Ranger24: And the latest chapter.

Power Weapons: Your boomstick

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Hey folks," Seamus said.

"Welcome back for another chapter of why humanity won the-" Rolo'mono started but was interupted by the ringing of the phone. "Hold on a second."

He picked up the phone. "You've reached Why Humanity won the war, Rolo'mono speaking."

Then he froze.

"He what?" Rolo'mono said alarmed.

"What?" Seamus demanded.

"Ranger just broke out of Arkham Asylum," Rolo'mono replied.

"Oh gee no shock there," Seamus muttered. "Why did we ever put him up in that place?"

"It was cheap," Rolo'mono replied. "Let's just blame the grunt and get on with this."

"Right then," Seamus said popping the top of a bottle of beer.

"Today we'll be covering the S2AM sniper rifle, the rocket launcher, and the Spartan Laser," Rolo'mono continued.

"Can we hurry this up? I'd hate to see Ranger when he gets back," Seamus replied.

"Oh fine," Rolo'mono growled. "Lets start with the S2AM Sniper rifle."

The S2AM Sniper rifle is the primary long range combat sniper rifle of the UNSC. It is highly customizable with various scopes and barrels. The S2AM is can kill sheilded enemies with one head shot or two body shots. On higher difficulties however against brutes one must normally aim for the eye to due a lethal shot.

"Didn't Ranger use to snipe?" Rolo'mono said.

"Aye he did, but thats only in FPS's," Seamus replied. "Otherwise he goes up with a hack 'em up format."

"Huh," Rolo'mono muttered.

The S2AM's rounds are fin stabalized, high armor peircing, allowing it to over penetrate a target. This can be usefull against swarming masses of grunts and other enemies that tend to use human wave tactics.

"Hey you know those grunts who sucide charge ya with grenades?" Seamus asked.

"What about them?" Rolo'mono replied.

"I hear they get forty two virgins when they blow up," Seamus answered.

"You just had to make a refrence to terrorists," Rolo'mono deadpanned.

"Yep," Seamus answered.

"Okay then onto the Rocket Launcher," Rolo'mono said.

The Jackhammer rocket launcher is a powerful antivehicle weapon in the UNSC arsenal. Being one of the few weapons able to kill Hunters and packing enough punch to utterly destory most Covenant armor within two rockets makes it highly versitile. The problem of Covenant vehicles such as the ghost moving to fast to be killed by rockets in any way but a head on shot raises some challange with the Rocket Launcher.

"Ah nothing says death like rocket launcher," Seamus said bemused.

Rolo'mono shuddered.

"What's wrong with you?" Seamus asked.

"Nothing it just brought up some bad memories," Rolo'mono muttered.


We see numerous banshees heading down at a convoy of human vehicles. Rolo'mono just happens to be flying one. The lead pilot however is totally drunk.

"Okay... hic! We got... hic! A couple of 'em human... hic! Vehicle things ahead of us... Hic!" The lead pilot said.

"Sir I really don't think you should be flying drunk," Another pilot said.

"I'll fly as drunk... Hic! As I want to!" The Lead pilot snapped.

The banshee's swarmed in on the convoy the vehicles. The warthogs defending the convoy opened fire with their chain guns and gauss cannons downing several banshee's. The Banshee's opened fire with their fuel rod guns and plasma cannons destroying afew hogs and various other vehicles!

"Stay on... Hic! Target!" The Lead pilot ordered.

"We're to close!" The second pilot yelled.

Suddenly a stream of missiles shot up and wiped out everyone except the drunk guy and Rolo'mono.

"They should have stayed on target... Hic!"

End flashback.

"Are of ya split lips alcholics?" Seamus asked.

"Oh thats the pot calling the kettle black," Rolo'mono growled.

In Halo 2 the Rocket Launcher came equiped with a locking system that allowed its rockets to follow a target for a few seconds. Skilled pilots can evade this in a banshee. In Halo 3 it was removed to revert the rocket launcher to a dummy fire weapon while the target system went to the missile pods.

"Next up the Spartan laser," Rolo'mono said.

"Ima firing mha lazor!" Fapad suddenly yelled before blasting Rolo'mono and Seamus from behind.

The spartan laser is a powerful anti vehicle weapon. Its long range and devastating fire power makes it an anti vehicle sniper rifle. Its charge up time and limited power supply forces users to make every shot count. Rare and hard to find it is rarely found in the hands of common marines in a fire fight. It is most often found in the hands of ODST's or Spartans.

"Can I get a repair over here?" Seamus asked struggling over to reach his wrecked left leg.

"Just end it here," Rolo'mono moaned.

"Pwn'd." Fapad said happily.

"Next time... Turrets." Seamus moaned.

Ranger24: Read and review folks.