Title: Random Dorn House!

Made by: me korren a.k.a : K-chan

An : This is my random anime of DN.Angel, Getbackers, Devil May cry,D.Gray Man, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Ouran High school Host Club, and Bleach, Death Note and many more.. I'm to lazy to type them all!.. "..Anyway this is nothing but bunch of silly idea!.. I just want it to share it to you all!.. Hope you like it!... And I suck at spelling sometime so please do excuse me!.. Hehe.. sweatdrop..

Chapter 1 : visitor came!

Lavi : yawn…

Dee: Hmmm…Where are we?!..O.o

Satoshi : Is said.. Welcome to k-chan Random Dorm House!...

Naruto : How.. Who's that?

Raito : dunno don't ask me!!!...


Ginji : Is bigger than a amusement park!!!..

Tamaki : …Wait a minute wasn't she the one who gave us the letter to come to her house and be her guest?!?!?!?!!?.. O.o

Kyouya : Now that I think of it… Yeah! She the one who gave that letter last week ago!!..

Tamaki : you mean that cute pinoy girl?!.. O.o

Everyone : HUH!?!?!!!?!?..

Tamki : …Nevermind!..--"

Then the door to the house open. A girl with black long hair and a black eyes with glasses came out and Said…'Minna!!!!...Glade you all made it!.." She grinned..

Tamaki : 'Awww.. She more cute in person!..'…

Uyruu : If I'm not mistaken your k-chan, Right?.. Or not?!..

k-chan : No no no!.. Your right I'm k-chan!.. But my real name is kiina (This will be my name here! In my fanfic but my real name in person is koreen XD) But you can call me k-chan for short!..Smile..

Everyone : Okay--!!!..

Tamaki : melted at k-chan smile…'k-kawaii!!!'…

Everyone : looked at Tamaki with their raises eye brown…

K-chan : Came in, came in!!!...

Naruto : Soo-..This is our new home, Right!?..

Sasuke : Yes!.. Dobe!..

Naruto : Grrr.. I'm not a dobe you teme sasuke!!!!

Sasuke : Whatever!.. Your still a dobe to me!..

Naruto : …

k-chan : …Anyway… Let me show you around the house so you guys won't get lost!.. Shall we!!?!?..

Ginji : Sure…

They walk around the house. K-chan show them to were the living room. Then the book room. The kitchen, the backyard, play round, and the training room, then karaoke room, and finally to were all the bed room were…

Ban : woah!.. This house sure is big!.. Do you live here!?..

k-chan : yeah!.. My dad the 9th made this for me!.. (a.n : Let just pretend that the 9th mafia boss in Khr is my dad!.. And Xanxus is my older bro.!.. :D Thought I dunno how old is Xanxus is—.. )

Ginji : Sweet!...

k-chan : oh.. And ginji, ban this is the key to your room!.. she handed them the key to there room!.. Of course they had their own room!..)..Oh and Naruto ,sasuke your room is on the left!.. And Dark, Dee, Tamaki, Kyouya, Raito here the key to yours own room!..she handed them all their key to their room… By the way Raito when Matt and L, Mello and Near will be coming?!..

Raito : Tomorrow!.. L is still busy dealing with his things before he'll move here!.. And you know Mello and Near are his younger brothers so they have to wait still their onii-san is done!..

k-chan : ohh… Okay!.. By the way Dee where's Ryo?!..

Dee : Still busy dealing with the brats!..

k-chan : ..hmm.. I guess they be coming here tomorrow then, Right?!

Dee : yup!..

k-chan : kay, guys night!.. See ya all tomorrow!.. Cause I know you all still need to put those cloths in the cloth set!

Then everyone went to their own room and fix their stuff. After that they all went to bed..

The next day…

Everyone was on the kitchen making breakfast!.. Still the door bell rang

k-chan : I'll get it!.. Is problem them!.. k-chan then rush to the door to open. To see Ryo,L,Mello,Near,Matt,Dante,Vergil,Nero,Kadaj,Yazoo,cloud,Sepheorith,Satoshi, Daisuke, Ichigo korusaki and his gang Sanzo and his gang too. Soubi and Ritsuka, Ed and Roy, Yuuri, Wolfram, Conrad, Gewndal, Itachi, kiseme, Gaara, Rock lee, Allen, Kanda,...Yo!.. Minna glade you all made it!..

Uryuu : jaw dropped.. W-WHAT STREWBERRY-CHAN DOING HERE!?!?!?!..

Everyone : ….


Renji : four-eye-gay!?!?!.. What the heck!?!?

k-chan : Ahem…Let not fight. Is too early for that!..

Ichigo : Don't blame me!!!!.. Blame him!.. For calling me STREWBERRY-CHAN!..

Renji : But that what your name mean, Ichi-go!..

Everyone : giggles while some choked on their milk..

Ichigo : a vein popped on Ichigo head. Then kicked Renji on the back and said.. Shut up!.. You bakasaru-red!!..

k-chan : sighed..umm.. Can we get some breakfast before having some fun first!?!?!?!..

Ichigo : …Sure. That fine with me!..

So they went for breakfast

Minute later…

Ichigo : yawn.. That was good!..

Renji : Dude. She got a maids!..

Ichigo :SO?!.. She rich!?!?. What wrong with that!?..

Renji : dose rich people really need a maids?!..

Ichigo and everyone : ….

Ichigo : Sheeze!. .You really are a Baka!..

Renji : grr…

Uyruu : IS only normally for them to have a maids!..

Renji : oh.. Okay…

Ginji : Nee.. Ban!!.. Wanna go to the pool!?!?!..

Ban : Sure!..

Allen : NANI!?!!?.. She GOT a POOL!?!?!

Ginji : Yeah!..

Ban : wanna see it!?..

Allen : sure!..

So they all went to the pool!.. When they got their the pool was not just a pool but an pool park!.. With lots rides and stuff.

Allen : jaw dropped…

Everyone : WOOOOOoooooowwwww!!!..

Ichigo : is an…

Kadaj : pool park!?!!?!?...

k-chan : OH!.. HEY GUYS!!!.. WANNA JOIN!?!?!?..k-chan said from one of the swimming pool with a flowing chair.

Allen : Can we!?!?!..he said with sprinklings in his eyes. Everyone where looking at Allen with this look - O.o

k-chan : of course!.. But let gray show you to your room so you guys can change to your swim suit and— k-chan said but was cut off as Allen dragged Gray to show their room so he could change into his suit swim!.. Everyone sweatdropped at Allen

Ginji : Well—Were going k-chan so that we can change and join you!..ginji said then left to join the others to their room so that they could change to their swim suit

k-chan : …Su-re..o.O.. 'That was fast!..'

Minute later..

Everyone came back with their swim suit on!.. Ginji dive to the pool with a loud slash…


Ginji : oops!. .Sorry hehe!..

k-chan : …."..Ginji you didn't need to jump that far!!!..

Lavi : Nee. Yuu-chan!!!.. Came and join us!..

Kanda : Shut up!!.. I'll came when you are off. Of the pool!!..

Allen & Lavi : …

Allen : smirked.. What are you a cat?!?!?!... Ohh.. I see… Here kitty, kitty, yuu-chan!. .Don't be Afraid of the water!?...

Kanda : Twitched… Allen!!!.. you are SO DEAD!!..

Allen : heh… Came and get me if ya wanna kill me hehehe… You Kitty cat!!..

Kanda : Grr…then Kanda came to the pool running and chasing Allen while Allen just laughed..

Lavi and Everyone : sweatdrop at Kanda and Allen…

Dante : The hell--!!..

Kadaj : How the hell can you run in the pool when the pool is full of water!?!?. That just so WRONG!!!..

Everyone : ….looked at Kadaj with this look "..

Raito : Matt..

Matt : hm?..he said not look up at Raito..

Raito : … Why ARE you playing psp on the pool?!..

Matt : So!?..

Raito : Nevermind!.. Good luck!.. Hope the psp will get wet!.. hehehehe…then he jump on the pool near Matt..XD

Matt : AGGHHHH!..RAITO YOU DID THAT ON PORPOSE!..he said pointing at Raito with a vein on his head. His psp on his right had wet from the slash of the water...

Raito : No I did not!.. I just nearly jump near you, That all!!

Matt : Is the same!..

Raito : Were not!..

Matt : Were too!

Raito : Not!

Matt : TOO!..

Raito : Did Not!..he whinny with a puppy dog-eye..

Matt : …vein popped on his head with a blushing face and said..Too!.. Oh nevermind!!!..then he went off the pool to dry his psp..XD

Raito : …Grinned Evily… Yatta!.. I win!

Mello :THAT SO WRONG!!..he said with a sweatdrop on his head while look at Raito and Matt

Near : I feel "Sorry" for Matt!...

Mello : Nah--!.. Is sever him right!..

L : He shouldn't play psp on the pool when he know that it will only get went!..he sighed..

Ichigo : hmmm…Huh?!!?.. sephiroth why are you swimming with that on you!?!?!?..

Sephiroth : …he was swimming with a big flowing rubber duck on his arms.. XD no reason why?!

Yazoo : …He Can't 'SWIM' That why he had that!..

Cloud : was near them so he heard it. Then he choken on his juice.. OMG!!!.. HAHA.. THE GREAT SEPHIROTH CAN'T SWIM!?!?!.. OH MY GOSH!!!!.. WAIT STILL I SAY THIS TO VINCENT. "THE GREAT SEPHIROTH CAN'T SWIM!!!.." BUWAHAHAHAHAHHA..cough, cough..

Everyone : sweatdrop at cloud…

Sephiroth : …chase cloud without knowing he let go of his big rubber Duck.. He was almost close to chap cloud still--

Kadaj : onii-chan, I thought you—

Yazoo : Kadaj wait—

Kadaj : -- can't swim?!..

Sephiroth : stop at his spot when he heard kadaj said "Can't Swim".. Then got drowned by the water..HELP!!.. SOMEBODY SAVE ME!.. I CAN'T SWIM--- to late he was already drowned by the water…XD

Everyone : sweatdrop at Sephiroth…

Kadaj : …

Loz : You know onii-chan forgot that he had a wings to fly. Just to save himself!..

Everyone :..R-Really!?!?!..

Yazoo : Demo.. loz-nii-chan, He only got 'One' wings!..

Loz : AH.. I forgot about that!..

Ichigo : So is the same!. He'll still get drowned by the water!..then he sweatdrop

Raito : sighed.. OIII!!!.. SOMEBODY SAVE THE BAKA SEP—he was cut off when Sephiroth heard someone said the word 'Baka-sep'!.. he came out of the pool ready to kill Raito for calling the word 'Baka-sep'!..

Raito : -hiroth!?!?.. then he paled..

Sephiroth : Raito!!!!.. I'll KILL YOU FOR CALLING ME THAT—!!!!..then he went to chase Raito..

Everyone : sweatdrop at Raito and Sephiroth…

Tamki : This is going to be a whole lot of fun!!!...

Sasuke : Hnnn….I don't wanna know how it will turn out!..

Vergil and Hitsugaya : Agree!... uu…

That for now!..So what you guys think?1.. Is my first time here!.. :D I'll continue the other when I get a review!.. So tell me what you think?!.. Should I continue it or not?!..O.o