A/N: This will actually be a very belated entry to Kataang Week, with a story for each of the seven prompts. Yes, yes, I know that Kataang Week is long gone, but I'm not going to deny myself the opportunity of handing in something as well and sharing it with you guys, especially since I've missed the thrill of actually doing it during the week. So here goes. And thanks for all the reviews!

As an aside, I'm starting to lose my feeling for these stories. So for now, this will be the final chapter.

Disclaimer: While I now own a TV and a Wii, 'Avatar' is still not mine.


He had woken up to a troubled world,

a hundred years apart from everything he knew.

And during his travels, he sometimes felt

vulnerable, just a kid with an impossible task to complete.

Yet every time he was falling apart,

she would be there to protect him from the world.

Smoke and Mirrors

"Please. The real hero is the Avatar."

Aang had stepped out of the shadows,

in front of the crowd,

and she heard cheers, for him.

Her heart was filled with pride,

and as she saw him there,

she knew then that the confusion

that had been plaguing her

was gone.


Her head was lying on his chest,

arms wrapped around him.

Her eyes were closed, and she was

vaguely aware that she was sleeping, drifting.

She heard a soft sound,

underneath her, warm and steady.

The quiet thump-thump was comforting,

and with a smile

she fell back into sleep.


She never understood what people meant when they said

they had butterflies in their stomach.

Something about seeing the person you love.

She thought about Aang,

about how she really felt when seeing him.

But there was no nervousness,

no embarrassment.

With him, there was only deep comfort,

and love.


He was blushing, looking up at her with

an uncertain smile, holding out a small box.

She took it, her eyes never leaving his.

Gently, she placed it onto the table

and opened it.

"Happy birthday, Katara."

She turned back to him and decided on

just how to thank him.


When the weight of the world pulls you down

I will be there.

When the task becomes too big for you

I will be there.

You are my hope, my best friend.

You are everything to me,

and I'm with you all the way.

I will be there

for you.


His breathing was slow,

but she knew that he was in a state

much deeper than sleep.

For weeks he hadn't moved,

and every time she was healing him,

she was amazed at how much damage the

attack had done.

But losing hope wasn't an option,

not before,

not now.