Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way shape or form; if I did I wouldn't be on this website.

His Mission:

Go undercover at Sound High and find out information on the newly discovered illegal drug operations that the three richest business leaders in Japan are organizing without getting caught.

His Problem:

Stuck up bastards, avoiding suspicion from the snake-eyed science teacher, the huge breasted leader's perverted husband trying to put him in his book and so much more. It wouldn't be so bad, if only he could find some decent ramen in the damn place.

The limo pulled up in front of the large school building. Sasuke sighed as he rolled down his window and got out of the car. He turned around and pulled of his shades.

"Don't forget to have a good day, Little brother."

Sasuke glared at his brother and slammed the door shut. He let out a haughty sniff and walked into the school building. Gaara looked up as he saw Sasuke walk in the door. He gave Sasuke a smirk and turned back to talking to his sister Temari.

Neji caught his eye and Sasuke walked up to his cousin.


Naruto rolled his eyes as he slammed the door to his old orange truck. This school was freaki'n huge! He let out a low whistle as he looked the old building up and down. It was a grand private school and Naruto had to give it props with how it looked.

Naruto grabbed his orange backpack that was covered in red fox faces and his black computer case. He took a deep breath and headed inside. The day wasn't going to start on its own.

Making his way to the front office, he took in all the awards that decorated the walls and the trophies in their cases. This school was pretty full of itself. Naruto chuckled to himself as he walked up to the woman in the front office.


The redhead looked up and took in his appearance with a sneer. "Yes…?"

"I'm Naruto; Naruto Uzamaki. The new student."

He just gave her a wide grin.

She gave a look of displeasure.

"Yes. Of course."

She handed him a sheet with his schedule on it. A brown haired kid was running past the office when the woman shouted out to him.


The teen skidded to a halt.


"I need you to escort," She sneered, "Uzamaki to his class as he will be having the same schedule as you."

Kiba gave a stiff formal bow. "Yes, Ma'am."

Naruto smirked as the teen turned to him, "Well, come on then."

As soon as they were out of the woman's sight Kiba let out a curse, "She is such a bitch!"

Naruto laughed, "Stole the words right out of my mouth, man."

Kiba grinned pulling his green backpack up more on his back, "Rocki'n outfit by the way!" He gave a wolf whistle in appreciation and wiggled his eyebrows making Naruto give another laugh.

Naruto laughed, "Dude, I've made a friend."

Kiba grinned, "I had a feeling we're going to be buds."

Kiba stopped in front of room 327 and grabbed the door knob.

"Home Room, Sweet Home Room."


Sasuke looked up as Kiba walked through the door. He whispered something to Kakashi-Sensei and then took his seat. The door opened again and Sasuke raised an eyebrow as a new figure walked in.

Wild blond locks thrown in each which direction accompanied by baggy orange pants that had a lot of chains on it. He wore a tight fitting white shirt that had a design of colourful splattered paints. He had black tennis shoes and when he looked at the class Sasuke had to swallow.

Those eyes.

He had ocean eyes.

Kakashi welcomed him and turned to the class,

"This is Uzamaki Naruto. Please, make him fill welcome."

"Is there anything you would like to say?"

A lazy smirk appeared on the boy's face and he winked at the class.

"Please treat me well."

He looked at Gaara out of the corner of his eye and saw him smirking.

The new student should prove to be…interesting.

Sabora: Well, It's short; but, it's better than no update."

Sabora Out!