DISCLAIMER: Sorry, I only own my twisted imagination.

A/N: I blame ManiazAzn for this pairing idea and Hofftailing-senpai for the story challenge.

The Crimson Countess

The Countess Shizuru Viola

A handsome dashing noblewoman stood regal and proud as she scanned the ballroom.

'Another boring party in some royal's mansion,' the noblewoman thought and sighed, trying to turn bored into aloof.

Across the ballroom floor, a group of giggling young ladies swooned and pointed at the dashing noblewoman. She rolled her eyes at the display and continued to scan the ballroom.

In a bedchamber, somewhere in the mansion, a young countess prepared herself. Her preparations were interrupted by a knock on her chamber door.

"Enter," the young countess called out.

"Countess Viola, your guests have arrived," her attendant entered and announced.

"Thank you Natsuki my love. I shall be ready soon," the Countess answered.

"Countess, have you chosen your escort for this evening?" Natsuki asked.

"Yes my love, I choose you for tonight," the Countess purred.

"It would be my honor," Natsuki stated proudly and bowed.

Natsuki brought her heels together and turned to take her leave.

"My love, before you go, I require nourishment," the Countess said.

"Yes Countess," Natsuki replied.

The handsome noblewoman glided across the ballroom dance floor with a beautiful princess. All eyes were upon the beautiful couple. The dance ended and the noblewoman escorted the princess back to the princess' table. As she was returning to the ballroom dance floor, the noblewoman was immediately surrounded by prospective dance partners. As she surveyed the sea of young beauties, a lovely young lady with long, dark brown hair caught the noblewoman's eye. She extended her hand to the young lady. Shyly, the young lady took the noblewoman's hand and she led them on to the ballroom dance floor. The noblewoman pulled the young lady close as they danced.

"What is your name, lovely lady?" the noblewoman whispered in the young lady's ear.

"Aoi Senoh, kind noblewoman," Aoi answered shyly.

Aoi felt as if she were floating on a cloud as she danced with the handsome noblewoman. To Aoi, it felt as if their feet never touched the floor. At the end of the dance, Aoi braced herself, because she was well aware of this noblewoman's reputation. Lady Chie Hallard was renown throughout the lands as a "Ladies Lady." Lady Hallard left many broken hearts in her wake. Aoi did not wish to become another notch in this noblewoman's belt, but she could not deny her heightened state of arousal. Aoi wanted Chie so badly, she could taste it and from the look in Chie's eyes, the feelings were mutual. Chie took Aoi by the hand and led her out the massive ballroom doors.

The clicking sound of hard heels against the marble floor echoed through the long hallway from the bedchamber to the ballroom, as Natsuki escorted the Countess to the festivities. As they passed one of the many rooms along the way, the Countess froze in her tracks.

"What is it Countess?" Natsuki asked.

"Quiet. Listen," the Countess whispered.

The two women stood silently listening. Natsuki could not hear anything other than the wind and faint sounds from the ballroom. The Countess stood with her eyes closed and head tilted as she listened:

"Stop sir. Please stop," the young lady begged her attacker.

"Be quiet!" the man spat.

"No, please," the young lady cried as the man pawed at her ball gown.

"Shut up!" the man yelled and slapped the young lady.

Suddenly, the Countess' eyes flashed and with blinding speed, she sped into one of the many rooms.

"Duke Reito, unhand that young lady right this instant," the Countess commanded.

The Duke roughly let go of the young lady's wrists, causing her to stumble and land on the floor. He turned quickly and faced the Countess.

"Countess Shizuru Viola," the Duke growled, "This is not your concern."

"My dear Duke, you are mistaken. You are in MY home," Shizuru corrected.

The Duke ignored Shizuru, turned, and resumed his advance on the young lady. In the blink of an eye, Shizuru pinned the Duke against a wall. She was holding him off the floor with one hand, by his windpipe.

"I said, this is MY home," Shizuru hissed into the Duke's face.

The Duke gasped for air as Shizuru tightened her grip on his windpipe. With her thumb, she pushed his jaw up, exposing the soft flesh of the Duke's neck. Shizuru smiled broadly at the sight of the Duke's throbbing jugular vein. The light glinted on her razor-sharp canine teeth. She opened her mouth and sunk those razor-sharp teeth into the Duke's jugular vein.

As Shizuru drained the Duke of life, her body surged with pleasure. The act of feeding always aroused her. The moment right before the Duke's body drained completely, Shizuru swiftly and expertly snapped his neck. She released the Duke's lifeless body and it pooled on the floor. Shizuru threw back her head and drew in a deep open-mouthed breath. Her body shuddered with pleasure. She moaned and exhaled, as she brought her head forward. Her crimson eyes were burning from the kill. She lowered them menacingly on the young lady still on the floor, now in total shock at what she just witnessed. Shizuru walked over to the young lady and extended her hand. The terrified young lady tentatively took the Countess' hand and Shizuru helped the young lady off the floor.

"I am the Countess Viola," Shizuru said as she locked her crimson eyes with wide scared ones.

"I am Princess Mashiro Blan de Windbloom," the young princess said.

"I hope you did not hurt yourself?" Shizuru said smoothly.

"What?" Mashiro asked confused.

"I hope you did not hurt yourself when you tripped and fell," Shizuru said as she gazed deep into Mashiro's eyes.

"I tripped and fell?" Mashiro asked.

"Yes, I helped you off the floor," Shizuru continued.

"Yes, I tripped and fell," Mashiro said.

"You should be more careful," Shizuru smiled.

"I should be more careful. Thank you Countess," Mashiro said.

"Go join the festivities in the ballroom," Shizuru said as she took Mashiro's hand and led her to the room door.

"Yes, thank you again Countess Viola," Mashiro said cheerfully as she headed off to the ballroom with no memory of the horror she witnessed.

Shizuru watched the young princess disappear behind the massive ballroom doors before she stepped back in to the room and closed the door.

"Natsuki my love, please see to disposing that," Shizuru tenderly cupped Natsuki's cheek and smiled at her attendant.

"Immediately Countess," Natsuki said as she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped off the small amount of blood on the side of Shizuru's mouth.

"I had better join my guests," Shizuru said and swept out of the room.

The Countess was seated with several admirers of both genders surrounding her. Shizuru spotted her attendant, Natsuki, enter the ballroom. Natsuki paused and searched for Shizuru. Once Natsuki located Shizuru, she walked directly over to her and bent down close to her ear.

"Countess, that matter has been disposed of properly," Natsuki said.

"Thank you my love," Shizuru smiled and kissed Natsuki on the cheek.

Natsuki took her place by Shizuru's side and watched the festivities before her. The partying lasted well into the night. Around midnight, Shizuru was visibly restless. At her first opportunity to slip away, she took it, leaving Natsuki to field questions of the Countess' whereabouts.

Shizuru roamed the hallways of her mansion looking for some fun, which she always managed to find during these parties. Her sharp hearing and acute sense of smell never failed to find her something interesting. Shizuru's ears picked up the sound of moaning, specifically female moaning…her favorite type. She followed the sound to the pantry.

When Shizuru arrived at the pantry, she was treated to the sight of two women locked in a passionate embrace. The Countess recognized the long-haired woman as Lady Senoh, who was promised to a distant cousin of Shizuru's. From the day she briefly met Lady Senoh, Shizuru wondered what the lovely young lady tasted like. Shizuru did not recognize the other short-haired woman. Lady Senoh's back was pressed against the pantry wall by her companion. The short-haired woman had her face buried in Lady Senoh's neck and judging by the sounds, Shizuru guessed the short-haired woman was sucking and licking it. Shizuru closed her eyes, took a long deep breath in, and tasted the scent of arousal thick in the air. She shuddered and smiled.

"Lady Hallard," Aoi moaned as Chie lightly sucked on her neck.

"Lady Senoh," Chie moaned as she pulled Aoi's legs around her waist, bracing them against the wall.

Shizuru watched the two women, thoroughly enjoying the show. With her acute sense of smell, she knew each woman's state of arousal and it made Shizuru hungry. She watched and waited. Shizuru was so engrossed in watching the two women; she surprisingly didn't hear Natsuki come up behind her. Natsuki's ears perked up when she heard the loud moans of the two women and instantly knew what the Countess had found. Natsuki wrapped her arms around Shizuru's waist and kissed the back of her neck.

"Countess, what have you found?" Natsuki growled softly.

"My love, you found me," Shizuru whispered and wrapped her arms over Natsuki's.

"Which young lady would you like?" Natsuki asked.

"Lady Senoh," Shizuru purred.

"Then you shall have her," Natsuki said and added, "I shall follow your lead."

With lightening speed, Shizuru knocked out Chie, and held Aoi pressed against the wall. Natsuki easily lifted Chie over her shoulder and left with the unconscious noblewoman. Aoi rapidly blinked at Shizuru, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Countess Viola?" Aoi asked confused.

"Lady Senoh," Shizuru purred and buried her face in Aoi's neck.

Shizuru savored the combined scents of Aoi and Chie still lingering on the young lady's neck. She smiled and her razor-sharp teeth glistened. Shizuru was hungry, very hungry. She licked Aoi's neck and rolled the favors around on her tongue. Shizuru opened her mouth and firmly sucked on Aoi's neck, eliciting a loud moan from Aoi, causing Shizuru to smile again. She could smell Aoi was close to the edge, so she lifted Aoi further up the wall, until Aoi's legs were draped over each of Shizuru's shoulders.

Shizuru lifted Aoi's gown up to the young lady's waist, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. The Countess savored the scent of Aoi's arousal as it caressed the back of Shizuru's throat. Her hunger was nearly out of control. She pulled Aoi's panties aside and buried her mouth in Aoi's wetness. Shizuru fed on Aoi's essence. The more Shizuru fed, the wetter Aoi got, until Aoi flooded the Countess. She lapped up every drop of Aoi's essence.

Shizuru gently lowered an unconscious Aoi to the pantry floor and lowered the young lady's gown. The Countess stood, threw back her head, and drew in a deep open-mouthed breath. Her body violently convulsed and shook as she climaxed. She moaned and exhaled, as she brought her head forward. Shizuru could feel Aoi's essence warming her cold body as it flowed through her. Her crimson eyes were burning from the feed. Aoi's essence was just what Shizuru needed to satiate her hunger. Shizuru sensed someone behind her and quickly spun around to find Natsuki leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Was she everything you hoped?" Natsuki asked with a mischievous grin.

"And more," Shizuru smirked and licked her lips.

"I wish I could join you in your pleasures," Natsuki said sadly as she looked down at the floor.

Shizuru smiled and walked over to Natsuki. She cupped Natsuki's cheek and lifted her face, so their eyes met. Shizuru kissed Natsuki lovingly on the lips.

"My love, I wish you could too, but you know why I cannot turn you," Shizuru said as she held Natsuki.

"Yes Countess, I understand," Natsuki said.

"Please put Lady Senoh to bed, so she can sleep comfortably," Shizuru said and left the pantry.

Daylight was quickly approaching, so Shizuru retired to her bedchamber and left her trusted Natsuki to tie up loose ends.