Deepest Desires Rated T

Chapter one

Written By- Angelica Bird AKA Yumeria Sendai

" Tell me, dearest one, what…is your desire?"

Kagome smiled brokenly, her chocolate eyes sad. Blood flecked her face, and oozed from multiple wounds.

"I…" her voice cracked, tears leaking from her eyes. Warm arms wrapped around her.

"Yes?" She looked up helplessly, her eyes pleading with the caring figure holding her.

"I…want to be loved for who I am…not who I used to be!"

A chuckle.

"Your desire, dearest one, is understandable. You shall have it."

With a smile, she welcomed the soothing emptiness of the dark.

Thank you… A glittering, happy tear made it's way down her cheek.

The figure let a mysterious, sad smile cross it's face.

Your welcome…Kagome.-


When she came to, Kagome found herself in a room, the walls a mocha color, and the floor hard cherry wood. The sheets rumpled around her, and next to her was a simple chair. Bandages covered her wounds, and she winced.

"Oh! You're awake!" A gentle-looking female with thigh length blue hair gasped, nearly dropping the oden and tea in her hands. Kagome could feel her mouth water as the delectable aroma of oden drifted to her, the bowls being set on a side table.

"How are you feeling?" The worried green eyes looked at her own.

"I'm fine, thank you." Kagome bowed as much as she could.

"Hungry?-I'm Kurumi, by the way."

"Hajimemashite. I'm Kagome." They smiled. "Here, have some of my specialty oden!"

Kagome very nearly cried. Specialty oden?

The next day, Kurumi took her to see this "hokage" person to register as a citizen.

"Tsunade –sama?" Said person was currently drink and slumped over onto her desk. Kurumi sweat-dropped.


With a growl, the blonde woman jumped up and just stamped her file.

"Goo'… NOW GE' OUT!!!!" Kurumi and Kagome quickly left, eyes wide in surprise.

Now they were headed to a clothes shop, seeing as Kagome's black Kimono was ripped and blood-stained, the material cheap and thin. Passing by a shop called "The Yamanaka's Flowers", Kagome blinked, eyeing the pale blue-eyed girl inside the window.

No pupils? Is she blind? Kagome's shocked orbs quickly became even more so, as, before she knew it, Kurumi had nudged her into a dressing stall with a bunch of different colored outfits. The first one was green mandarin, a dragon winding itself up her thighs to rest it's head on her right shoulder. An approving gleam in Kurumi's eyes made her blush- as well as the surrounding stares from males outside the store.

The second one was a Sapphire version of the pale-blue eyed girl's outfit, minus the loose way it fit her. Both had slits that went to the top of her knees. This time, Kurumi crinkled her noise in an 'iffy' way.

The last one, as far as she could tell, was the best. It was a sea-foam green kimono that went of the shoulder to reveal her creamy skin, with an emerald-colored obi and an emerald choker. On her feet, the ensemble came with a diamond anklet, and a silver anklet chain. Both of them were on her right ankle, with the kimono split from the middle of her thighs down to reveal her black spandex shorts.

She didn't know if the grin or the widening of Kurumi's eyes were a good sign or not. But by the way the guys outside had gasped, she guessed it was a good thing…well, at least, she hoped so.

Oh holy…what did she get herself into?

Kagome barely kept the whimper in her throat from bursting out, and, blushing an embarrassed crimson, hurriedly changed back into the first outfit.

Better to be okay-looking, than to turn heads, after all. Right?

… … …

Okay. Maybe she was wrong, as people still wouldn't stop staring at her! A blush seemed to be permanent on her cheeks, and her eyes darted every-which way in nervousness. Her hair was loose and hung down her back, having only been brushed so the tangles that were there were gone. The town road stretched out before her as her and Kurumi walked. In a few moments, she was able to see a male figure decked out in a white coat that covered the bottom half of his face.

" Shino-kun!" Kurumi yelled, grabbing her hand and running toward the boy.

" Shino-kuuuun!" A sweat-drop grew on the boy's face as his covered eyes turned toward her smiling face. They reached him, and Kurumi dropped her hand in favor of embracing the stoic male, who soon had a light blush stretching across his cheeks.

" Shino-kun, meet kagome-chan! Kagome-chan, meet my boyfriend and partner Shino Aburame!" With a slight look of shock, Kagome greeted the two.

What the heck? Boyfriend? He looks to cold to even be a friend! Her confused and muddled thoughts didn't show though, as she smiled at the boy.

" Shino-kun, have you seen Neji-sama?" Her voice brought her back, and she blinked. Shino seemed displeased at the mention of this 'Neji-sama'.

Wait. Who's 'Neji'?

" No, I haven't. Sorry, 'Ru-chan." His voice was impersonal, but Kagome smiled as she caught a hint of jealousy.

Ahh… cute. Kurumi pouted.

"Are you sure? Neji-sama always tells you where he's going, just in case I need to find him…" Shino sighed.

"Training ground seven." Kurumi immediately brightened. "Thanks Shino-kun!!"

Before being yanked away, Kagome watched in embarrassment as Kurumi gave Shino a kiss on the lips, then ran slightly behind her to training ground seven.

" KYAA!! PERVERT!" A blue haired girl smacked a man wearing a ninja mask with white hair. Kagome smiled at how the scene reminded her of Sango and Miroku's old days.

"But Ms. Sendai, I was mearly reading a fictional novel created by a genius." The man sheepishly stated, rubbing the back of his head. She glared.

" Jiraiya is NO genius, and that book was not meant to be read, but BURNED!" She made a grab for the orange book. Kurumi sighed.

" Kagayaku-nee-san, have you seen Neji-sama?"

The girl blinked. "Yes. He's actually on the other side of the clearing."


"Yeah. Oh."

The two dead-panned, and Kagome sweat-dropped.

Dear lord what did I get myself into?

She didn't get an answer…

But then again, she didn't want to know the answer to that.