A/N: Sorry it took so long to repost my life has been kinda crazy.. This chapter is also shorter, but I want everything set up for where I am taking this story

Disclaimer: I still don't own!! All Stephenie Meyer's

Enjoy and please review!


"As soon as the words left his mouth, Edward wished he hadn't told his brother to put Bella down. There on Bella's stomach, in what looked like permanent marker was a telephone number, with the name Dave written in block letters just above…"

Edward's jaw stayed in its dropped position as his fiancée swayed her way over to him.

"Eddie, Eddie.. I missed you!" Bella slurred.

She almost fell flat on the floor as she tried to kiss his cheek. Edward momentarily snapped out of his shock as he caught her around her face and pulled her so she was standing looking directly at him.

"Bella would care to explain the phone number on your stomach?" Edward asked barely controlling his temper.

"Huh" came Bella's brilliant reply.

"THE PHONE NUMBER ON YOUR STOMACH!!" Edward roared, he was sick of not getting answers from anyone tonight.

"Relax Edward, he was just showing his appreciation for Bella's performance." Emmett chuckled.

Edward's eyes reached a new level of black as he contemplated the best position to set Bella in so he could charge at his imbecile of a brother. He started to shake with rage.

"EDWARD! Control yourself NOW!" Esme commanded.

Edward relaxed slightly.

"Now, get Bella into bed and give her some aspirin. Alice and Emmett will explain and apologize to everyone in the morning! Am I clear?" Esme scolded.

"Yes" everyone answered their eyes towards the floor, well except Bella who was mumbling about My Little Pony.

Edward carried Bella upstairs and sat her on the bed and proceeded to make her take two aspirin and drink most of the huge water.

"Sleep love" Edward told her.

Bella rolled over and mumbled incoherently before passing out into a deep slumber. Very unlady-like snores erupted from her mouth almost immediately, and Edward couldn't decide to be disturbed or find this funny.

For once, Bella was silent throughout the night…

Alice sat in her room with Jasper.

They were watching the tape of that night's events with the sound almost completely off and they carried a conversation over it while blocking their thoughts.

Edward did not get a glimpse of this yet.

Jasper was barely able to control himself as he watched his sister-in-law to be acting completely out of character.

When Bella got onstage and unbuttoned her shirt almost all the way to tie it up and started grinding on the microphone pole, Jasper turned to his wife and said "Didn't know she had it in her, wait till Edward finds out. Maybe he'll rethink his boundaries!'

Alice and Jasper laughed quietly together and continued to watch the best footage they had ever seen.

"Do you think we should send this to Girls Gone Wild?" was the last question Jasper asked his wife before heading to show the footage to Emmett and Rose.