Title: Teammate
Author: Enchanting Slasher
Characters/Pairing: Wally. Hints of Bruce/Wally
Rating: G
Word Count: 276
Summary: "The scariest thing is that no matter what the situation is, Wally knows who he'll save first."
Disclaimer: I wish I owned this stuff.
Author's Notes/Warnings: This is a challange that I'm doing on Live Journal but I thought I'd share it with everyone here. The word prompt is 'Teammate'. There are 54 more word prompts to come so stay tuned for more Bruce/Wally. Hopefully the others will be a lot longer then this one, this was just to get the ball rolling so to speak. I'd just like to point out that almost all of my work contains slash pairings. This is manxman pairings. If you don't like it that's fine, press the back button. Flames over slash content though will be disregarded and will only fan the flames. You have been warned.



Wally has always prided himself on his ability to commit to a team. It's almost second nature for him to put others before himself.

He's always known that his job as the team's speedster is critical to almost every mission.

And it's not because of his ability to quickly take down an opponent or the power that lurks quietly in his lithe muscled body.

It has nothing to do with attack power and everything to do with defence.

Because when it comes down to it, Wally is the League's last defence. He is the one who has to shoulder the responsibility of getting his teammates away as quickly and as safely as possible if everything goes wrong.

That's not to say that he doesn't take down his fair share of bad guys, because he does and he does it with pride. But Wally has known for a long time that there is more at stake.

Situations can change in the briefest of moments and he literally will only have seconds to make a choice and act.

But the scariest thing is that no matter what the situation, Wally knows who he'll save first.

And it's not because he's the most human.

Or the fact that he has no powers.

Wally would be devastated if anything happened to any his teammates. His friends.

But the truth is that life would go on. Wally has suffered his fair share of loss and come out stronger. There is nothing to say that he can't do it again. He's a born survivor. And while a world without Superman would be a darker one.

A world without Bruce would be unthinkable.