A/N: I've been thinking for awhile whether or not I should write this story and I wasn't sure how people would respond since there are just so many BV stories out there already. But I hope that this one is somewhat different from the rest. And I just want to clarify that while this story is based on a true story, but it is a very loose adaptation.

Anyway, the prologue is basically setting the scene and to give a brief background story. The introductory story will be set when the main characters are 13/14 years old and the main story will be set when the they are 17/18 years old.

Please enjoy!




When I was a young girl, my family moved to Tokyo in Japan. My father being the scientist that he was had been transferred there for work. When I took my first breath of the Tokyo air, I could sense the huge contrast from what I was used to. Japan was a lot different from my small European hometown. It was a city of advanced technology, high-rise buildings, and a lot of people. I instantly knew that this was the place where my little adventure of life would begin.


"To the new students of 2077, I welcome you all to Tokyo International Junior High." The school's principal, a short blonde woman, paused and adjusted her glasses as the large hall burst into applause.

"At this school, we promise to provide the best curriculum and extra-curricular activities. We also provide a three year compulsory Japanese language course to enable that all students are prepared when they enter their chosen Japanese high school."

As the principal droned on about the school's "superior" program and its staff members, a young blue haired girl sat quietly in the audience and watched intensely. Unlike the other students, her parents were not sitting next to her. They had been too busy with work to attend her junior high orientation day. The girl sighed as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat while adjusting her metal-framed glasses. Her eyes started to wander across the large auditorium when her gaze suddenly stopped at a spiky haired boy sitting next to her. He was scowling at her. The blue-haired girl gulped as she felt his ebony eyes staring intensely at her, as if he was trying to stare into her very soul. What is he staring at? She thought to herself. However, her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a loud echo of applause all around the room and she realized the principal was done with her speech.

"Please feel free to mingle with the other students and get to know your classmates better. As for the parents, there are refreshments at the end of the hall." The short blonde-haired principal beamed proudly at her new students before making her exit from the stage. The audience then started to chatter loudly as students and parents stood up to mix with one another.

The blue-haired girl bit her lip as she slowly looked to her left to find that the boy had now disappeared. Where did he run off to? Why was he staring at me? She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around, coming face-to-face with a raven-haired girl smiling sweetly at her.

"Hi!! My name is ChiChi Mau!! I'm the girl who was sitting a few seats from you and I noticed you were all by yourself!! What's your name?"

The blue-haired girl was slightly caught off-guard by her new acquaintance's almost too bubbly approach, but she soon found herself smiling while adjusting her glasses.

"Hi ChiChi! I'm Bulma. Bulma Briefs. I'm actually uh.. new here. Just moved to Tokyo two weeks ago."

ChiChi nodded happily at her new friend's response. "Me too!! I used to live in Thailand, but my whole family got transferred here because my dad's kind of like this famous martial artist. But anyway, I hope we're in the same class! Show me your timetable!"

Bulma looked down at the blue pamphlet she was holding. "You mean this?"

ChiChi squealed as she took the pamphlet from Bulma's hand and examined it along with her own pink pamphlet. She then squealed once again at her discovery. "Bulma! We're in like 5 classes together!! Isn't that so awesome??"

Bulma smiled and then nodded. She was very grateful that she had managed to find a friend so soon. She did not consider herself to be a very sociable person. She was glad that ChiChi was extremely extrovert because it seemed to have balanced their personalities.

Bulma suddenly frowned when she noticed the previously scowling spiky-haired boy not too far from where she was. Except this time he had his arms crossed, and was smirking at her. He was not too far from where she was standing and was surrounded by a couple of other boys from their new grade. She then noticed that he was rather short compared to the other male students.

"Why does that boy keep staring at me? It's kinda creeping me out."

ChiChi gave her friend a confused looked before following her gaze. She then started giggling. "Oh! You mean, Vegeta? He's a bit weird, eh? Don't worry, he does that to everyone!"

Bulma raised her eyebrow. "He does? Is he your friend or something?"

ChiChi crossed her arms and gave Bulma a smirk. "Hardly! To be quite honest, I don't really know him. He lives down the road from where I moved to and I've only spoken to him once. He's a little mean. But all boys are. But you know what's strange about him? He's pure Japanese! Isn't that just so weird that he's at this school?"

Before Bulma could reply, they heard a loud bell ring across the hall and ChiChi's eyes widened like giant saucers. "That's the school bell!! Oh. My. God. We have just officially started seventh grade!! Bulma!! I'm so excited. I can barely breathe!!"

ChiChi held up her timetable and started studying it. Her face suddenly fell. "Oh sugar! We don't have first period together. What a bummer! I have English and you have Japanese. I'll see you in second period though. I've got to say goodbye to my parents first. I'll see you later in class!!"

Before Bulma could respond, her raven-haired friend had run off quickly and almost out of sight. Letting out a deep sigh, Bulma looked at her timetable to try and figure out where her first class was.


"Welcome class!! My name is Mr. Yamamoto. Please call me Yamamoto Sensei. I am your assigned Japanese teacher for the next three years. Yoroshiku!!"

Bulma neatly jotted down the information that was on the blackboard when she suddenly sensed someone slump into the seat next to her. She looked up slightly from her notebook and suddenly froze. It was the spiky-haired boy who had glared at her during the orientation assembly. Bulma gulped before dropping her head back down, hoping that the boy had not noticed her.

"Minna-san!! Please turn to the person sitting next to you and give him or her a good look. Because from now, this person will be your conversationalist partner and you will be working with them each time you are in my class. I want you to introduce yourself to each other. Ganbatte!!" The over-enthusiastic teacher beamed at his class as he watched his students slowly begin their chatter.

Bulma's head shot back up and stared at the boy next to her. He has to be my partner? Her facial expression was a mixture of terror and disgust. The boy only smirked back at her.

"Vegeta Ouji."

Those were the only words he muttered. His smirk turned into a frown when she did not respond. Bulma found herself subconsciously re-adjusting her glasses as she was trying to process the situation. She was definitely a stranger when it came to talking to boys, as it did not occur very often. Back at her hometown, she spent most of her time reading, studying, and staying at home in general. She was extremely more sheltered than most children her age and now she found difficulty in communicating with a boy, especially one with a bit of an attitude.

"I.. umm I'm Bulma. Nice to meet you."

Bulma slowly let out a shaky hand, hoping to initiate a handshake but unfortunately for her, Vegeta only stared at her.

Bulma suddenly found herself frowning at him as she pulled back her hand. She felt her anger starting to boil inside her. "Well, you don't have to be so weird and rude!! Since we're stuck being conversationalist partners or whatever, we might as well cooperate!!"

Vegeta suddenly smirked again. "Not so shy anymore, woman? Or should I say, geek."

Bulma felt her cheeks burning when she suddenly felt extremely self conscious. She started glaring at him. It was true that she could not care less about her appearance, and her large round glasses often gave the impression that she did not have much of a life outside of the books, which was a tad close to the truth. But still, he doesn't have to be so upfront about it!

As she opened her mouth for her nasty comeback, the door of the classroom suddenly flung open and a tall boy with a scar on the side of his face stepped inside. His slightly flushed cheeks indicated that he had been running very fast. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I had trouble finding the classroom."

Bulma suddenly forgot about her little disagreement with Vegeta when she found herself staring at this new student.

Mr. Yamamoto smiled at the boy and gave him a quick nod. "Don't worry! It's your first day after all! What's your name?"

The boy gave the teacher an apologetic smile. "It's Yamcha. Yamcha Siette."

Mr. Yamamoto looked through his list before exclaiming, "Oh there you are! Welcome to the class!! Please take a seat."

Bulma found herself smiling as her gaze followed Yamcha as he took his seat in the row in front of hers. There was something about him that really grabbed her attention but she could not pinpoint what it exactly was. So his name is Yamcha.. He's kind of cute. Oh my god. Why am I staring at him. Is this what they call… Bulma gulped. Love at first sight?

Bulma was too caught up with her little mind debate that she did not notice Vegeta's frown of disapproval when he watched her staring intensely at their new classmate.

"Intrigued with scarface over there?"

Huh..? Bulma's head quickly snapped to her left and a slight crimson colour formed on her cheek. She opened her mouth to respond but found herself at a loss for words. Vegeta crossed his arms and smirked at her.

"Nevermind that. I want you to know that I actually agree with what you said earlier." Vegeta ignored Bulma's confused look and continued on. "Since I'm unfortunate enough to be stuck with you in this class for the duration of this course, let's settle this like civilized people. As much as I don't want to work with you, let's both make this a win-win situation. As long as we're in this classroom together, let's pretend to be friends and work together. I'm sure you're an intelligent young girl, so what do you say?"

He then slowly stuck out his hand, waiting for her response.

Bulma stared as his hand as she thought about what he had said. She suddenly found herself feeling more relaxed and her tension was slowly dissipating. She found herself smiling at him. And then took his hand and gave him a quick shake.

As soon as they settled their deal, he suddenly leaned forward and whispered to her "But outside this class, I don't know you." He then pulled back, his smirk never leaving his face. He watched her gasp as she stared at him with an angered look.

"Vegeta Ouji, you sure are one hell of a meanie, you know that??" She put her hand on her hips as she glared at him, but deep down inside she knew that she was not angry with him. Instead, she enjoyed his presence.

And that was how their friendship began.


Back then, I always believed that Vegeta had been a good boy despite his façade. And because of that, I let myself become friends with him despite his mean jokes and name-calling. However, I was a naïve kid back then. His friendship meant a lot more to me than I had realized. But instead of cherishing what we had, I spent the start of junior high being infatuated with Yamcha. But the irony of it was how the events all untwined and formed the road of our twisted fate.