Hey all! This is your wonderful Zi telling you that Take me as I am is almost over! Yes! Also for all you lucky SasuSaku fans out there well...this chapter has a lot of it XDD ALSO remeber that high school I told you all about way back when well I got in!! I got in for creative writing I was so fucking happy! I nearly bounced off the walls, and I am a lazy person who ussaly doean't freak about anything! I also watched Sweeny Todd and HOW DO PEOPLE ENJOY IT?! IT FREAKED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME! I COULDN'T BEAR IT T-T... Yeah... So any who! PLEASE REVEIW AND READDDD AND I'm sooooo sorry!! the late update is all those darn exam's faults not mine I swear!

I own half of the panda mafia not Naruto sorry!

Chapter 15

It all comes together

Le-gasp! This one starts with a flash Back XD

A little boy, the boy looked to be only 6 or 7, was walking aimlessly through out Sendo. Even though it was probably the worst part of the place no one was bothering the little boy. And they had their reasons. This little boy was no average little boy. This little boy was a full out killer. This little boy could make men die in a matter of minutes. This little boy, even with all those things, was still just a lonely little boy.

"Mommy who is that boy?" A shirl girlish voice asked as it's girly owner pointed at the boy, who looked over his shoulder to see her.

"Come now, Eva...Run!" The mother ran with her child out of the boy's presence. The boy felt like crying no one liked him, except for his siblings.

"Why? The little boy said as the mother ran. He would never hurt the girl, but then again he couldn't promise anything. Soon the little boy was walking again, through the sand storm tattered part of the village.

That's why the little boy was out. He got separated in the storm and needed to find them. The sand didn't hurt him, it never did. Yet, he was still away form them. Subaku protected him but there was a cost. This one little boy was the most hated being in both Suna and Sendo and some people believed he was the start of the war.

"There he is! Get him!" And that was when the dagger thorwing and kunai throwing began. The sand, of course, stopped them but these men were ruthless they wanted the little boy dead and they were going to stop at nothing until he died.

'Why?" The little boy asked the men that were coming at him.

"Why?" He asked as the sand started to rip them apart.

"Why?" He asked one finale time as the sand started to come around him, to protect himself form the blows.

"Because you are some kind of monster!!" The boy's gaze got hard with that and he started to cry.

"It wasn't my fault... It wasn't my fault..." He cried as the last man came on him.

"It will always be your fault!" Needless to say that was the last sentence the man ever let fall form his lips. Soon that man's blood was every where. The sand had made a sort of coffin around him and well let's say it buried him... Now the blood coated sand fell all around the boy. It was haunting under the Sendo moon.

"Gaara!!" A boy shouted. He ran to his brother and hugged him. A girl came by as well.

"Gaara! You worried us!" The girl cried as she helped her little brother up...

"Kankuro. Temari. You saw?" The little boy asked and both of his siblings froze.

"You saw."

Kankuro and Temari looked to one other then nodded, their brother broke out in tears. Yet it wasn't either of them who confronted him it was a new boy with red hair that seemed to match Gaara's.

"It's OK, Kid! Those guys were low lifes and I think you did a pretty good job taking out the garbege!" The boy chuckled, even though inside he was trembling. Gaara looked up to him and nodded.

" Really?" Gaara asked, his blue eyes widening, and the boy nodded.

" Really! The name's Sasori and you?" Sasori told the boy, already knowing his name because of Temari and Kankuro.

"My name is Gaara," Gaara told the boy called Sasori and then he heard something he never thought he would ever hear.

"And so begins the friendship of Sasori, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara! May it last!"

And, guess what? It lasted.


Ino nodded and then looked to Gaara, yet no fear was stretched among her icey face. Understatement, maybe, but no fear lurked on her porcelain face. She looked into Gaara's blue porbs with intensity in hers and nodded.

'I will never tell anyone of your secerts. I shall keep my lips sealed. And Gaara to me you are no demon. You are Gaara. Do not forget that," Ino's voice was laced with threat but she was an up-talker and the words flew gently out of her mouth. Yet she still had some of the scary Ino in there and Gaara took note and nodded. He was taken back that he took the words so freely and didn't even flinch, she was something else. Then she said something, that totally made Gaara really think.

" And so begins the friendship of Ino and Gaara! May it last!" Ino giggled as she threw her hands in the air. Gaara blushed slightly, not that a untrained eyes could notice the blush, and smiled a small smile. I believe you Ino, it will last...

"Ino Thank-" Gaara was about to thank the odd girl when she fell on his chest making him freeze, and get awfully quiet. A warm blush crossed his cool face as he stared onward.

" Sorry Gaara but I'm tired," Ino yawned then closed her eyes, her breathing soon become hushed and relaxed. Gaara sighed. She most likely would wake up and think it was all a dream but he could live with that. He let her lie in his chest for a while as he admired the stars yet the scene was quickly interrupted when the searching party found Gaara and the sleeping Ino. It was Temari who first came out of the foliage follwed by Shikamaru then the others, Gaara looked at them blankly trying to hide the blush on his pale face.

"Gaara! You found her!" Sakura yelled out in joy, her face obviously happy that Ino was not dead. Ino's still alive! I'm so happy! I'll have to tell... Sakura soon clamped up as she looked over to Sasuke who was just behind the bulk of the search party, his eyes dark.

"She wasn't that hard to find... I mean you can't miss this ball of blonde," Gaara murmured, clearing trying to act like he didn't care, Sakura saw through it. Ino, Ino, Ino...You need to stop making guys fall in love with you it is starting to stress out Shikamaru.

"Hey! Guys, I'm going to go back and inform Susuki and Hinata that we found Ino. They were both worried but Neji and Tenten didn't want them to leave!" Naruto yelled as he was about to race off, both Sakura and Sasuke stopping him.

"No, I will go," Both the prince and the girl said at the same each one stopped after words and looked darkly at one other. Naruto sweat dropped then opened his mouth to speak.

"Looks like we are both going, Sasuke-kun," Sakura sweetly spewed, a little too sweetly as she forced a half baked smile on her face. Sasuke just nodded and the two went together leaving Naruto speechless but he just shrugged. They can be so weird at times. Sasuke and Sakura need to get togethor. Maybe I can get everyone to help me after all this is all said and done.

"Someone needs to wake up Ino, un," Deidara announced once the two clueless ones were out of ear-shot. Everyone looked to oneother as Tobi started to raise his hand. Tenten went over their and Tobi whispered something to her. Her face got pink as she stared to crack up. Deidara sweat dropped this was not going to be good.


One can say that Ino got up after that little charade.

Sakura and Sasuke walked in silence, both looking at each other when the other wasn't looking. Sakura found it to be the most annoying time ever, Sasuke found it amusing, finally the two looked at one other and Sakura was washed away by a see of red guilt, or as more common people refer to it, she was blushing. Sasuke smirked and was then punched in his pretty boy jaw.

"DO NOT SMIRK WHEN I AM ANGRY AT YOU! You You You!" Sakura was at lost for words as she started to cry, holding on to Sasuke for support. Sasuke petted her hair and held her in his arms, Sakura soon felt guilty. Why does he have to be such a... Prince?Sakura sighed, because for what only could of been the second or third time, her inner was right. Sakura was going to admit. Sasuke was her prince. There! She admitted it.

"Sasuke?" Sakura asked through the tears and his massive build. He stopped holding her and looked into her eyes.

"Yes, Sakura?" Sasuke asked looking into her eyes with only one thing and Sakura was pretty sure she knew what that one thing was. She was most positive and she was going to tell him. Because what she saw in his eyes gave her the courage to admit her , the hardest one syllable word on this planet, love. It was chance enough no one was their and then that's when Sakura paused for a moment.

I love him...

"Sasuke... I need to tell you something! I know I was a jerk but Sasuke, listen to me when I saw this, it isn't because of you! I've been hurt so damn much that it has effected me in more ways then one and I need to tell you something! I'm sorry...And you are too good for me! I'm just some ugly village girl! You are the prince!" Sakura confessed through teary eyes. She inwardly cussed herself out. She chickened out. She was now trying to convince herself to fall out of love with him. Like that'll ever happen I've fallen too deep. Sakura let out a sob as Sasuke took hold of her and looked into her emeralds.

"Who told you that?" Sasuke asked, his eyes glowing red, Sakura was taken back and slowly made her way back, Sasuke stopped her.

"No No...Don't be afaird this is something in my family... It's the Sharigan, I will tell you more soon... See all better?" Sasuke told her in a much calmer, soothing way. He calmly wiped away Sakura tears, his eyes back to normal. Sakura nodded, hoping he forgot what he was going to tell her, he didn't.

"Now, who told you were ugly..." He asked his voice full of demandingness, Sakura sniffled then reluctantly told him.

"I have weird colored hair, my eyes are such a green it looks unnatural, I don't have a drop dead gorgeous figure, and I'm just..." Sakura couldn't finish Sasuke looked to her like he was sad, almost.

"You are not answering me, Sakura. Now, you told that you were ugly?" Sasuke asked, a little bit irrated, ok he was past iratatted he was flat out furious.

"It's kind of obvious ,man!" Sakura yelled, tears on the verge of falling. Sasuke took her in his arm and looked at her, his facial expression obviously showing that he thought to differ.

"You are the prettiest girl I have ever met. Your beauty is overwhelming, Sakura. Your hair is the most regal I have ever seen,your eyes shine like the emeralds they are, and you are the most lovely thing I have ever set my eyes on, okay? Sakura you have a mind and a great gift and I..Sakura, I... I... I love you," Sasuke told her as he looked into her eyes, Sakura was taken back.

He loves me...


" Sasuke...I love you, too," Sakura told him looking into his eyes, Sasuke smirked. Why in the hell is he smirking?

"I know, Sakura..." What Sasuke did next surprised the blushing Rosette as he put his lips on hers and it felt good. It tasted good. It was amazing but she did not react at all. It was soft and sweet and soon his lips were off hers, but that was not what Sakura wanted, by the look on her face Sasuke guessed this then smashed his lips on her, grabbing her tightly.

Soon Sakura had her hands in his air, tangling up the black masses. Soon Sasuke begged for entrance and the tongue war became, Sakura would give him dominance but this was an all out war. It was all the want and need of their relationship bundled up in this one make-out session.

Sakura pressed herself to Sasuke, needing his warmth and soon she let go, gasping for breath, Sasuke smirked at her and started to leave warm kisses all over her neck and chest.

"Sakura..." Sasuke whispered lovingly into her ear, Sakura giggled as the warm breath tickled her.

"... I told you they were making out! TOBI NEVER LIES!" A very familiar voice laughed as both Sakura and Sasuke turned around, swept up in a sea of red.

"So they were, un. It was getting pretty heated..."

"SAKURA! Gooo girl! That was hot! Sasuke! I give you my permission as best friend to have Sakura!" Sasuke blushed immensely at that one.

" Heh heh That was great, little sister. I might have to watch you closer now won't I? Making out with prince now? Where did my ugly hag go? Kidding! I approve,"

"Sakura-chan! Who taught you how to do that?"

Both Sakura and Sasuke slowly turned around and walked away, a little too quickly, leaving the search party behind. They were blushing the whole entire time and Sakura even started to laugh.

Hinata and Susuki sat alone with Haku. Each one staring at the walls of the tent, that was before Haku opened his eyes.

"Where am I? Where is Sakura-sama?" He asked with a frown and both royals smiled.

"She is looking for a friend of hers, they should be coming back soon!" Susuki smiled at the boy who nodded then sat up.

"Oh I hope they come back... I hope they come back..." Haku muttered in a almost taunting way, but the girls took no note of it.

"Haku are you quite alright?" this was answered with a no then something about they all die. Susuki and Hinata exchanged sad looks as they looked down at the boy who closed his eyes to keep the tears form coming... Wondering what was so bad that made him like this...

"Just our luck, huh?" She laughed as Sasuke scooped her up and agreed.

"Pretty much, hey look the camp! Let's inform Susuki and Hinata-hime that we have found Ino," Sasuke told her before planting a small kiss on her lips, smirking when he got a blush out of her.

"Hey, Sasuke? Why don't you refer to Susuki as hime or chan or something?" Sakura asked as she cuddled in his strong arms, Sasuke thought for a minute then bluntly answered.

"I called her Susuki-sama once and she nearly killed me. She hates that kind of stuff. I don't know why though. She just does." Sakura giggled. I can so see Susuki doing that!

"Sasuke! Sakura!" Hinata yelled as she went racing over to them, her smile warm as she took in the sight she was seeing and then chuckled, this caused both Sakura and Sasuke to look away, clearly embarrassed.

"So did you find them?" Susuki said lamely, Sakura sighed. Thanks for the excitement Susuki.

"Heh Heh, so Sasuke finnally got the nerve to admit his obsession for you? Time enough," Susuki smirked and Sakura nearly killed her. Grr! Sometimes I just want to sock her! Chaaa!

"What about Kiba? Don't hide it you LURVE him!" Sakura shot back and Susuki admittedly shut up and looked away, hising her face. She felt Sasuke stiffle a chuckle as she inwardly partied.

"So! I mean he is a nice guy! I am lucky to have him!" Susuki shot back, blushing immensely. Sakura looked at her then smiled. I approve, Kiba.

" Yeah, how about Ino I personally think she looks better with Shikamaru!" Sakura giggled as she thought of the lazy ass. Susukis hurged muttering something about Gaara then looked evilly at Hinata. What is Susuki up too.

"Hey Sakura, new plan! Get NaruHina!" Susuki evilly whispered. Sakura laughed soon Sasuke kissed her reminding her whose arms she was in and too have an excuse to shut the girl the hell up and kiss her. They left soon after.

Soon Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, and Susuki were back in the tent. Haku was sitting up and this pleased Sakura and soon they had gotten into a conversation about his past, sadly he didn't remember much at all. Sakura nodded enjoying how polite the boy was untill something broke the peace.

"Bandits!" It was clearly Naruto's voice and Sasuke and Sakura gave each other a brief look before racing outside, surprised by how many their were and faintly Sakura heard Sasori's voice.

"They are from Sendo! "

Of course, they couldn't be normal bandits. Everything in this tale must be pieced together, right?

I looved writing that! Do not fret! Haku's past will be in the next one, he might take most of the chapter and! HOW WAS THAT?! FINALLY! Some action! :D