A/N: Read the author's note at the end, please, and help me decide what to do.


Always Tomorrow
Day Six

Atobe Keigo wasn't exactly expected to be at Tezuka Kunimitsu's door; he wasn't even sure if he was wanted there. But there was really nothing that he could do. He needed to clear everything up with the unreadable one, and it needed to be done fast.

As the door creaked slowly open, Atobe felt more anxious, a bit afraid of what his rival's reaction or expression would be. Would Tezuka immediately slam the door in his face? Or would he—

No; Tezuka Kunimitsu was never anything more than civil. He might have been cold, almost ruthless at times, but he was always the same old Tezuka, nonetheless. He was always calm and collected; he held himself together quite well…much like Atobe Keigo himself. But now…Atobe was anything but calm.

"Tezuka…" He started, eyes locking onto the other's for a moment before he had to turn away. "Ore-sa—I…" He really wanted to say 'Ore-sama,' after all it was who he was in the first place, but…around Tezuka, he wanted to change.

"Atobe," the Seigaku captain spoke calmly, as usual, his firm voice having almost caused a slight tremor in the one at his front door, had the person been anyone but Atobe Keigo. "You shouldn't be here."

The narcissist's face dropped, whatever confidence he had left, if any, was now completely gone. Tezuka Kunimitsu wasn't even the least bit alright about the kiss he and Atobe shared…and it didn't look like he was going to be alright any time soon.


"No," was his only response as he turned away slightly, readying to close the door in signal for the Hyoutei captain to leave that instant. But, no matter how low Atobe Keigo was in confidence, he was still the great Atobe Keigo; the same one that always refused to lose, the one that never gave up. He was staying until Tezuka spoke to him.

"Ore-sama is not leaving, Tezuka Kunimitsu." His voice was more firm than usual, especially since his heart was literally breaking; he could actually feel it…but that was why he needed answers; answers of which the addressed man didn't seem to want to give.

"Then what do you want? I don't have all day," he replied, still refusing to let the other into his house for various reasons.

"The kiss," Atobe said quietly, eyes latching onto something different, something seemingly more fascinating than the cold eyes of his rival. "What did you…what were your—"

"That is irrelevant. The kiss is already over. It is no more."


Atobe bit his bottom lip, the shining whiteness of his immaculate teeth contrasting perfectly with the slight redness to his lip, making the teeth seem to glow even more than they would. He hadn't expected that kind of response from Tezuka Kunimitsu, but it was a response, nonetheless, though not a good one.

"Well? What are you here for?" Tezuka asked coldly, his arms folding slowly over his chest as he waited none-too-patiently for the great Atobe's reply, if he had any. If not, he would just immediately shut the door, no questions asked, and no complaints.

"One more try…" Ore-sama whispered, hopefully unheard by the other, and he quickly pressed his lips back to Tezuka's, loving the feel of the lips against his own once again. This time, he didn't pin the other to the doorframe; didn't expect to remain in the kiss for long either, but...he wasn't exactly shoved away. Tezuka Kunimitsu didn't try once to push Atobe Keigo away and, for some reason, Atobe knew that that would happen, so he didn't bother holding him back. It seemed like—Tezuka Kunimitsu was kissing him back. Could that even be real?

Finally needing a break for air, he and the Seigaku player both pulled away, panting as if they had been caught underwater for far too long when, in fact it was the lip-lock that left them utterly breathless.

Atobe loved the feeling…loved the feeling of Tezuka Kunimitsu's lips against his own, the way they seemed to fit just perfectly, and the way they tasted. No one else was ever able to leave Atobe Keigo as breathless as Tezuka had and he wanted more of the feeling; but it would have to be Tezuka that called the shots…

"Atobe, you should—"

"I know," was the response, knowing what his rival was going to say before he even finished. Both Atobe and Tezuka knew that Atobe should no longer be there. Atobe went there and got what he came for; reassurance, and now it was time to leave. But he really didn't want to.

He couldn't help but stare at the lips that he got to taste twice now. The Seigaku captain's lips seemed almost swollen because of their kissing and all Atobe wanted was to kiss them again, claim them for his own. Everything involving Tezuka Kunimitsu's lips and the way Atobe's own fit perfectly with them made Atobe think what it would be like if their bodies overlapped each other; the friction that they would cause, the friction that wasn't his own.

As much as he wanted to be there, he knew he had to leave. He'd be asking for too much if he wanted to stay. He knew exactly why he couldn't stay; if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold back, and Tezuka knew just as much. The Hyoutei player would want to reclaim those swollen lips, and soon the perfect body, and make himself completely belong to Tezuka Kunimitsu, if it wasn't allowed to be the other way around.

Atobe knew he should no longer be there. He knew because…he finally understood that Tezuka really was unattainable. No one could tame Tezuka Kunimitsu. No one would be able to own him, especially not Atobe Keigo. And if Atobe Keigo couldn't have Tezuka Kunimitsu, then no one could. It was Tezuka that would do the 'claiming,' and Tezuka desired no one; Atobe knew that as well. The only thing that Tezuka truly cared about was tennis…and his team because of tennis. It ruled his life; it ruled his life yesterday. It ruled his life today. It would rule his life tomorrow; and it would even rule his life through everything until his shoulder finally gives out. And until that happens, Atobe Keigo would keep trying to attain the unattainable. Why? Because Atobe Keigo always got what he wanted, whether money could buy it or not.

Tezuka Kunimitsu would belong to Atobe Keigo. And Atobe Keigo would belong to Tezuka Kunimitsu.

There was no giving up; no giving in.

There was always tomorrow. Always the next day. Always, always, always.

Tezuka Kunimitsu. Wait for me.

A/N: Eh…I could end it there…I could continue it…I could leave that just like that and make a sequel of a whole new story title. I dunno. You tell me. Please review. I'm sorry it was so short.

Please, please, please review. It means a lot when you do. Thank you for reading!