Disclaimer: I don't own Assassin's Creed or any of its characters they belongs to Ubisoft, especially Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, shame.

Chapter 1: The guards

Altaïr was roaming around the rooftops in Jerusalem looking round for the Bureau; he eventually found it and dropped down. After receiving his feather and "information" he climbed back out.

'Looks like I'm gonna be busy if I want my ranks back. At least two are dead already' He thought as he looked over the edge of the roof

The street seemed to be abandoned apart from one guard, carefully and silently he dropped to the floor and assassinated him, he sensed trouble nearby and walked into a shadow, just as a guard came round the corner.

"Who did this?!" He shouted drawing his sword "I know you're there!"

Altaïr circled the guard slowly until he was behind him, he struck his hidden blade into the guards throat, however he forgot to check for guards and before he knew it three were running towards him.

'Maybe I should be more careful' Altaïr thought

Grinning slightly, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword (which ironically had only just been restored to him) came out of the shadows and waited, the guards saw him and ran in his direction, Altaïr waited until he could see the fury in their eyes, then drew his sword.

AN: Please R&R chapter 2 should come in a few hours time PS sorry it's so short!