassurance he took hold of his penis and guided into her vagina slowly.

Gabriella felt a rush of pain, but at the same time pleasure. She held her breath for a minute, and then realized she needed to relax. Troy entered into her as far as he could, but slowly.

He was amazed at the tightness that engulfed him. Troy knew enough to know that this was probably painful for Gabriella, so he tried to be as gentle as possible, while the teenage boy part of him was barely able to hold back. He continued to penetrate further and further into her.

Gabriela just tried to enjoy the moment; the feelings she felt for Troy were unbelievable.

He continued to thrust in and out while gazing at her face. She tried not to wince, but she knew her face couldn't lie. She moaned in pain at every entry.

"Are you o.k.?" he asked

"Yes...I'm fine"

He kissed her softly and entered deeper.

Their eyes met and Troy asked again, " Are you sure you're ok?

Gabriella assured him, "It hurts a little but, its getting better, please, keep going. "

Troy smiled at her. "I'm sorry I'm hurting you, but I want you to know that this feels amazing and I'm glad this happening with you.

They looked into each other's eyes and they knew what they were feeling wasn't only pleasure but love.

"I'm ready to come, Gabriella. God, I love you." She smiled, "I love you too, Troy Bolton" A couple of more thrusts and they were there. Gabriella arched her back and moaned out with pleasure. This enhanced Troy's orgasm even more and he exploded with everything that he had.

Troy and Gabriella gazed at each other, fully satisfied and amazed at what had just happened. Gabriella reached up and wiped a small bead of sweat from Troy's brow.

Troy looked at this unbelievable sexy woman beneath him, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Glad to know you can make we sweat, Gabriella?"

Gabriella giggled and kissed his lips, "uh huh"

Troy reached down for the blanket that had gotten twisted up with their bodies. He pulled it over them. Gabriella rested her head on his chest and listen to his heart beat.

They laid there in silence till Gabriella spoke, "Troy, whatever happened to the basket ball."

Troy laughed, "Who cares, I got my prize right here and I'm never letting it go."