Ok ok so this is my first ever KHs fic so that means facts may not be 100 straight and characters may be a little OOC.

Disclaimer: If I owned KHs, Organisation Thirteen would still be up and running, with no casualties.


Demyx sighed as he sat on the slightly sloping roof, staring up at the huge heart-shaped moon. He was never quite sure why they chose to live where they did. Yeah sure it was convenient to be in a world between all worlds, but at the same time all that stupid moon did was remind everyone in the organisation what they had lost. It was really depressing.

Calling his Sitar the mullet-headed teenager started to play the first few bars of a random song before actually thinking about what he was playing. It was a strange song the kid had made when he had first become a nobody. Hiding in his room for days trying to adjust to the hollow feeling inside of him.

He was never exactly sure what the song was about, but it started off cheerful and happy, then suddenly it became angry and violent after a while though it would fade into a mournful tune. One that always made tears well up in his eyes.

Demyx played the song in a somewhat endless way, adding in bits where he felt like it, and taking them out where he felt it wasn't quite right. The song had never had an ending, it just faded into nothingness.

Setting his Sitar aside Demyx let it fade back into the darkness and reclined onto his back, only to be met by a golden eye, an eye patch and a huge grin.

"Hey kid"

A smile broke out over Demyx's face as he looked up at his friend and superior.

"Xiggy!" He cried.

"Hey, hey kid, knock it off" Xigbar laughed as Demyx flung himself at his friend.

"Xiggy I missed you! How was your mission? Were there Dragons? Did you see the keyblade weilder? Did you fight him? Was it fun? What did you do? Did it go well?"

Checking to make sure no-one had heard the kid call him by that stupid nickname Xigbar patted Demyx on the head.

"Yeh kid missed yer too" Looking at the kids hands he couldn't help but comment;

"Weird song you've got there kid", Demyx blushed, "What's it about?"

"I dunno..."

Searching for the right words the elder continued "It's...Eerie, Ya know?"

Nodding nostalgically the musician lay back on the roof.

"It kind of...represents me, all of us. What happened to us up until now" He mused.

Turning a thoughtful eye towards the kid Xigbar nodded, "Yeah, guess it does".


I think that was a pretty good attempt for a first Kingdpm Hearts fic dont you?

Review and let me know what you thought of it, suggestions are appreciated and taken into consideration.