Revenge Chapter 17

Millie stairs at Ray her body frozen in place with shock and fear.

"R…Ray…What, what…are you doing here?"

Ray steps a little closer.

"Oh I thought it was time to discuss your debt that's all."

He reaches up to caress her face Millie tries to step back wards but finds herself pinned to the desk. She tries to slap his hand away but he roughly grabs her and pins her face down on her desk then leans over and whispers coldly in her ear.

"Manners Mildred, you wouldn't want to make me angry now would you?"

Millie shivers in fear.


Ray smiles sickly at her.

"I didn't think so."

Still holding her against the desk he pulls out his brother's handcuffs and secures Millie's wrists, then quickly pulls out a knife from his back pocket. Leaning over so she can see it he whispers coldly.

"Now, I'd be quiet if I were you."

Millie nods terror consuming her.


Back in Chicago Sam awakens to find himself in a hospital bed with his partner at his side.


Scott moves in closer and gives his partner a relieved smile.

"Hey man it's good to see you awake. How you feeling?

Sam winces as Scott hands him a cup of water.

"Like my head was used for batting practice."

Scott nods and sighs.

"That appears to be pretty damn close to what happened."

Sam groans as he remembers.


"We figured as much."

"You find him?"

"No, looks like he split but we're working with the FBI to find him."

Sam sighs heavily while Scott shifts nervously.

"Listen, man I don't mean to alarm you, but your Mom appears to be with him. Is there any chance he kidnapped her?"

Sam laughs humorlessly.

"No, way man. It was probably her idea to run in the first place. She'd do anything for him."

Scott raises his eyebrow at his partner.

"Even hurt you? Look, I know you've said the two of you have never been close but…"

Sam sighs heavily.

"Scott, the only thing that matters to Norma Galuski is her baby boy, and that's not me. I was just baggage when she married my Dad."

"I'm sorry man."

Sam shrugs.

"Hey it's nothing new. She's always been this way."

"But why? I mean, you're the one who looks out for her. You're the one who gave her a place to live after her stroke. You're the one that paid for her rehabilitation."

"Yeah, and I'm also a constant reminder that Dad loved someone before her. At any rate this is how things are."

"Ray's always been her favorite, huh?"

"Pretty much. My folks tried for two years to have him with no luck, and then when he came along he was three months early and nearly died. So naturally they spoiled him and doted all over him at first. As time went on I think it was just such a habit that they didn't think to stop. Then his genus was discovered and my parents saw dollar signs and fame. Suddenly, Ray was priorities one through five. Anything he wanted or needed he got so long as he kept winning awards and was willing to be in the spot light. Ray was made to believe that he was entitled to anything and everything that he wanted. No one ever said no to him about anything. I think when you grow up like that you start believing that you are above the rules. I doubt he thinks he's done anything wrong."


Back in Millie's office Ray now has Millie standing her back pressed up against him one arm around her waist the other holding the knife against her throat.

"What do you say we go make are selves more comfortable on that couch of yours?"

Millie starts to shake her head no causing Ray to ever so lightly brush the blade up against her throat.

"What was that?"

Just then the door to Millie's office slams open revealing Don.

"Freeze, FBI!"

Ray quickly maneuvers Millie so she's blocking him and presses the knife into Millie's throat.

"Back off or I'll slit her throat right here right now!"

"Just calm down Ray, just calm down."

"Oh I'm perfectly calm, and in control now back off!"

"Come on Ray, let her go, let's talk about this!"

"There's nothing to talk about! She messed with me, so she's going to pay, that's how it works!"

"Come on Ray, you don't really want to hurt Millie."

"Like hell I don't now get out of my way!"

"I can't do that, now come on just put the knife down."

"You are not calling the shots here, I am! I'm a genus and I have a knife that means I'm in charge!"

During the above tirade Ray has allowed the knife to move a little away from Millie's throat. Seeing his chance David who is watching through the window fires hitting Ray in the arm causing him to drop the knife. There is a flurry of action as Don races towards Ray and tackles him to the ground and Millie falls to her knees crying. Soon the room is swarming with FBI agents along with Charlie who races to Millie's side. He drapes a blanket over her shoulders as he talks to her soothingly.

"It's okay, you're all right, everything is going to be all right. We have you, we have you."

Millie continues to cry as Charlie does his best to reassure her. Meanwhile an injured Ray is taken from the room yelling all the while.

"How dare you do this?! Don't you know who I am?!"


Back at the FBI Agent Dobson is in an interrogation room with Mrs. Galuski.

"Mrs. Galuski, do you understand the charges you and your son are facing?"

Mrs. Galuski practically snarls at Agent Dobson.

"What I understand is my son is being framed!"

Lucy sighs heavily.

"Mrs. Galuski, we have an eye witness account, we have his finger prints all over the apartment, the rape test came back positive on Agent Reeves and the DNA we found matches your son's."

Mrs. Galuski sighs in exasperation.

"The witness is obviously lying and all the evidence means is that she had a relationship with my son and is now trying to call it rape so her boyfriend doesn't find out."

"The eye witness is the Agent's boyfriend, Mrs. Galuski."

"I don't care who it is! My son would never do such a thing and I'll spend the rest of my life in jail before I help you hurt him!"

With that Mrs. Galuski spits in Agent Dobson's face. Just then an agent knocks on the door and peeks his head in.

"Agent Dobson?"

Lucy wipes her face and gets up.

"I'll be right back."

"Stay away as long as you want bitch!"

Lucy sighs and shakes her head as she leaves the room.

"Not cracking, huh?"

"No, but with a mother like that I'm starting to understand Ray a little better. Anything new?"

"Yeah, actually. Word just came in, they caught Ray at CalSci."

"That's great!"

The other agent nods.

"They'll be here in a couple hours. Apparently Ray got shot in the arm so they have to stop at the ER."

"No one else was hurt were they?"

"No. He basically took his old boss hostage and held a knife to her throat but she's going to be okay, just shaken up mostly."

Lucy nods.

"Looks, like we got him just in time."

The other agent nods in agreement.


Amita, Megan and Larry are relaxing in front of the TV when Alan comes in to the room after hanging up the phone. He has a very worried and distracted look on his face. All three look at him with concern. Larry is the first to speak.

"Alan? Is everything all right?"

"Was that Charlie on the phone?"

"Have they found Ray?"

Larry squeezes Megan's hand reassuringly as he notes the pain just saying his name causes her. Alan takes a deep breath collecting his thoughts.

"That was Charlie. They…they found Ray at CalSci. He was…was holding Millie hostage."

Alan looks at the door anxiously as everyone reacts.

"Oh my stars!"

"What did Charlie say?"

"Is Millie all right?"

Alan takes a deep breath.

"Millie is fine. They were able to rescue her before she got hurt, and Ray is in custody with a bullet in the arm."

Larry wraps his arms around Megan protectively.

"I dare say he got off easy."

Alan nods.

"Charlie is bringing Millie back here now."

As if on cue the front door opens as Charlie helps a visibly shaken Millie in. Alan rushes over to her and wraps her in his arms.


"I'm here, you're okay, I've got you."

Amita rushes over to Charlie who hugs her tightly to him then still in his arms she smiles up at him proudly.

"Charlie Eppes saves the day once more?"

Charlie sighs as he looks over wearily to where Alan is comforting a distraught Millie.

"Yeah, barely"