Disclaimer: insert blank stare here Yay I win the staring contest. Yadda yadda yadda, let's move on now shall we?

Ange: This is my first PoT fanfic and my first attempt at shounen- ai. That being said judge accordingly. Hopefully this won't turn out to be a cookie cuter inukai story either. Hopefully I will actually finish this story too. Haha, I know funny right?

EDIT: yay this is edited too.

The Laundromat

Step 1: Sort Clothes

Inui Sadaharu is a perfectionist. A perfectionist on the tennis courts, a perfectionist in school, and he is even a perfectionist within the confines of his own home. But try as he might, all of his perfectionistism (if such a word could even exist) couldn't save him from the horrors of laundry duty. Once you think about it how hard can cleaning clothes possible be? It is just simple elementary mathematics, measuring and the like. So when time and time again Inui's clothes turn out worse off than when first started, it hits him below the belt. Last week his whites all turned pink. The week before his clothes had mysteriously shrunken and before that he had so much starch in them that it was physically impossible to move.


This time around Inui wondered what misfortune has befallen him as he stood knee deep in suds watching in marvel as more still gush forth from the robotic monster that is the washing machine. Inui knows with a definite probability of 10 to 1 that his clothes are ruined and the machine broken. It was at times like these he hated being right.


With the sound of a door closing Inui turned to face his parents who just returned from a long day of grocery shopping. He stood there watching with calculating eyes as his mother let the groceries slip from her hands, cracking the eggs and spilling the milk. His father stood next to her astonished, unable to understand how his smart and cunning son could possibly make such a blunder. Inui calculated on a probability of 5 to 1 that he would be in deeper trouble than a tectonic plate. And as his mother overcame her stunned disbelief and started unleashing her frustrated anger on him, he proved himself correct.


At times Inui hated being right.


"Inui!" His mother shouted at him her voice still heightened from the shock. She only referred to him by his last name when things got really bad.


"Look at this mess! What were you thinking? The machine is probably ruined by now, not to mention our clothes."


She kept jumping from subject to subject unable to speak calmly in her incredulity.


"Do you have any idea how much this is going to cost us?"


Inui did and he told her just that. Mentally calculating all the damages to the finest detail, he gave an amount down the last yen. Hearing this, his mother felt he went too far as even more stress built upon her. Walking up to her son who already towered above her, she steadily raised her hand and let her palm harshly connect with the side of Inui's face. As a red bruise gradually blossomed on his cheek she still felt that this wasn't punishment enough. "It's too late to use your smarts now when it would have been better suited before this mess happened."


Turning to her husband she called him out on the spot, "Do you have nothing to say to your son? Look at this mess he caused. And this was a new washing machine too to top it off."


Her husband of almost two decades looked up from cleaning the groceries she dropped. He silently glanced from his wife's outraged face to his son's injured but stoic stare. "Not really," he replied, "you've done enough for the both of us." With that said he picked up their bags and headed to the kitchen, silently washing his hands of the whole mess.


She turned back to face her son, complete dissatisfied with her husband's response yet shamed at the same time. "Well anyways," she lectured on, while guiltily avoiding eye contact with Sadaharu, "I want you to clean up this mess and then go to your room and study. I just don't want to deal with this right now." She turned to leave him but before exiting the room completely she stopped to say one last thing to him, a hint of concern coloring her words.


"Make sure you put something on that bruise. Okay?"


"Understood," He replied in his trademark monotone voice. He knew that this is the closest he would ever get as an apology from her.


"Um, well just as well that you understand that's all." Without a backward glance she left to join her husband.


Surveying the area once again by now covered completely in detergent suds, Inui inwardly sighed. For once his data failed to save him.


He had yet to know how he felt about that.


This is the first chapter so it can only go downhill from here. Comments of any and all kinds are welcomed. Check out my other incomplete stories too even though they're not yaoi or PoT. /end shameless plug

That is all.