Two Months Later

"So how you doing brother of mine?" Fred leaned against the door leading into the back of the shop, "Do you know where your daughter is?"

George had been spending most of his time at the Hogsmead shop, and once in a while Fred would come over to see how the business here were doing, "She is with Hermione, probably at the book shop, or new baby shop."

Fred nodded as he looked around the neatly stack merchandise, "Wow, your have labels with stuff actually in the correct departments," he grinned.

"Well I always was the organised one of the two, now was I?" George asked as he came out of the back room, into the front of the shop.

Fred was getting ready to answer, until the chime on the door turned his direction to where a blonde woman came in, 'Beautiful.'

George stared at his brother amused, before turning to the woman with a smile, "Hello Luna, how you doing?"

Luna smiled at the blonde, "I am doing good, really appreciate you leasing the flat above the shop to me, couldn't stand living with Neville, and his grandmother after my fathers death," she smiled at Fred, "Hello Fred."

Fred looked at his brother, "I think I am going to see," he looked at the witch, pretending, unsuccefully that he just noticed Luna, "Oh, he Luna, how you doing?"

Luna rolled her eyes, but played along, "I'm doing fine, just here to pay this months rent." She handed George the rent, and looked around the shop, "Well Ginny, and I are joining Hermione for lunch," she smiled at the twins, before turning to leave.

"Didn't Hermioner just call, and say her and Ginny cancled?" Fred looked at his twin, hoping that he would go along.

George rolled his eyes, he looked at Luna, "How about you come over for dinner tommarrow night?"

"Luna!" Both Ginny, and Hermione, along with Charlie in mothers arms, walked into the shop, "We were thinking-"

"Hermione, sister, can I talk to you two for a minute please," Fred asked as he ushered to the two woman, and lead them to the back of the shop, after handing his niece to her dad.

Both girls pulled there arms from Freds reach, "What?" They both asked in unison.

Fred looked at them, surprised for a moment, "Wait, that's mine and George's thing."

Ginny rolled her eyes, "If this isn't important, then the two of us girls are going to lunch with our friend."

Hermione rubbed her stomach, "Yes, since we are eating for more then ourselves."

"Please cancle lunch with Luna," Fred placed a hand on both his sisters stomach, feeling as the babies moved, "I will take you anywhere for dinner."

"How about our husbands?" Ginny smirked, knowing that what her brother wanted must be important, if he was bribing them.

"Yes," Hermione agreed.

"Fine then, thank you. Make something up," Fred said as he headed out of the back room, he had ushered the girls into.

"And you have to bring Luna's husband," Ginny called, as soon as Fred made it to the door, causing him to stop in his tracks, and look behind him.

He looked at his sister, "She's married?"

Hermione laughed, shaking her head as she passed him, "No."

Ginny followed the other woman, patting her brothers cheek on the way out, she looked at the blonde witch smiled at the blonde, "Luna, I just remembered, Harry wanted me to meet him for lunch."

"Yeah, and I remembered I had to finish this weeks books," Hermione looked at her husband, sending him a little wink, before going towards the back room.

Luna looked at the two woman, as one left towards the office, and the other out the door, "Okay then," she looked at George, then towards Fred, "I guess I could meet Neville, his break is-"

"No!" Fred shouted, taking the blonde by surprise. He blushed a little, "I mean, have lunch with me."

George rolled his eyes, as he set his squirming one year old down, he smiled at the two before following his one year old to where his wife was, "Bye you two."

"Well was that an order, or an invitation?" Luna smiled up at the Weasley, before her.

Fred smiled as he reached his arm for her to join, "Well an invitation of course, figured since you now have no other plans, maybe you would allow me to take you to lunch."

Luna smiled as she took his hand, "Well Fred Weasley, I think that sounds like a great idea," she smiled as he lead her out of the shop.

Later On That Night

George snuggled with his wife in his arms, as his father in-lay sat in an armchair, and his mother in-law played with the little girl on the carpet, "Just think three more month we'll having another baby."

Charlie beamed. at the word baby, and walked over to her mothers, placing both hands on her stomach, "Mommy, baby belly."

"Wonder what Fred, and Luna ended up doing?" George was grinning, remembering how his twin has acted in the shop earlier.

Hermione laughed at the thought, she smiled at her husband, "He promised to take Ginny, Harry, an us to dinner, if we cancled lunch with Luna."

"Mommy, Charlie, sweepy," Charlie rested her head on her mothers knees, as a little yawn escaped her mouth.

Hermione lifted her daughter up, and cradled her gently in her arm, "Can't believe how tall she is getting," she smiled at her mother, her now was on Alstors lap.

Alastor rubbed his wife's back gently, as he looked at his kids, "Adrianna, and I have something to share with you kids," he leaned in, and kissed his wife's cheek before looking at his daughter, "We are moveing into the house next door to Sarah, and Robert. Your father, and I found it while visiting them."

Adrianna smiled at the two, "It's the same neighborhood my sister, and I were raised up in as children, and we thought it would be nice to have our own place."

George felt his wife tense in his arm, "Now we have an excuse to visit you aunt, and uncle more then just Thanksgiven," he smiled at his inlaws, "Well I am happy for you too, but remember we will always have room for you if needed."

Hermione carefully stood up, with dsughter in arms, and smiled at her parents, "We will have a house warming party for you," she kissed the side of her daughters head, "I am going to put 'Little One' in her bed now," she looked at her husband, "I will see you in bed."

George smiled as he watched his wife leave the room, he turned his attention back to his inlaws, "If you need any help, just let us know," he said his goodnights, and went to his daughters room, and watched his wife with his daughter.

"Want to discuss names?" George asked, knowing perfectly well the answer would be 'no'.

She rolled her eyes, not evening turning to look at her husband, as she pulled up the red blanket to her he daughters chin, she smiled as she remembered the Christmas, "You want to hear something funny?"

"Humor me," George smiled as his wife qietly made her way towards him, taking his hand and lead him to the there bedroom.

She walked into the closet, "I was in the bookstore with Char, before going to the shop, and a pregnant woman came beside us looking at the same books, Chalie placed her hand on the womans stomach saying 'Anna Liz'," she came and sat on the edge of the bed, as she put lotion on her legs, "The woman looked at Charlie, then at me after I apologised, and said that she was planning to name there baby 'Anna Liz' if it was a girl, after her mother that had passed."

George sat beside his wife, not sure how to take his wife's words, "Wow, Ma-"

"That's not all, her words were more clear then normal, and after she said that she went back to her normal talking," Hermione rested her hand on her stomach, "You don't suppose our 'Little One' is a Seer, do you?"

He layed his hand over his wife's, and stared at her, "I don't know what to think, honestly," he leaned in, and kissed her cheek, "We already know she is a special little girl now don't we?"

She smiled as she crawled to her side of there bed, "Char, certainly is something." She smiled as her husband crawled in next to her, and pulled her in his arms.

She smiled as she felt his hand on her stomach, she rubbed his bare chest lightly, "I want to know what we're having."

"I would tell you, if I really did know what we're having," He rested his hand over hers, and grinned, "Just told you I knew, because I knew it would drive you wild not knowing."

"So ehy did you stay, and talk to the Healer last appointmen?" She asked, as she closed her eyes, as he rubbed her back gently.

He kissed the top of his wife's head, "Because I wanted to see if he could make me a copy of the babies picture," he smiled as he felt her hot breath against his skin, as she slept.

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