The Bubbles Happy Birthday

By: The Bubbles

Summary: My friend Tocxica, in an attempt to give me a happy birthday, gives me the ultimate present- The Doctor Himself!

Disclaimer: I would love to own the Doctor. Especially Ten. Mmmm…

:Snap:- Are you kidding me? You're crazy, Five's way cuter.

Bubbles- I'm crazy, well you're blind!

A/N: This is the last chapter and as such the end of the story. I was really surprised that so many people liked this story, I expected to get a bunch of reviews about how stupid it was, which you can't deny isn't true. I guess sometimes people need something stupid to take their mind off of stress, or something.

Chapter 6- In Which Our Heroes Escape And Jack Saves The Day

(((Bubbles- You thought I'd forgotten him, didn't you?

Snap- But you did. That's why it's the sixth chapter and he's only just now showing up.

Tocxica- I can't believe you forgot him. He's Jack.

Bubbles- Why do you two always insist on showing up in my author's notes?

Snap- You tell us; you're the one typing.

Bubbles- I hate you both.)))

Jack awoke from his nap to find that the TARDIS was completely deserted. After searching through every room in the immediate vicinity, he decided that his friends had left and exited through the TARDIS door to find them.

The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and began working it over the bars.

"What are you doing?" Bubbles asked curiously.

"I'm going to use the sonic resonance to vibrate the bars, thus creating heat energy and causing the bars to revert to a liquid state and allowing us to make our escape."

Bubbles stared blankly at him for several seconds before turning to Tocxica with a questioning look on her face.

"He means he's going to melt the bars so we can get out."


After what seemed like forever, his plan worked and they managed to get out. They were running when the snowmen went after them.

"If we can get to the TARDIS, we can escape," the Doctor said.

"Yeah, great plan, Macgyver!" Bubbles retorted. Fear for her life made her a bit more like Tocxica than usual. "Why are we running from them, anyway? Couldn't we just knock their heads off or something?"

"I'd rather you didn't try, if it's all the same to you," Tocxica said. "I'd hate to have to tell your mom that you died at the hands of evil mutant snowmen. She'd never let me steal you again."

Fear for her life made her a bit more like Bubbles than usual.

Along the way, Bubbles managed to lose her balance and trip over her own feet. She fell to the ground and scraped her chin on a rock, and it was at that point that she realized the snow had been steadily melting for the past fifteen minutes of so. She stood and turned to look. The snowmen were gaining on them, but they were slowing down as well. They were melting.

"What the heck is going on?" She asked.

"Senpai, you might want to run!" Tocxica said, helping her friend to her feet. . "They can still hurt you!"

What? Oh, right." She got up and took off. After about three steps she ran into something very solid and fell to her bum for the second time in as many minutes. She looked up. There, standing over her in all his time agent glory, stood Captain Jack Harkness. Instinct told her that the safest place in the world right now was standing right behind him, so she ran around to this safest of locations. He looked at the nearest snowman, who was somewhat faster than the others, and kicked his head off. The others, fearing for their lives, and already weakened from the rapidly warming weather, decided they were better off elsewhere.

Once they were gone, Bubbles came out from behind her rescuer and looked.

"Dude!" She said finally, so suddenly that it made him jump. "That was like the bossest thing I have ever seen in my life!"

Tocxica snapped out of her starry-eyed fangirling to reprimand her friend.

"Senpai, weren't you just saying two minutes ago that that would be easy to do?"

"Yes, I was, but he did it with style."

"That is true," Tocxica conceded, and went back to staring.

"Hello, Ladies," Jack said in that oh-so-Jack way he is wont to do.

"Stop it Jack," the Doctor warned. "They're underage."

"I'm not!" Bubbles put in cheerfully, earning her a sock in the jaw from Tocxica. "Just felt like sharing," she muttered, rubbing her aching jaw. She turned to the Doctor. "Can we go home now?"

Several minutes later, the whirring of the TARDIS told them that they had landed. Bubbles rushed out the door and scooped up a brown dog who ran to her as she did.

"Hello, my darling little Burrito-kun! Did you miss me, Sweetheart? Of course you did, my Love."

As she gushed, Tocxica checked a clock conveniently located just inside Bubbles room door.


Bubbles stopped cuddling her dog. "Yes Tocxi?"

"We've only been gone for ten minutes."

"Oh." She dropped her dog, who promptly ran over to the TARDIS and began sniffing it. "All right then."

Some time later, after everyone had left in the TARDIS and Bubbles and Tocxica were sitting around Bubbles' living room eating Ramen and watching Torchwood, Bubbles realized the downside of Tocxica's gift.

"Aw, crap!" she exclaimed. "Now I have to get you something just as good for your birthday!"

Tocxica smiled.

"Well, you've got six months."

A/N- That story was just over a year in the making. I had never planned it to be more than a oneshot, and I certainly never planned to post it, but these things happen, and when they do you've got to run with it.

Tocxica- Are you going to do a sequel for my birthday?

Bubbles- Maybe. We'll have to wait and see, now won't we?

Snap- You know that's a yes. She's been planning the sequel since November.

Bubbles- Doesn't mean I'll write it. And stay out of my head!

Snap- How'm I s'posed to do that?! I live in your head, there's nowhere else I can go anyway!