I know, I know, it's been a while since I've posted anything, but hopefully that will change. With the nudging of my counselor, I'm supposed to keep a journal, but my life's so BORING! So I figured, I'd create a journal for my beloved Zexion, His woes, hopes, dreams, and hopefully, it'll be way more interesting then anything I'd do. So, please, enjoy

Disclaimer: Square Enix and Disney, how dareth thou deprive e of the thing I love so much,"Zexion, one day, you shall be mine."

January 18, 2008

So, day one, this is dumb, how can a stupid counselor make me record my innermost thoughts? It doesn't make sense, it's my life. It's like all she does is lecture and tell me what to do. What help is that? None. So, how shall I start this, I'm Zexion Iwshe, I'm 17, in the senior year of high-school, and According to Mrs. Ensuko, I have problems. I'm therefore supposed to write in those stupid thing everyday or be sent to some "special" school, like that's going to happen. So, about me, I'm not athletic, I'm thin, about 5' 7", I have longer grey hair that conceals my steel eyes. I like English, despise math, suck at art, and I'm in love with the most beautiful creation on this earth. His names Demyx, he's artistic, smart, and a blue-eyed blonde. He's also my best friend, and even though I don't want to admit it, it hurts that he doesn't know. I've never felt this strongly about anything before, but I can't tell him, he's straight, always a new girl by his side, it wouldn't work. But when he stares at me with those cerulean eyes, I swear my heart stops. It doesn't help that I practically live at his house, mines not the best… My dad's in the service, big guy, big attitude, he's disappointed I'm not like him. He lets me know every day, every night, anytime he feels I can use some extra misery. My moms a drunk. I think she does it to deal with dad, but, no one knows, she's been to rehab, yea, right, like that'll work. So, right now, I'm hiding in my little room, dad should be home soon, id leave, but I'm grounded, something about not getting all A's. One fucking B and I'm stuck here, away from my love. Well, at least my punishments over Friday, then I can spend the weekend with Demyx, We're seeing the new Bourne movie, he said it looks good, I thought he looks good, so, in the end, everyone's happy, great dads home, g2g

Zexion Iwshe