A/N; This is a Beta Read chapter by alina virgilyn, whom I thank for her time to help correct my mistakes.

In a large chamber containing two rolls of serpents heads, a young teen stabbed a large snake through its' mouth with a silver sword, only to be pierced by the snake's fang. The snake fell dead, having committed its final offense, and the teen collapsed to the ground in agony as another looked on.

"It appears, Potter, that your time has come." Riddle laughed maniacally as the young wizard closed his eyes and fell into darkness.

Unknown Location

In a dense white fog, two teens appeared out of thin air, and then looked at each other in surprise.

"Harry what happened, last I remembered . . ." A younger red haired girl trailed off as she remembered the horrible deeds she was force to commit in the past year. Tears began streaking down her cheeks, and she buried her face in her hands as she started sobbing.

"Ginny, it's alright, none of it was your fault, and you had no control over what Riddle forced you to do," Harry assured his friend as he gave her a comforting hug.

"B-but what happened Harry? Are we dead?" Ginny choked out, and looked around curiously, taking in every detail.

"We must be, because I was poisoned by a Basilisk." Harry sadly proclaimed. "It's my fault I was not strong enough to stop Riddle, and thanks to my failure he will rise again." He angrily shouted and he kicked the fog.

"Harry we both were not strong enough, I should have done more to stop Riddle," Ginny started comforting him, but she stopped speaking when a dark, boney figure appeared before them. "Who are you?" She cried out.

Harry moved to stand between her and the cloaked figure, who pointed a boney finger toward the two.

"I am the Grim Reaper, and I am here to take you to the afterlife," He gravely informed the two startled teens. "Now you both have two choices, either come quietly with me, or we can do this the hard way." The Grim warned as the teens nervously nodded in defeat.

"Looks like we have no choice but to go with you," Harry sighed and he stepped before the cloaked figure.

"As long as I am with Harry, I will go with you." Ginny gulped as the Robed figure nodded as he placed a bony hand on Ginny's shoulder, and rested his slim fingers on Harry's arm.

Kami Castle

A large man sat at a desk furiously writing, when a dark puff of smoke announced the arrival of three guests. "Good day Lady Reaper, I see you brought me some newly departed." Kami noted as he looked over at the scared teens. "Please, you have nothing to fear, unless you both done any dark deeds?" Kami questioned, but the teens quickly shook their heads. "Then in that case, would you tell me your names, and I can start on your applications to live in Spirit Realm." Lord Kami ordered and pulled out a thick manila folder.

"My name is Harry James Potter." Harry bravely informed the large man, and watched carefully as Kami's head snapped up in surprise.

"I'm Ginny Weasley." Ginny nervously stated, and Lord Kami quickly flipped through several thick pages before stopping at a printed packet. He looked up at the two, and then back at his records, and then looked up again.

"This can't be right, according to my records, you both shouldn't be here for another century." Lord Kami worriedly informed the now startled teens, before turning to the Grim. "Lady Reaper what is the meaning of this? These children should not be here yet!" Lord Kami banged his fist angrily on his desk causing the manila folder to float to the ground. The Lady Reaper's teeth chattered nervously.

"But sir, they were already in the waiting room, I was never needed to go to the Living Realm." Lady Reaper quickly defended herself, as her form faded in and out, to reveal young woman.

"But that's not possible, a newly departed cannot get to the waiting room without your help," Lord Kami accused as he looked to the teens. "You two, how did you die?" He firmly asked.

"I was poisoned by a Basilisk, and Ginny's energy was drained by a Dark Wizard, by the name of Tom Riddle." Harry answered for both of them.

"Tom Riddle! The only human who was able to cheat Death numerous times!" Lord Kami shouted in rage, his cheeks turning pink. "Lady Reaper, we must to do something about Riddle, he has already destroyed countless human lives, and many of them were destined to do great things, but because of him they never got the chance." Lord Kami yelled causing the three in the room to cringe at his outburst.

"My Lord, you know I can't do anything to the Spirits who had anchored their souls to the Living Realm!" Lady Reaper protested. "But why not find a new Spirit Hunter, since we haven't had one since we lost the last one to Morgana!" Lady Reaper calmly suggested as her Lord sighed.

"Lady Reaper you very well know that there are no suitable candidates for the position of Spirit Hunters, between then and now had yet to be found, and I doubt we ever will." Lord Kami sighed, shaking his head. A puff of red smoke appeared with a loud snapping sound, and a single page appeared on the Lord's desk. He read it, and raised his eyebrows. "Maybe not," He mused thougthfully, as he read the paper again before looking at the teens. "Harry, Ginny I can give you both another chance to live, if you accept the position of Spirits Hunters." Lord Kami gently suggested to two confused teens.

"Uhm sir, what is a Spirit Hunter?" Harry curiously asked a grim Lord Kami.

"A Spirit Hunter is a Spirit who we send back to the Living Realm to send Lost Souls to Spirit Realm." Lord Kami began. "Lost Souls are Spirits who did not make it here, and are sometimes mistaking as ghosts, if they have the power to show themselves to the living." Lord Kami finished.

"Sir why us, we are fairly young?" Ginny shyly asked the intimidating man, and shrunk back behind Harry as he turned to look at her.

"Because, young Ginny, Harry is very powerful, more powerful then anyone ever realized." Lord Kami smiled proudly, as he looked to the young Wizard. "I can help Harry to tap into his untouched power he has, and become a powerful Spirit Hunter with the help of you, Ginny." Lord Kami informed two wide-eye teens.

"It can't be, I can't be powerful, I only am mediocre in my classes, so you have the wrong Wizard!" Harry quickly protested, and color rose to the Lord's cheeks.

"I am never wrong!" Lord Kami angrily shouted, shaking the room and sending the other three shrinking in fear. "Harry I know you had a hard life, and because one made the mistake of putting you through Hell by sending you to the Dursleys, you never could accept that you special, which I assure you are." Lord Kami attempted to calm down and took deep breaths.

"Uhm sir what do I have to do to help Harry?" Ginny refused to make eye contact with the Lord.

"You, Ginny Weasley, will help Harry with the Spirit problem the Living Realm is having, since you both are connected by Fate, you will also have the potential to become a Spirit Hunter." Lord Kami gently informed a wide-eyde teen. "Now that has been said, I will contact your families who are now living in Spirit Realm, and with their help you both will learn advanced Magic, while at the same time harness your Spiritual Energy." Lord Kami said.

"How long is this going to take?" Ginny quickly asked, knitting her eyebrows together. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to see her family - her parents, siblings - ever again, and they had meant so much to her.

"I would say about fifteen years to build up your Spiritual Energy." Lord Kami estimated and Ginny gasped, shaking her head. "But not to worry, I can send you back to the time of your deaths so no one will know what happen to you." Lord Kami informed the now accepting teens.

With the teens informed of everything they needed for now, a bright light announced the arrival of two couples, which the large man introduced to the children.

"Harry I believe you your wish came true, because I want you to meet your parents." Kami smiled as the young teen eyes went wide at seeing an older man almost mirroring him, and a red hair woman standing next to him.

"Mom, dad!" Harry choked out as the couple smiled.

"Harry, my son, don't just stand there! Give your parents a hug." Lily smiled proudly as her son rushed up to her outstretched arms with a unbelieving look on her face.

With one of the families reunited, the other teen was wide-eye as she saw the second couple. "Grandma, Grandpa is that really you?" Ginny quickly asked, as the couple nodded as they smiled.

"So you do remember us, oh, we have missed you so much, Ginevra." Grandma smiled as her granddaughter quickly rushed up to her grandparents to give them a hug.

After some time, Lord Kami coughed in an attempt to gain attention, and the new reunited families separated to look at the large man he spoke. "Mr. and Mrs. Potter, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I think you should continue this at your home." Kami kindly suggested, as the couples agreed.

"Sir I know we need to start their magical training once the children are settled in, when are you going to start on their Spiritual Training?" James Potter quickly asked, and the large man looked to the Potters.

"I will send someone in a week, so as to allow the children time to adjust to living with you." Kami suggested, as the families nodded before disappearing.

With the families gone, the lord looked to the younger woman. "Lady Reaper, will I have your full cooperation to help the Hunters in the Living Realm?" Lord Kami asked doubtfully.

"I will do everything in my power to help them my Lord." Lady Reaper assured her Lord before disappearing from the room.

Once alone, the Lord sighed. "Hopefully now, with Hunters back in the Living Realm, the Spirit problem will be lessened." He had hoped it would be so, since the Living should have never beeen aware that there was an Afterlife, until after their death.