So, I finally got another chapter up, an idea that struck me with that last review. THANKS SO MUCH! Okay, so enjoy!

Disclaimer: SO NOT MINE!!

Raiting: PG...Malfoy thinks bad, evil, malicious thoughts...

Draco Malfoy walked dazedly down to the Slytherin common room, his head in a swirl. So the pompous Harry Potter was dating Cedric Diggory? THIS was juicy news! Now, the question was, how to use it to his advantage… Hmm… He could go right to Rita Skeeter, but she was surprisingly boring these days, her usual spunk lost since last year for a peculiar reason. So she wasn't an option. He could spread the gossip himself, or at least have that useless Parkinson girl do it for him. That tidbit of news would spread like wildfire through the school. But what would that get him? Just Potter's sheer embarrassment and he might not even get to witness that! No, Malfoy needed to think of a way to hold this over Harry's head like a ten-ton weight, threatening to crush him…That was it! Blackmail. With this, Malfoy could ensure all of the Quidditch matches Gryffindor played in were lost! A devilish smile began to stretch across Malfoy's wicked face as he considered the possibilities. He now had license to beat on him thoroughly for what had happened to his father! And Cedric Diggory would be powerless to help! This was amazing! Rushing back to his waiting owl in his dormitory, Malfoy snatched a slip of parchment from some worthless first year and a quill from the girl sitting across from him. He emitted a feral growl when they started to object, and their mouth's closed abruptly. He scrawled the note in his handsome lettering, trying to make it sound as menacing as possible, and he tied it to his owl's leg, and he flew of in a flurry of feathers.

CLIFFIE!! I'll try to be better at updating. I sowwy I haven't in a long time, but my life is crazy these days!