Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way shape or form; if I did I wouldn't be on this website.

His Mission:

Go undercover at Sound High and find out information on the newly discovered illegal drug operations that the three richest business leaders in Japan are organizing without getting caught.

His Problem:

Stuck up bastards, avoiding suspicion from the snake-eyed science teacher, the huge breasted leader's perverted husband trying to put him in his book and so much more. It wouldn't be so bad if only he could find some decent ramen in the damn place.


"You have no choice; get rid of it."

"But father! He's my son!"

"The bastard child is a disgrace! You'll be lucky if your husband still keeps you! You've threatened everything I've worked for! Now, either you get rid of it or I will!"

"I…understand, father."

The Mother would not let her baby die; she couldn't bare him to have the same fate as her lover.

Kushina gripped the child tighter in her arms as he began to sob loudly. The rain was pelting down heavily and it plastered the small blanket he was wrapped in.

"Shhhh…It's alright, Naruto. You'll be just fine." The dark alley she was in was illuminated by a single cigarette. A puff of smoke was blown into her ashen face as the heavily scarred man took the babe from her arms. "Is this what you really want, Kushina?"

The red headed woman gave a sad smile. "No, but what other choice do I have, Ibiki? He's my son; I will not let him suffer from my mistake."

The man scowled at her, "He's going to suffer for your mistake for the rest of his life. But, he will be safe from your father and your husband."

The woman went to reach for the child, but dropped her hand, "Just keep him safe."

Ibiki nodded as he cradled the precious bundle, "I'm doing this for Minato, remember that; I won't let his son have the same fate as him.

Just remember, the next time we meet, I will be seeking revenge for the death of my sempai."

Kushina took a ragged breath and nodded; she took one last look at her son before walking out of the alley never looking back. It would be better for the bastard child. He would not know the sin of the mafia. Better him to grow with his father's organization. Maybe, if fate decided, her son would chase her down and kill her himself, like his father was supposed to have done.

Ibiki held the crying child close as they got into the limo. A distraught blond woman sat in the seats. Her eyes were red from crying and her face was blotchy; her true age shone through with her ragged appearance and she looked up with tired eyes.

Her breath hitched as she spotted the little bundle, "Is this…?"

Ibiki nodded gently placing the bundle into her shaking arms. Tsunade opened the baby blue blanket with careful hands looking at the now sleeping child. She brushed his cheek with trembling fingers.

"My grandson; w…what did she call him?"


Sabora: Well, this is the albeit, rushed background of Naruto. Naruto's past can verily well have its own story, but I didn't want to give a 10 page beginning prologue.