I'm sorry everyone… but I think I'm finally discontinuing this story.

Too my beloved reviewers, thank you for your kind reviews and little stories that nvr failed to make me laugh. Hopefully, I'll start another fic soon, a shorter one I'll assure you all. As an ending for this one… hmm…

June 9th 2058 (Zexion)

I can't believe I found my old journal. It was laying up in the attic for so long. So many years have gone past since this journal, so many. I looked back to my last entry, wasn't so pleasant. The docs found I had a sensitivity reaction; I was in the hospital for a week, than everything was right as rain. My beloved Demmy and I wed that sunny Wednesday and off to Hawaii we went. Seems like just yesterday, playing on the beach together, just two kids having a good time, these years have been so wonderful to us. Demmy and I went to college together, he became a veterinarian, has his own place down the street. Works there everyday. Funny enough, I became a therapist, well, as close as a school guidance counselor can be to that anyways. I work at the local high school, talking to the teens about their problems. Like a walk back in time everyday. I remember my past, and use it to make the path before these kids a little easier. Leon and Cloud, well, as they grew older, they moved down the street from us, babysit on occasion. Axel owns the biggest fireworks place in the continental U.S., he married Roxas, and well, their still all over each other to this day. I think that's everyone. I just find it interesting I find this book today of all days… June ninth… we were wed 50 years ago today. Some didn't think it would work, some criticized us, but in the end… it all worked out.

Zexion Iwshe

Lisa: I'll miss you all


I hope you all read my other stories! 2 chapters max, but still good I think

And lastly,

Thank you all so much for reading