It wasn't intentional but this part continues directly from the first. Enjoy!

"If you could fuck one of your colleagues, who would it be and why?" Brennan asked as she upended the tequila bottle over her mouth. Booth watched fascinated as she rolled her tongue over, under, around, and inside to catch the last remaining drops of alcohol on the rim.

"You said fuck," Zack giggled as he pulled the bottle from Brennan's hands, causing Booth to break his stare with an irritated growl. "That's so hot."

"Real men don't giggle Zack," Hodgins yawned and stretched an arm carefully behind Angela's shoulders as if expecting her to turn around and slap him, which to be fair to the entomologist she had done several times during the night. Thankfully, for the sake of Hodgins' pride, this was not one of those times. "But you do have a point. Doctor Brennan is very hot when she uses the f-word."

"What about me?" Cam pouted from Zack's lap. At some point during the night she had lost all control of her body so Zack, with an almost satanic gleam in his eye, had decided to volunteer his services.

"You're hot too Doctor Saroyan," Zack said matter-of-factly even as his hand inched past the hem of her skirt. "But in order to gage your comparative hotness with Doctor Brennan I would need to hear you curse."

Perhaps if Booth hadn't been so drunk he would have jumped in to defend what remained of his drunken friend's honour. However at that moment all could focus on was the determined looking forensic anthropologist crawling toward him. Aquinas was right, he suddenly decided; women were evil.

"I'd fuck Brennan because she has hot boobs," Angela interrupted bluntly causing Hodgins to choke. "Do you like boobs, Booth?"

"Amongst other things," Booth murmured distractedly as Brennan moved closer. "But yeah, I'd fuck Bones too." At Brennan's raised eyebrow he elaborated: "I like tall women."

"I bet you do big boy," Angela giggled having decided somewhere during the night that 'big boy' was to be her new nickname for Booth. Booth didn't mind it nearly as much as Hodgins did.

"That's surprising," Brennan commented with a smirk, "considering your favourite sexual position." Yep, Booth decided wearily. He would definitely regret sharing that piece of information in the morning.
